Wed Jul 7 10:18:50 2021
To be a good game, you need decisions. These need to be real
decisions, not illusory decisions. An illusory decision can be
of two types:
- the decision doesn't matter, as all choices lead to the same outcome
- the decision is trivial, as one choice dominates the others.
Thus, in tic-tac-toe, as any child quickly discovers, the choice of which
square to mark is illusory, as each square either leads to a loss or
a tie, and there's no particular reason to prefer one tie-square over another.
Wide or tall?
Quantity or quality?
Some games give a choice between going "wide", that is, a large expansion,
or "tall", that is, a small expansion, but make what you have better.
In wargames, this is known as quantity or quality, lots of crappy units,
or fewer better units.
It's hard to get the balance here right. Most space type 4X games
don't really allow for a "tall" strategy, because there's a limit to
how good a planet can get, and you eventually need to grow bigger, not
just better.
Another problem with high quality is that in many games, the number
of units is so few, that you can't afford to lose any of them at all.
Posted in / games
Sat Mar 20 23:59:57 2021
I just picked up a 13 inch M1 macbook pro. Blogging what I had to do
to make it sane.
I used disk utility to create a new apfs partition that was case
Then vifs to add the following to /etc/fstab
UUID=7B0BF555-DE9E-406A-A3E4-A514B20D31BB /System/Volumes/Data/home apfs auto 0 2
from there, a reboot into recovery mode to move the existing
home directory out of the way and rsync the new one
in /Users the home directory should be symlinked to /System/Volumes/Data/home/dir/
I did this from recovery mode, where it's then under something else.
I copied my private and public ssh key from my main server.
Then ssh-add worked to install the key or password there to
into the mac os keychain.
System Preferences
The clowns at mac think that the wrong direction is "natural" for scrolling,
so in the trackpad I changed the scroll direction.
I like the dock on the left, so I changed that in the Dock and menu bar.
I also set the dock to autohide, because then it's not in the way.
Display set to scaled/more space. Theme set to dark.
The default terminal has rounded corners. In fact everything does.
In the terminal preferences, I changed the default profile to "Pro",
and set the window size to 80x35. Under the "Shell" I changed the window
to close when the shell exits.
The default background color is set to 85% opacity, so change that to 100%.
The font defaults to Monaco at 10 point, which is too small for me, so
I changed that to SF Mono at 18 point. That sounds huge, but with
the screen scaled to more space, it's about right.
Set the shell to close the tab or window when it exits.
Ugh. So, use Safari to download and install firefox.
Then, find your old profile on your old machine and tar it up.
It should be in ~/Library/Application Support/Firefox/Profiles
Copy it to your new machine in the same directory path and untar it.
I kept firefox closed while doing this.
Firefox won't find the new directory, because it wants to use a .ini file
instead of reading the directory. So edit Library/Application Support/Firefox/profiles.ini to make firefox aware of your new directory.
You'll probably need to rename it in the ini file as well.
Then start firefox and go to about:profiles. From there you can set your
old one as the default. Then quit and restart. Clicking on the 'Restart Normally' button didn't work.
In System Preferences / General, change the default web browser to Firefox
Adium hasn't been re-compiled for the M1 processor, and needs Rosetta.
Adium also doesn't scroll down automatically.
XCode and MacPorts
xcode will be needed for macports
xcode-select --install
ports to install
- git
- vim
- gmake
- ImageMagick
- mutt
- gunits
FontBook appears to install the extra fonts in
/System/Library/AssetsV2/com_apple_MobileAsset_Font6 where they can't be found.
Copy them from there to ~/Library/Fonts
Turn off Emojis
Under the keyboard of system preferences, set the emoji/function key to do
Posted in / hardware
Tue Nov 17 14:41:29 2020
Peter Krumins has a blog post about set operations in the unix shell
which has some issues.
- Many of his operations are bash specific, and so I wouldn't call
them for the "unix" shell, but rather the bash shell.
- For the most part, they aren't set operations at all, but rather
bag operations.
- There is a join(1) command which can simplify some of these.
But the items are good for what they are. Following is my take on these.
First some definitions and specifications.
- A set is a unique list of elements, one per line.
- A bag is a non-necessarily unique list of elements.
- Sets and bags will be in files names with capital letters.
- Specific elements will be given in single quotes.
- A plain unquoted 'e' will be used to denote an arbitrary element
- Tests output nothing to stdout and exit 0 if the test is true and 1 if false
Set Membership
This is a simple grep against a fixed string.
grep -Fxq e A
Set Equality
This is more difficult, because the set files may not be sorted,
and we want to avoid intermediate files. We can use join here to
output non-matching lines.
expr "$(join -v1 -v2 A B | head -n1 | wc -l)" = 1 > /dev/null
Ok, that's hideous. I am not aware of any unix command that will
return by exit value if it's input is empty.
Merely outputing the wc -l won't give an exit value, so by itself that's
not sufficient to meet the above specs.
So, here's a better version:
join -v1 -v2 A B | head -n1 | (read x && test -n "$x")
At least a little better anyway, as it's a pure pipeline, albeit
with a subshell. The subshell isn't strictly needed, but it
avoids polluting the calling shells namespace.
From here on out the snippets will assume that you have the read and test
in a shell function or program named 'nonempty', which returns true
if its stdin consists of at least one line.
Similarly the snippets will assume that you have an 'empty'
program which is the opposite.
And both of those will only need to read at most one line, so
a preceeding head -n1 isn't needed.
Set Cardinality
The cardinality of a (finite) set is just the number of elements.
Unlike the above, this produces a result, so we don't have
to do stupid tricks with expr to get an exit status.
wc -l A | cut -d ' ' -f1
Ok, that's still dumb, because there isn't any way to tell wc
to not say the name of the file, if it reads from a file rather
than stdin. So you can do
wc -l < A
But the redirect has a certain goofiness of it's own.
We can let awk do the work.
awk 'END { print NR }' A
I think that's posix. It's going to be generally true that "let awk
handle it" will solve these issues. I'm not sure that's a shell solution
though, and I'd have to retitle this post as set operations in awk, which
isn't nearly as cool.
Here we're testing if A is a subset of B
join -v1 A B | empty
Here the join will output the elements in A that didn't have a match.
If that's empty, then it's a subset. Note that this is not
necessarily a proper subset, as the sets could be equal.
Since sets can't have any duplicate elements, we just sort -u
sort -u A B
The join command makes this trivial.
join A B
The elements of A that are not in B
join -v1 A B
Symmetric Difference
Elements that are in A or B but not both
join -v1 -v2 A B
Power Set
A power set is a 'set of sets', specifically the set of all subsets of
a set. We don't really have any way to represent arbitrarily
nested sets. Since we don't need to parse them, just generate
them, I'll put them as the elements separated by spaces on a single line.
If we assign a bit to each element of the starting set, then the power set is
the set of all N bit numbers, with the subset elements corresponding to the set
a b c = three elements.
so it has subsets:
000 = {}
001 = {c}
010 = {b}
011 = {b,c}
and then the power set is just the set of all of those sets.
{ {}, {a}. {b}. {c}, {a, b} ... }
So, I can output the power set by getting the count, computing 2^count, then doing some ridiculous bit bashing.
And for even as little as 32 elements, the powerset will have 4 billion
The obvious conclusion is "don't do this in shell".
Posted in / software
Mon Dec 30 21:45:28 2019
We've played a lot of 1830, and some 1846. While those games
have some differences, they basically play the same.
We recently picked up
and it plays a lot differently.
Specifically, the way companies count their revenue from train runs
is completely different. In 1830 trains each count their runs
separately, and you can't reuse track at all. In 1862, you can
reuse track with different trains, but you can only score each
station, port, or off-board area once for your whole company,
and each of your runs has to link up into a connected network.
This means that with multiple trains, you will necessarily be
hitting a large station more than once, but you can only count it
once. Rather than thinking of it as scoring trains, it makes more
sense to think of it as building a network with your trains, and then
counting where you hit with your network.
To evaluate a train then, don't think about how the train can run,
but rather how it can extend your network. Long runs of track are
rewarded if you have multiple trains, and maximizing the advantages of
each type of train in a multiple permit company will lead to higher
Merger Cost
Other than a few edge cases, you will always lose value on a merger.
For "normal" mergers, the loss in value will be about one-third.
Take a merger of two companies, where you own 5 shares of one
valued at 82 and 7 shares of another valued at 110. In this
case you lose 342 in share value, a 31% loss. It may be
that 60% of the combined revenue is worth more, and it will
be easier to multiple jump to regain the share value, but
you still have a 342 loss to overcome. It may have been
better to sell a higher valued share and buy two lower valued
If you did that, and then immediately merged at the beginning of the next stock
round, you'd pay a net of 54, and then merge 7 shares at 82 with 6 shares at
105, which would entail a loss of 308. Plus the 54 paid out, is a loss of 362,
or $20 more than the previous case. You'd also have to shell out $64 to redeem
an option share, for a final loss in value of $426.
Posted in / games
Wed Jul 18 12:24:42 2018
Basic thoughts:
Stock Purchases
- Attempt to obtain five shares in companies where the player is the president.
- Maximize dividend payout
- Start a company, par price sufficient to buy five shares. Otherwise don't start.
First stock round: start a company if it can buy five shares. If not,
buy the most number of shares? Diversify? One of each?
What company to start? Preference defined by game? Minors?
Minors: buy cheapest offered minor. take random card?
What company to start?
Running companies
Company money target: two tile lays, plus one token, plus second cheapest available train.
plus cost of minors?
Issue shares: always issue if possible? Issue if would hit company money target?
Purchase minors: always purchase if possible? Purchase if run increases? Purchase
if will still hit money target? Money target minus train?
Lay track and tokens: always play to maximize revenue.
Then, shareholder input for additional tile lay. Need at least two shares, greatest number
of shares wins, can't go below money target, ties for greatest broken by how many of
the players companies shares are owned by the opponent. If still tied, no additional
Once revenue can't be increased further, extend a run. Take shareholder input, if
any. Where track lay costs money, don't go below a token or train.
Pay or keep: attempt to have enough money for the next train, and a token.
Would withholding be the difference between buying the next train or not? If
yes, withhold, if not, pay.
Buy trains: opponent will never sell trains. Buy a train if it would
increase the run. Buy the train that increases the run the most, (on
existing track?) Buy a permanent train.
Posted in / games
Fri Jun 1 00:00:00 2018
Real Property taxes are the only tax that doesn't require that the
government be nosy. It is necessary for the government
to know who owns property (and I mean real property here,
rather than personal property) in order to resolve disputes.
If I claim I own your house, to resolve the dispute, the court
will need to have a definitive record, or be able to get one
easily, as to who owns the house. Since ownership is what
determines whether an access is lawful or trespass, these
sorts of disputes will depend on the court knowing who
owns the property.
This is also true of personal property of course, but these
don't need a central registry as much, since personal property
is movable.
A tax on property just requires a central registry of property
ownership, which we already have, and a collection mechanism,
which we also already have. The government only needs to know
what the tax parcels are, and how much each is taxed. The
government does not need to know who paid the tax, where the
money came from, or anything else. All the government needs
to do is know what the tax parcels are and whether the tax was
In principle, the government doesn't even need to know who
owns a given tax parcel unless there's a dispute, but there
are other advantages to a central ownership registry, and I would
expect that keeping the tax authorities from accessing it would
be impossible in any case.
Title on real estate is fundamentally based on force. You have title
to your property because you can defend it. Defending it personally
is both difficult and inefficient, so people band together to defend
each others property. Why should I respect your claim on real estate?
One reason is that you will respect mine, another, and stronger reason
is that you will help me defend mine.
Like many things in modern life, we have replaced the personal obligation with
a money obligation. Contracts aren't generally enforced by requiring specific
performance, rather we merely assess a monetary penalty. In medieval times,
the personal requirement of a landholder to show up and bring a particular
amount of men was gradually replaced with scutage, a money payment to avoid
personal service. The superior lord would then use this money to hire men as
A tax on property is simply a replacement for a requirement to show up
personally, and as it turns out, a much more efficient way to do things.
This assumes that you have an obligation in the first place. One might
reject that obligation, but then why should I, or anyone else, respect
or defend your title? In other words, suppose I acceed to your notion,
and agree that you have no obligations. Why then should I not, alone
or in concert with others, simply take by conquest your land? Your
objections that I "shouldn't do that", or "I have no right to", have
no meaning. All titles eventually root in "by right of conquest",
and while there is somethign to be said for sanctifying a chain of title
by time, there isn't some magical period after which acquiring title
by right of conquest is not legitimate. There will of course be a period
wherein there are two claimants to a land title, but eventually the
one not in possession will fade away.
I am not personally strong enough to defend my property against all comers,
but I am willing to band with others, and defend their titles if they
will defend mine. I will accept an obligation to act in that defense.
So, how might I meet my obligation? It could be met personally,
but, again, the modern way is to meet it with a money payment.
A money payment will have to be paid in some manner, and it will have to be
apportioned somehow. Since the money payment is ultimately, for the defense of
property, making the payment be proportional to the amount of property
to be defended is reasonable. How then do we assess the "amount of property"?
Any number of ways are possible, but we live in an age where money is
available and land is alienable, so a simple measurement of what would
the property sell for, in the usual imaginary arms-length transaction
between a willing seller and willing buyer.
Some specific suggestions as to how to assess property.
Someone will need to put an actual dollar figure on property. This
can be done in several ways, which fall into three categories: the government
assigns a value, the property owner assigns a value, or a third party assigns
a value. A third party here is a party not connected to either the owner
or the government. A professional assessor hired by the government is
not a third party for this purpose.
In some sense, the value assigned is meaningless. If a government wants to
raise (say) one million dollars in taxes, and the tax base is assessed at a
total of one hundred million, the government simply sets the tax rate at one
percent. If the government wanted two million, it can simply set the tax rate
at two percent. So, by itself, an assigned value has no connection to reality,
rather it serves to apportion the tax among the taxpayers. It would be the
exact same result if the government assigned points to property and taxed a
hundred dollars per point. This could even easily be a workable system, with a
point schedule. One point per bedroom, one point per bathroom above one, one
point per garage stall, one point per full quarter acre. A point system would
probably be more sophisticated, but would be entirely workable, and serves to
illustrate the point that the government will have a budget it wants to meet,
and will collect that taxes by adjusting the rate if needed, and an "assesssed
value" is really a finely tunes set of points, rather than a value as such.
It would be useful to connect the value to reality in some manner. One
way is to make the assessments a binding offer to buy or sell. If the
government makes the assessment, this should be a binding offer to purchase
the property at that price. Similarly, if the owner makes the assessment,
this should be a binding offer to sell. A third party making an assessment
would also be a binding offer to buy. Taxes then would be paid based
on the highest assessment on record.
Any system can be gamed and corrupted. If the government is setting an
assessment, and is compelled to make an assessment a binding offer to buy, the
government can, as noted above, just set the tax rate as it needs and make very
low assessments. If, for example, a house would sell for $100000, the
government could just assess it at $50000 and double the tax rate. Since
no-one would sell for $50000, this doesn't put any limitation on the government
to make reasonably assessments. I don't see any solution to this other than
fixing the tax rate, which removes any flexibility, and wouldn't last in any
case. Eventually the government would remove the restriction, or get around
it by creating additional tax authorities.
An assessment by the owner also has an incentive to understate the value
of the property, since that would reduce the owner's relative tax burden.
If the government would be the only entity that could buy at the owner's
stated value, then politically connected owners would be able to understate
their assessment, confident that the government wouldn't actually
buy out their property.
A third party assessment has less of an incentive to under or overstate the
value of a property, however, the could be an incentive to harass a property
owner by making a high assessment to drive up their property tax bills. This
can be mitigated or eliminated by requiring that a third party assessment have
the full amount of the assessment put in escrow to be effective. Interest on
this amount should go to the government.
more to come...
Posted in / econ
Wed Apr 25 15:15:50 2018
Here is a script that will output commands to break up the head git commit into
a separate commit for each file. Public domain.
#break up a given commit into separate commits, one for each file
#commit=$(git rev-parse "${1:-HEAD}")
#git rebase -i
author=$(git log -n1 $commit --format='%an <%ae>')
authdate=$(git log -n1 $commit --format='%ad')
msg=$(git log -n1 $commit --format='%B')
# while read?
echo git reset HEAD^
git diff-tree --no-commit-id --name-only -r $commit -z |
xargs -0 -n1 -IFILE echo git add FILE '&&' git commit -C $commit -uno
Posted in / software
Thu Jun 22 15:11:38 2017
Here's a small function to create an assertion, which throws an error
if the first argument is not true. Public domain.
create or replace function assert(pass boolean, msg text default null)
returns void
language plpgsql
as $$
if pass then
end if;
if msg is null then
get diagnostics msg = PG_CONTEXT;
end if;
raise exception '%', msg;
Posted in / software / postgres
Wed Mar 15 17:09:03 2017
I frequently need to get the definition of a function out of
postgres, so here's a small shell script I wrote to do that.
cat <<EOS
select pg_get_functiondef(oid)
from pg_proc where proname = '$1'
} | psql -Aqt
Posted in / software / postgres
Sun Mar 5 15:37:01 2017
I recently bought a early 2015 macbook pro, and there's a lot of issues.
Apparently the Retina displays actually suck. Since the programmers
at apple are apparently not talented enough to change the font size
on the menu bar, if you use the actual resolution of the screen, it's
too small to read. So their "solution" is to default to doubling
each pixel. This actually give me less screen resolution than
I had on my 2011 macbook pro. They also don't allow you to
even set the screen to the maximum resolution, but do allow
for some scaled resolutions. Which is going to make it blurry.
The whole point of having more screen resolution is to use it, instead
I get to pay for a screen that I don't really get to use. They could
have just made the laptop cheaper, or even wrote a way to set the
title font size.
Some other things to do, if in the future I should have the mis-fortune
of having to set up a mac laptop again.
- coconutBattery
- .vimrc
- macports
- xcode
- trackpad settings
- adium
- firefox
- mactex
- repartition to get a case sensitive filesystem, and a small CS one
- touch /etc/crontab so cron works
- run csrutil disable in recovery mode
Posted in / hardware
Sun Nov 27 15:23:51 2016
In high school, some friends and I had a project to build a computer
ourselves. We didn't get very far at the time. I've been playing
around with an arduino the last few days and the idea has come back
to mind.
So I started looking around at how I might build a computer
from relatively discrete components. Not down to the transistor
level, but ideally with
each major subsystem being separate. We had a 16 bit computer
in mind, as we'd had Commodore 64's, and thought a 16 bit computer
would be cool.
I've looked around, and there don't seem to be all that many actual
16 bit processors around. Several 16 bit microcontrollers. I'd
like to be able to use external ram, which means that the CPU chip
will need to have external memory address pins. So for this post,
I'm meaning microcontroller to mean that there is no direct support
for external memory.
I'd also like everything to be available in PDIP packages to make
the design and prototyping easier.
What I've found so far:
CR16: doesn't seem to be actually
Looks like one is available: $27
C166S: possibly available, a hybrid
processor, with embedded ram, but an external databus. Seems to be from
$10-$25. These are available in TQFP or LQFP packages.
documentation terrible
[W65C816S]: This is a 6502 with extensions for 16 bit registers and a 24 bit
memory bus. It seems heavily banked into 64K regions. I'd also like to use a
cleaner 16 bit CPU.
The following have no support for external memory
Posted in / hardware