Bad Data

Big Sur Setup

Sat Mar 20 23:59:57 2021

I just picked up a 13 inch M1 macbook pro. Blogging what I had to do to make it sane.

Case sensitive file system for my home directory

I used disk utility to create a new apfs partition that was case sensitive.

Then vifs to add the following to /etc/fstab

UUID=7B0BF555-DE9E-406A-A3E4-A514B20D31BB /System/Volumes/Data/home apfs auto 0 2

from there, a reboot into recovery mode to move the existing home directory out of the way and rsync the new one

in /Users the home directory should be symlinked to /System/Volumes/Data/home/dir/

I did this from recovery mode, where it's then under something else.


I copied my private and public ssh key from my main server. Then ssh-add worked to install the key or password there to into the mac os keychain.

System Preferences

The clowns at mac think that the wrong direction is "natural" for scrolling, so in the trackpad I changed the scroll direction.

I like the dock on the left, so I changed that in the Dock and menu bar. I also set the dock to autohide, because then it's not in the way.

Display set to scaled/more space. Theme set to dark.


The default terminal has rounded corners. In fact everything does.

In the terminal preferences, I changed the default profile to "Pro", and set the window size to 80x35. Under the "Shell" I changed the window to close when the shell exits.

The default background color is set to 85% opacity, so change that to 100%.

The font defaults to Monaco at 10 point, which is too small for me, so I changed that to SF Mono at 18 point. That sounds huge, but with the screen scaled to more space, it's about right.

Set the shell to close the tab or window when it exits.


Ugh. So, use Safari to download and install firefox. Then, find your old profile on your old machine and tar it up. It should be in ~/Library/Application Support/Firefox/Profiles

Copy it to your new machine in the same directory path and untar it.

I kept firefox closed while doing this.

Firefox won't find the new directory, because it wants to use a .ini file instead of reading the directory. So edit Library/Application Support/Firefox/profiles.ini to make firefox aware of your new directory. You'll probably need to rename it in the ini file as well.

Then start firefox and go to about:profiles. From there you can set your old one as the default. Then quit and restart. Clicking on the 'Restart Normally' button didn't work.

In System Preferences / General, change the default web browser to Firefox


Adium hasn't been re-compiled for the M1 processor, and needs Rosetta. Adium also doesn't scroll down automatically.

XCode and MacPorts

xcode will be needed for macports

xcode-select --install

ports to install


FontBook appears to install the extra fonts in /System/Library/AssetsV2/com_apple_MobileAsset_Font6 where they can't be found. Copy them from there to ~/Library/Fonts

Turn off Emojis

Under the keyboard of system preferences, set the emoji/function key to do nothing.

Posted in / hardware