Thu Jun 22 15:11:38 2017
Here's a small function to create an assertion, which throws an error
if the first argument is not true. Public domain.
create or replace function assert(pass boolean, msg text default null)
returns void
language plpgsql
as $$
if pass then
end if;
if msg is null then
get diagnostics msg = PG_CONTEXT;
end if;
raise exception '%', msg;
Posted in / software / postgres
Tue Jul 7 05:19:50 2015
I am working on a basic ticketing system, and in the ticket table
I have an "Impact" column, which should only allow a particular
set of pre-defined impacts. The problem with using a numeric
value for "severity" or similar is that people don't know what
the numbers are supposed to mean and they tend to overstate the
severity of their particular ticket.
So I have, rather than "severity", "impact". The values I have
tentatively decided on are
- Production Outage
- Unusable
- Inconvenient
- Informational
These aren't necessarily the best names, "Inconvenient" should perhaps
be separated into "Has Work Around", and "Partial Functionality" or something
like that.
We would however like to sort by the impact. There are a couple
of ways to do this naively.
You could cleverly choose the names of the field to be in alphabetical
order. I mention this only because it occurred to me. There are probably
enough synonyms that you could always make this work, but the names would
more likely than not become quite tortured.
The other way is to have a separate "impact type" table with the
name and a sort order or numerical level. But you'd have to join
this table every time you wanted to sort or every time you wanted
to get the name for the level depending on whether you chose the name
or the number to be the primary key.
Neither of these solutions is very elegant. So, enter the enum.
We can create an enum thus:
create type impact as enum (
'Production Outage'
Which allows us to sort, compare, and generally use the labels instead
of numbers. Internally these are stored in four bytes and postgres handles
the conversions for you. They're effectively a 32 bit float as far as the
storage is concerned.
So far so good, but I'm writing an external application which needs to
know what order the enum labels are in. Fortunately, it is simple
to query the catalogs and get this information. I wrote a helper
create function enumlist(enumname text) returns
setof pg_enum language 'sql' as $$
select * from pg_enum where enumtypid = enumname::regtype::oid
$$ stable strict;
Which can be used to get the labels and sort order for them for use by
an external application.
% psql -c "select * from enumlist('impact')"
enumtypid | enumsortorder | enumlabel
19525184 | 1 | Informational
19525184 | 2 | Inconvenient
19525184 | 3 | Unusable
19525184 | 4 | Production Outage
(4 rows)
The advantage of this is that you don't have to hard-code the values anywhere,
and the database is the master repository of your label definitions. If
your applications query this as needed, any change in the database will
be automatically reflected in your application logic and displays. Any time
you can avoid a double edit, that's a win for maintainability.
Posted in / software / postgres