Coding Standards ================ Please try and stick to the GNU coding standards. A lot of hard work went into making Check compatible with the standards, and would be nice if that work didn't erode. I decided on the standards because they work well for a lot of programs much bigger than Check. Ok, since you're wondering, the advantages of sticking to the standards are three-fold: 1) consistent style within the project 2) being familiar with the standards lets you work on lots of different GNU standards-compliant projects pretty easily 3) it reduces the number of decisions that must be made Doxygen Reference for Development ================ You can use `doc/doxygen-devel` target to generate a verbose doxygen reference. Resulting documentation will be placed into `doc/doxygen-devel`. This option needs graphviz installed to render call graphs. If graphviz is not found they won't be rendered. Release Process =============== To create a release one will need to be a member of the libcheck organization on GitHub. If you are not a member, a current member can add you by going to: and submitting an invite. 1) To create a release, start in a configured in-place checkout of the Check project: $ git clone $ cd check 2) Determine the version of Check to release, and update the script: AC_INIT([Check], [0.10.1], [check-devel at lists dot sourceforge dot net]) CHECK_MAJOR_VERSION=0 CHECK_MINOR_VERSION=10 CHECK_MICRO_VERSION=1 (Remember to update both the AC_INIT line and each of the CHECK_*_VERSION fields). 3) Update the header in the NEWS file to mention the release: Sun Aug 2, 2015: Released Check 0.10.1 2015-08-02 19:21:14 +0000 based on hash f399542eeceb97703bca496b68bb39044e8baa01 4) Update index.html mentioning the release. Look for the following: 5) Attempt to build the release locally $ autoreconf -i $ ./configure $ make distcheck If this passes, a tarball with the current release number will be in the current directory. Make note of this, as it will be uploaded to GitHub later. 6) Commit the changes to, NEWS, and index.html to the Check project's master branch, with the commit message: "Update for release" 7) Log On to GitHub and navigate to: Click "Draft a New Release". Enter the release version to the Tag Version box, and enter the git hash into the Target selector. Fill in the Release Title field. Describe the release with something similar to the following: ===== Please test it out and report any problems you might have. Changes: ===== Attach the tarball for the release, then publish the release. 8) Use the following template to announce the release via email: ===== Subject: check-X.Y.Z released Hi, Please test it out and report any problems you might have. Thanks, `whoami` ===== 9) Update the development header in the NEWS file and commit the result. 10) Push updated website (see section below) Congratulations, you are done! Update website ============== The Check website is automatically hosted from the contents of the gh-pages branch in the Check git repository. To update the website, merge the contents of the master branch into the gh-pages branch. To update the generated documentation for the website: $ git remote -v github (fetch) github (push) $ git fetch github $ git checkout github/gh-pages -b gh-pages Branch gh-pages set up to track remote branch gh-pages from github. Switched to a new branch 'gh-pages' $ git merge github/master First, rewinding head to replay your work on top of it... Fast-forwarded gh-pages to github/master. $ autoreconf -i $ ./configure $ make clean $ make $ make doc/check_html $ make doc/doxygen $ git add doc $ git commit -m “Update documentation” $ git push github gh-pages:gh-pages Automatic building of pull requests =============== The GitHub project is configured to build pull requests either when asked or automatically. This is done using the GitHub Pull Request Builder Plugin. Documentation here: When a new pull request is opened in the project and the author of the pull request isn't white-listed, builder will ask "Can one of the admins verify this patch?". An admin can add one of the following comments to the pull request: "ok to test" to accept this pull request for testing "test this please" for a one time test run "add to whitelist" to add the author to the whitelist If the build fails for other various reasons you can rebuild. "retest this please" to start a new build When a build is triggered a job on the Jenkins instance will start: When complete, a comment will be added to the pull request, informing of the result. An admin can be added to the Jenkins instance by adding a username to the "Admin list" setting under the "GitHub Pull Request Builder" section here: This works because there is a user in the libcheck organization, "check-builder", which the Jenkins instance uses to install a git hook and push comments to pull requests. Using gcov =============== The gcov tool can be used to determine the unit test coverage in Check itself. This is currently supported on GNU/Linux only. To enable the necessary build time flags, add the following argument to the configure script: --enable-gcov Once the unit tests have been run with $ make check assuming the terminal is in the top src directory, the following will generate summary information using gcov: $ cp src/*.c src/.libs/ $ cd src/.libs $ for file in `ls *.c`; do gcov -f $file > $file.gcov.summary.txt mv $file.gcov $file.gcov.txt done The *.gcov.txt files will contain the source code annotated with the number of times each line was executed. The .*gcov.summary.txt files will contain a line execution summary per function. To determine the line execution summary for all of Check, either the gcovr tool can be used, or the following quick-and-dirty script: $ for file in ls *.summary.txt; do cat $file; done \ | grep "Lines executed" | cut -d ":" -f 2 | tr -d "%" \ | awk '{checked+=$1*$3/100; total+=$3} END {print checked/total*100}'