]> granicus.if.org Git - icinga2/shortlog
2018-11-29 BarbUkDocumentation: fix sudoers file name 6803/head
2018-11-29 BarbUkIndentation: space to tab
2018-11-29 BarbUkDocumentation: use icinga user instead of nagios
2018-11-28 BarbUkAdd documentation for sudoers configuration
2018-11-28 BarbUkcorrect command definition
2018-11-27 BarbUkAdd btrfs CheckCommand definition
2018-11-22 Michael FriedrichMerge pull request #6791 from Icinga/feature/docs-ido...
2018-11-21 Michael FriedrichMerge pull request #6776 from fluxX04/apache2-doc-fix
2018-11-21 Michael FriedrichDocs: Add a section for DB IDO Cleanup 6791/head
2018-11-15 fluxX04update apache status command to be identical according... 6776/head
2018-11-14 Michael FriedrichMerge pull request #6775 from Icinga/feature/docs-tech...
2018-11-14 Michael FriedrichAdd technical docs for the check scheduler (general... 6775/head
2018-11-14 Michael FriedrichMerge branch 'support/2.10'
2018-11-14 Michael FriedrichRelease version 2.10.2
2018-11-13 Michael FriedrichRelease version 2.10.2 v2.10.2
2018-11-13 Michael FriedrichMerge pull request #6480 from ajaffie/feature/win-check...
2018-11-13 Michael FriedrichImitialize ICINGA2_ERROR_LOG inside the Systemd environment
2018-11-13 Michael FriedrichMerge pull request #6773 from Icinga/bugfix/systemd...
2018-11-13 Michael FriedrichImitialize ICINGA2_ERROR_LOG inside the Systemd environment 6773/head
2018-11-13 Michael FriedrichDB IDO: Don't enqueue queries when the feature is pause...
2018-11-13 Michael FriedrichImplement unit tests for Dictionary initializers
2018-11-13 Michael FriedrichMerge pull request #6771 from Icinga/feature/tests
2018-11-13 Michael InselFix deadlock in GraphiteWriter
2018-11-13 Michael FriedrichMerge pull request #6770 from Icinga/bugfix/graphitewri...
2018-11-12 Michael InselFix deadlock in GraphiteWriter 6770/head
2018-11-12 Michael FriedrichApply workaround for timer tests with std::bind callbacks
2018-11-12 Michael FriedrichFix possible double free in StreamLogger::BindStream()
2018-11-12 Michael FriedrichEnsure that API/JSON-RPC messages in the same session...
2018-11-12 Michael FriedrichMerge pull request #6479 from Icinga/feature/socketeven...
2018-11-12 Michael FriedrichMerge pull request #6756 from MaBauMeBad/master
2018-11-12 Michael FriedrichUpdate the GH issue template a bit
2018-11-09 Michael FriedrichImplement unit tests for Dictionary initializers 6771/head
2018-11-09 Michael FriedrichMerge pull request #6762 from jschanz/master
2018-11-09 Schanz, Jensfixes #6758 6762/head
2018-11-09 Michael FriedrichMerge pull request #6759 from Icinga/bugfix/streamlogge...
2018-11-09 Michael FriedrichMerge pull request #6760 from Icinga/bugfix/armhf-stretch
2018-11-08 Michael FriedrichFix possible double free in StreamLogger::BindStream() 6759/head
2018-11-08 Michael FriedrichApply workaround for timer tests with std::bind callbacks 6760/head
2018-11-07 Bauerheim,... Update itl/plugins-contrib.d/network-components.conf 6756/head
2018-11-05 Michael FriedrichMerge pull request #6745 from markleary/master
2018-11-05 Michael FriedrichMerge pull request #6743 from leonstr/master
2018-11-02 Mark LearyDocument snmp_storage_type attribute. 6745/head
2018-11-02 Mark LearyFollow naming convention for snmp plugin attributes.
2018-11-02 Mark LearyChange indents to tab.
2018-11-02 Jean FlachMerge pull request #6751 from fluxX04/patch-1
2018-11-02 AlexDoc fix: documentation link for apt 6751/head
2018-10-31 Mark LearyAdd support for -q argument to check_snmp_storage.pl.
2018-10-31 Leon StringerDoc fix: error in example path. 6743/head
2018-10-30 Alexander A... Socket engine: drop life support objects 6479/head
2018-10-30 Alexander A... Make SocketEventDescriptor#EventInterface a SocketEvent...
2018-10-30 Alexander A... SocketEvents: inherit from Stream
2018-10-30 Michael FriedrichMerge pull request #6731 from Icinga/bugfix/doc-comment
2018-10-30 Michael FriedrichMerge pull request #6733 from Icinga/bugfix/doc-comment...
2018-10-30 Michael FriedrichMerge pull request #6740 from Icinga/bugfix/ido-paused...
2018-10-30 Michael FriedrichDB IDO: Don't enqueue queries when the feature is pause... 6740/head
2018-10-29 Michael FriedrichImprove error handling for invalid child_options for...
2018-10-29 Michael FriedrichMinor styleguide
2018-10-29 Max Rosin Fix the Icinga2 version check for versions with more...
2018-10-29 Michael FriedrichMerge pull request #6709 from ekeih/bugfix/icinga2...
2018-10-29 Michael FriedrichMinor styleguide 6709/head
2018-10-29 Michael FriedrichMerge pull request #6738 from Icinga/bugfix/stalled...
2018-10-29 Michael FriedrichEnsure that API/JSON-RPC messages in the same session... 6738/head
2018-10-26 Alexander A... Doc: warn about not setting Comment#entry_time 6733/head
2018-10-25 Michael FriedrichMerge pull request #6732 from Icinga/feature/improve...
2018-10-25 Michael InselUpdate Windows agent documentation screenshots 6732/head
2018-10-25 Michael InselUpdate Windows Agent design
2018-10-25 Alexander A... Fix typo 6731/head
2018-10-24 Michael FriedrichMerge pull request #6726 from Icinga/bugfix/ido-debug-log
2018-10-24 Michael FriedrichMerge pull request #6725 from Icinga/feature/ha-features
2018-10-24 Michael FriedrichSilence the debug log a bit for IDO events 6726/head
2018-10-24 Michael FriedrichUpdate technical concepts docs on object authority... 6725/head
2018-10-24 Michael FriedrichUpdate docs for HA-aware features
2018-10-24 Michael FriedrichImplement HA functionality for Perfdata feature
2018-10-24 Michael FriedrichImplement HA functionality for OpenTsdb feature
2018-10-24 Michael FriedrichImplement HA functionality for Gelf feature
2018-10-24 Michael FriedrichImplement HA functionality for InfluxDB feature
2018-10-24 Michael FriedrichImplement HA functionality for Graphite feature
2018-10-24 Michael FriedrichImplement HA functionality for Elasticsearch feature
2018-10-24 Michael FriedrichRevert code from icinga.com update
2018-10-24 Michael FriedrichRevert code from icinga.com update
2018-10-24 Michael FriedrichMerge pull request #6717 from Icinga/bugfix/api-downtim...
2018-10-24 Michael FriedrichMerge pull request #6719 from Icinga/fix/finished-recon...
2018-10-24 Michael FriedrichMerge pull request #6718 from Icinga/bugfix/ssl-shutdown
2018-10-24 Michael FriedrichMerge pull request #6662 from Icinga/bugfix/keep-http...
2018-10-24 Michael FriedrichImprove error handling for invalid child_options for... 6717/head
2018-10-24 Michael FriedrichMerge pull request #6667 from Icinga/feature/dependency...
2018-10-24 Michael FriedrichIncrease dependency recursion limit to 256 6667/head
2018-10-23 Michael FriedrichMerge pull request #6713 from Icinga/bugfix/typo
2018-10-23 Michael FriedrichDocs: Add package related changes to the upgrading...
2018-10-23 Michael FriedrichMerge pull request #6714 from Icinga/feature/docs-upgra...
2018-10-23 Andrew JaffieModify windows check_update command to allow specifying... 6480/head
2018-10-22 Michael FriedrichDocs: Add package related changes to the upgrading... 6714/head
2018-10-22 Jean FlachFix typo 6713/head
2018-10-19 Max Rosin Fix the Icinga2 version check for versions with more...
2018-10-19 Michael FriedrichFix regression for wrong objects.cache path overwriting...
2018-10-19 Michael FriedrichMerge pull request #6707 from Icinga/bugfix/compat...
2018-10-19 Michael FriedrichMerge pull request #6708 from Icinga/bugfix/docs-alpine...
2018-10-19 Michael FriedrichMerge pull request #6704 from efuss/fix/scheduleddowntime1
2018-10-19 Michael FriedrichDocs: Alpine needs 'edge/main' repository too 6708/head
2018-10-19 Michael FriedrichFix regression for wrong objects.cache path overwriting... 6707/head