]> granicus.if.org Git - cronie/shortlog
2012-11-25 Sami Keroladocs: anacron fix out dated information about open... 2012wk47
2012-11-25 Sami Keroladocs: fix reference to other manual
2012-11-25 Sami Keroladocs: fix various groff issues
2012-11-25 Sami Kerolabuild-sys: make ./configure to seach vi path
2012-11-25 Sami Kerolacoding style: reindent all *.c files
2012-11-25 Sami Keroladebuging: make Debug macro look like function
2012-11-25 Sami Keroladeclarations: fix shadow declarations
2012-11-25 Sami Kerolaincludes: make inclusions clean
2012-11-25 Sami Kerolavariables: use const where ever possible
2012-11-25 Sami Kerolabuild-sys: reduce selinux and pam compiling scope when...
2012-11-25 Sami Kerolacompliancy: do not mix declarations and code
2012-11-25 Sami Kerolaclean up: reduce variable passing when they are not...
2012-11-25 Sami Kerolaassingments: remove initialization if value is never...
2012-11-25 Sami Kerolacompliancy: use memset() rather than bzero()
2012-11-25 Sami Kerolabuild-sys: make clean needs to remove cron-paths.h
2012-11-25 Sami Kerolabuild-sys: add autotools helper script
2012-11-25 Sami Kerolamessaging: remove start up error about sendmail when...
2012-11-22 Marcela MašláňováMinor release 1.4.9. cronie1.4.9
2012-11-13 Marcela MašláňováDocumentation improvements based on Michael Lass sugges...
2012-11-02 Marcela MašláňováAdd time-sync.target. If synchronization is used, crond...
2012-10-11 Tom JonesThe sysadmin may want to arrange for the PATH to be...
2012-07-24 Marcela MašláňováThe enable-relro erased previously set LDFLAGS.
2012-07-02 Marcela MašláňováFix typo in man page.
2012-06-22 Marcela MašláňováPreferred hour of start of the job. If the hour is...
2012-06-21 Marcela MašláňováRange of hours for daily jobs must have lower-higher...
2012-06-21 Marcela MašláňováCrontab has wrong permission.
2012-06-19 Marcela Mašláňovásyscrontab, the system crontab, is not mandatory anymore.
2012-06-19 Marcela MašláňováSendmail doesn't have to be installed.
2012-06-06 Tim LandscheidtPreviously, crond exited in the signal handler for...
2012-06-06 Tim Landscheidt9th bit is overwritten.
2012-06-06 Tim LandscheidtRemove unused variables.
2012-06-06 Tim LandscheidtFix use of "const char *" in call to putenv().
2012-04-12 Marcela MašláňováThe mail header for automatic reply will now contain...
2012-04-12 Sven Vermeulensetkeycreatecon is not needed. Users should inherited...
2012-04-11 Marcela Mašláňovásystemd unit file was added into contrib
2012-04-11 T.M. Abrahamadjust documentation title to reference "crontab" inste...
2011-12-07 Tomas MrazAdjust the documentation to better describe the current...
2011-11-24 Marcela MašláňováAdd name of file, where can be set PAM configuration.
2011-10-24 Petr SabataService restart needlessly reports failure.
2011-10-06 Marcela MašláňováRaw context should be used. Especially when mcstransd...
2011-09-20 Tomas MrazNo need to have full path in the ProgramName.
2011-06-29 Tomas MrazMerge branch 'master' of ssh://git.fedorahosted.org...
2011-06-29 Tomas MrazFix wrong condition in cron_set_unwatched(). Do not...
2011-06-29 Tomas MrazRevert "Cronie disables inotify support when the /etc...
2011-06-27 Marcela MašláňováMinor release 1.4.8 cronie1.4.8
2011-06-24 Marcela MašláňováCron writes job output to syslog incorrectly. When...
2011-06-21 Tomas MrazCheck orphaned crontabs for adoption.
2011-06-21 Tomas MrazUnify logging in case of SyslogOutput with the rest...
2011-05-26 Marcela MašláňováChange of email adress of cluster support author.
2011-05-16 Kiyoshi OHGISHIThe charset of anacron's mail is always ANSI_X3.4-1968...
2011-04-28 Marcela MašláňováCronie disables inotify support when the /etc/crontab...
2011-03-15 Marcela MašláňováClean configure. cronie1.4.7
2011-03-15 Marcela MašláňováNew release 1.4.7.
2011-03-15 Marcela MašláňováSplit relro and pie into two options.
2011-03-11 Tomas MrazAdd missing va_end() call.
2011-03-11 Tomas MrazRemove unused variable.
2011-03-11 Tomas MrazFix incorrect pointer in sizeof.
2011-03-11 Tomas MrazFixed leaking of env and members of entry in replace_cmd().
2011-03-11 Tomas MrazFix memory leaks in load_user.
2011-03-11 Tomas MrazThe last bit to set is always LAST_ - FIRST_.
2011-03-11 Tomas MrazCheck malloc return for NULL.
2011-03-11 Tomas MrazDo not try to compile dead code.
2011-03-11 Tomas MrazRename set_cron_cwd() to check_spool_dir() as we do...
2011-03-11 Tomas MrazAdd missing check for stat() return value.
2011-03-09 Tomas MrazSafeguard for system time changes. Otherwise anacron...
2011-03-08 Tomas MrazFix the non-default timezone support. Do not run jobs...
2011-03-07 Tomas MrazSet mailfrom to the user account, better PAM logging.
2011-03-07 Tomas MrazSet only groups in the process handling PAM calls....
2011-03-02 Tomas MrazWhitespace cleanups.
2011-03-02 Tomas MrazFix SIGPIPE handling in do_command() and popen.
2011-02-21 Marcela MašláňováComment not freeing mailfrom - found during code review.
2011-02-21 Marcela MašláňováFree security contexts.
2011-02-21 Marcela Mašláňovámkstemp needs only 6 X's
2011-02-21 Marcela Mašláňováfdin could be tested before initialization.
2011-02-21 Marcela MašláňováPIE and RELRO flags to be set
2010-12-16 Tomas MrazAdd translation for remaining hardcoded contexts and...
2010-12-16 Tomas MrazRevert "Cache the security class and bit values and...
2010-12-16 Tomas MrazRevert "Missing exit if cron_init_security() fails."
2010-12-16 Tomas MrazMissing exit if cron_init_security() fails.
2010-12-15 Tomas MrazCache the security class and bit values and translate...
2010-12-15 Tomas MrazClean up unnecessary assignment.
2010-12-15 Dan WalshThis patch causes cronie to ask kernel for constant...
2010-12-10 Tomas MrazDo not lock jobs that fall out of allowed range - rhbz...
2010-10-26 Marcela MašláňováMan - another typo
2010-10-26 Marcela MašláňováRe-add missing option into man and fix some typos.
2010-10-22 Marcela MašláňováNew release 1.4.6 cronie1.4.6
2010-10-21 Martin PrpičRewrite of man pages & correction.
2010-10-21 Marcela MašláňováRemove useless man page.
2010-10-21 Marcela MašláňováApply previous patch correctly.
2010-10-20 Colin DeanCheck clustering before un/watch function
2010-10-13 Marcela MašláňováMerge branch 'cluster'
2010-10-08 Marcela MašláňováCheck clustering before un/watch function
2010-10-07 Marcela Mašláňováman page typo: change to correct option
2010-10-06 Marcela MašláňováRemove cluster support from inotify_database
2010-10-06 Colin DeanThe crontab command uses "-c" and "-n" instead of ...
2010-10-04 Marcela MašláňováCorrect ifdef HAVE_FCHOWN
2010-10-04 Marcela Mašláňováis_local set to zero
2010-10-04 Colin Deancronie on cluster
2010-08-30 Marcela MašláňováTypo in log message
2010-08-23 Marcela MašláňováClose leaking file descriptor