2016-04-06 Anatol BelskiMerge branch 'PHP-7.0'
2016-04-06 Anatol Belskifix test
2016-04-06 Anatol Belskiadd skip slow test
2016-04-06 Xinchen HuiMerge branch 'PHP-7.0'
2016-04-06 Xinchen HuiFixed order
2016-04-06 Xinchen HuiFixed bug #71969 (str_replace returns an incorrect...
2016-04-05 Dmitry StogovIS_CONST operands don't have to be separated. Use refer...
2016-04-05 Adam BaratzAdd driver-specific attributes for controlling calls...
2016-04-05 Anatol Belskiupdate NEWS
2016-04-05 Adam BaratzAdd driver-specific attributes for controlling calls...
2016-04-05 Dmitry StogovRETURN micro optimization
2016-04-05 Anatol BelskiMerge branch 'PHP-7.0'
2016-04-05 Anatol Belskiupdate NEWS
2016-04-05 Anatol Belskifix and extend test
2016-04-05 Joe BylundDon't roundtrip to the database to get the column type...
2016-04-05 Anatol BelskiMerge branch 'PHP-7.0'
2016-04-05 DQNEOremove description for apache 1.3
2016-04-05 Anatol BelskiMerge branch 'PHP-7.0'
2016-04-05 Anatol Belskiupdate NEWS
2016-04-05 Anatol BelskiMerge branch 'PHP-5.6' into PHP-7.0
2016-04-05 Anatol Belskiupdate NEWS
2016-04-05 Anatol BelskiMerge branch 'PHP-7.0'
2016-04-05 Anatol BelskiMerge branch 'PHP-5.6' into PHP-7.0
2016-04-05 Thomas PuntUse STR_EMPTY_ALLOC macro instead
2016-04-05 Thomas PuntFix DateInterval::format segfault
2016-04-04 Matteo BeccatiMerge branch 'PHP-7.0'
2016-04-04 Matteo BeccatiMerge branch 'PHP-5.6' into PHP-7.0
2016-04-04 Matteo BeccatiFixed bug #71447 (Quotes inside comments not properly...
2016-04-04 Matteo BeccatiFixed a few PDO tests to conform to PDO Common standards
2016-04-04 Dmitry StogovInitialize op_array->run_time_cache on slow path of...
2016-04-04 Anatol BelskiMerge branch 'PHP-7.0'
2016-04-04 Anatol Belskiupdate NEWS
2016-04-04 Anatol BelskiMerge branch 'PHP-7.0'
2016-04-04 Adam BaratzFix #71943: dblib_handle_quoter needs to allocate an...
2016-04-04 Joe WatkinsMerge branch 'PHP-7.0'
2016-04-04 Joe Watkinsnews entry #71428
2016-04-04 Joe WatkinsMerge branch 'PHP-7.0'
2016-04-04 Joe Watkinsnews entry #69537
2016-04-04 Joe Watkinsnews entry #69537
2016-04-04 Joe WatkinsMerge branch 'PHP-7.0'
2016-04-04 Joe Watkinsnews entry 71609
2016-04-04 Joe WatkinsMerge branch 'PHP-7.0'
2016-04-04 Joe Watkinsmagical notation is magical
2016-04-04 Joe WatkinsMerge branch 'PHP-7.0'
2016-04-04 Joe Watkinsmove this to standard [ci skip]
2016-04-04 Joe WatkinsMerge branch 'master' of
2016-04-04 Joe WatkinsMerge branch 'PHP-7.0'
2016-04-04 Joe Watkinsnews updates
2016-04-04 Dmitry StogovFised possible use-after-free
2016-04-03 Kalle Sommer... Merge branch 'master' of
2016-04-03 Joe WatkinsMerge branch 'PHP-7.0' of
2016-04-03 Joe WatkinsMerge branch 'master' of
2016-04-03 Joe WatkinsFix #69537: __debugInfo with empty string for key gives...
2016-04-03 Joe WatkinsMerge branch 'PHP-7.0'
2016-04-03 Joe Watkinsfix #69537: __debugInfo with empty string for key gives...
2016-04-03 Kalle Sommer... Added missing zend_parse_parameters_none() to mb_list_e...
2016-04-03 Kalle Sommer... Fix compiler warnings in mysqlnd
2016-04-01 Dmitry Stogovfixed type inference mistake (typo)
2016-04-01 Anatol BelskiMerge branch 'PHP-7.0'
2016-04-01 Elizabeth Marie... Fix ODBC bug for varchars returning with length zero
2016-04-01 Xinchen HuiMerge branch 'PHP-7.0'
2016-04-01 Xinchen HuiFixed bug #71930 (_zval_dtor_func: Assertion `(arr...
2016-04-01 Dmitry StogovMerge zend_execute_data->called_scope into zend_execute...
2016-03-31 Joe WatkinsMerge branch 'master' of
2016-03-31 Joe WatkinsMerge branch 'PHP-7.0'
2016-03-31 Joe Watkinsfix #71287 (substr_replace bug when length type is...
2016-03-31 Dmitry StogovFlags ZEND_CALL_RELEASE_THIS and ZEND_CALL_CLOSURE...
2016-03-31 Dmitry StogovUse CALL_INFO flag to check if we need to destroy symbo...
2016-03-31 Dmitry StogovManual CSE
2016-03-31 Joe WatkinsMerge branch 'PHP-7.0'
2016-03-31 Joe Watkinsremove unused params || woops
2016-03-31 Joe WatkinsMerge branch 'PHP-7.0' of
2016-03-31 Joe WatkinsMerge branch 'master' of
2016-03-31 Joe WatkinsMerge branch 'PHP-7.0'
2016-03-31 Joe Watkinsfix #71609: Segmentation fault on ZTS with gethostbyname
2016-03-30 Anatol BelskiMerge branch 'PHP-7.0'
2016-03-30 Anatol BelskiMerge branch 'PHP-5.6' into PHP-7.0
2016-03-30 Anatol BelskiMerge branch 'PHP-5.5' into PHP-5.6
2016-03-30 Anatol Belskifix borked mainstream patch
2016-03-30 Anatol BelskiMerge branch 'PHP-7.0'
2016-03-30 Anatol BelskiMerge branch 'PHP-5.6' into PHP-7.0
2016-03-30 Anatol Belskifix test to not to cause false positives
2016-03-30 Lior KaplanAlign NEWS entry format
2016-03-30 Lior KaplanMerge branch 'PHP-5.6' into PHP-7.0
2016-03-30 Lior KaplanAlign NEWS entry format
2016-03-30 Nikita PopovMerge branch 'PHP-7.0'
2016-03-30 Nikita PopovFix bug #71334
2016-03-30 Ferenc KovacsMerge branch 'PHP-7.0'
2016-03-30 Ferenc KovacsMerge branch 'PHP-5.6' into PHP-7.0
2016-03-30 Ferenc Kovacsupdate NEWS
2016-03-30 Nikita PopovMerge branch 'PHP-7.0'
2016-03-30 Nikita PopovFix __invoke comparison in closure_get_method
2016-03-30 Andrea FauldsCorrect error messages
2016-03-30 Andrea FauldsFix memory leak
2016-03-30 Andrea FauldsFix two tests on 32-bit
2016-03-30 Andrea FauldsExpand UPGRADING and NEWS re: numeric strings changes
2016-03-30 Matteo BeccatiMerge branch 'PHP-7.0'
2016-03-30 Matteo BeccatiRemoved shmop test leaking an shm segment
2016-03-30 Andrea FauldsWarn about invalid strings in arithmetic
2016-03-29 Nikita PopovMerge branch 'PHP-7.0'