]> granicus.if.org Git - docbook-dsssl/shortlog
2009-05-07 Keith Fahlgrenfix previous release
2009-05-07 Keith FahlgrenVersion 1.75.0 released
2009-05-07 Keith FahlgrenSlightly more nuanced handling of imageobject alternati...
2009-05-05 Scott HudsonAdded conformance section to spec.
2009-05-04 Bob StaytonRemoved redundant lang and title attributes on list...
2009-05-04 Bob StaytonConvert all calls to class.attribute to calls to common...
2009-05-04 Bob StaytonFix bug #2750253 wrong links in list of figures in...
2009-04-29 Jirka KosekInclusion of highlighting code was simplified. Only...
2009-04-27 Bob StaytonAdd the new fop extensions namespace declaration, in...
2009-04-24 Bob StaytonAdd support for pgwide on informal objects.
2009-04-22 Bob StaytonCheck in translations of Legalnotice submitted on maili...
2009-04-20 Bob StaytonFix spelling errors in Acknowledgements entries.
2009-04-18 Bob StaytonFixed spurious closing quote on line 134.
2009-04-17 Norman WalshRFE #2100736 allow db.markup.inlines and mathphrase...
2009-04-16 Bob StaytonCheck in translations for 4 elements submitted through...
2009-04-14 Norman WalshImprove description of firstname and surname per Mar...
2009-04-12 Keith FahlgrenAdd a colon after an abstract/title when mapping into...
2009-04-12 Keith FahlgrenCorrectly set dc:language in OPF metadata when i18nizin...
2009-04-10 Keith FahlgrenCorrected namespace declarations for literal XHTML...
2009-04-10 Keith FahlgrenBe a little bit more nuanced about dates
2009-04-10 Keith FahlgrenAdd DocBook subjectset -> OPF dc:subject mapping and...
2009-04-10 Keith FahlgrenAdd DocBook date -> OPF dc:date mapping and tests
2009-04-10 Keith FahlgrenAdd DocBook abstract -> OPF dc:description mapping...
2009-04-08 Bob StaytonCheck in patch submitted by user to add opf:file-as...
2009-04-08 Bob StaytonConvert function-available test for node-set() function to
2009-04-08 Bob StaytonConvert function-available for node-set() to use
2009-04-07 David CramerBacked out previous change. Bob had already fixed it...
2009-04-07 David CramerSuppress extra space after xref when xrefstyle='select...
2009-04-07 Bob StaytonFix extra generated space when xrefstyle includes ...
2009-04-04 Keith FahlgrenAdding --output option to dbtoepub based on user request
2009-04-02 Mauritz JeansonFixed doc bug for row-height.
2009-04-02 David CramerInternationalized punctuation in glosssee and glossseealso
2009-04-01 Bob StaytonAdd support for some format properties on tables using
2009-04-01 Bob StaytonAdd default setting for @rules attribute on HTML markup...
2009-04-01 Bob StaytonAdd support bgcolor in td and th
2009-04-01 Bob StaytonAdd support for colspan and rowspan and bgcolor in...
2009-03-31 Bob StaytonFix working of page-master left and right margins.
2009-03-30 Norman WalshFixed bogus cut-and-paste (I assume)
2009-03-28 Norman WalshRFE #1722935: allow more values for the class attribute...
2009-03-28 Norman WalshRFE #1899655: allow all elements with an info to be...
2009-03-28 Mauritz JeansonAdded a new parameter, bookmarks.collapse, that control...
2009-03-28 Norman WalshRFE#1770787 Allow givenname as an alternative to firstname
2009-03-27 Keith FahlgrenCleaning and regularizing the generation of namespaced...
2009-03-24 Mauritz JeansonMarkup fix.
2009-03-24 Mauritz JeansonAdded a fix that prevents output of extra blank line.
2009-03-24 Bob StaytonAdd support for dbfo row-height processing instruction...
2009-03-24 Bob StaytonMore elements get common.html.attributes.
2009-03-23 Michael Smithfixed typo
2009-03-23 Michael Smithadded some warnings to README.BUILD about broken parts...
2009-03-23 Michael Smithadd a hack in exsl.node.set.available.xml to preserve...
2009-03-22 Bob StaytonAdd support for dbfo keep-together processing instructi...
2009-03-22 Bob StaytonAdd support fo dbfo keep-together processing instruction to
2009-03-22 Bob StaytonAdd placeholder template to massage olink hot text...
2009-03-22 Bob StaytonAdd new variablelist.term.properties to format terms...
2009-03-22 Bob StaytonReplace more literal class atts with mode="class.attrib...
2009-03-21 Bob StaytonAdd support for collecting olink targets from a glossary
2009-03-21 Bob StaytonSupport olinking in glosssee and glossseealso.
2009-03-21 Bob StaytonIn simple.xlink, rearrange order of processing.
2009-03-21 Bob StaytonIn simple.xlink, rearrange order of processing.
2009-03-21 Bob StaytonHandle firstterm like glossterm in mode="xref-to".
2009-03-21 Bob StaytonHandle firstterm like glossterm in mode="title.markup".
2009-03-21 Bob StaytonHandle firstterm like glossterm in mode="xref-to".
2009-03-20 Bob StaytonImplement simple.xlink for glosssee and glossseealso...
2009-03-19 Bob StaytonAdd contributed color SVG images for admonitions and...
2009-03-19 Bob StaytonCheck in fixes for DSSSL gentext targets from submitted...
2009-03-18 Bob StaytonAdded template named common.html.attributes to output
2009-03-18 Bob StaytonAdd match on info/title in title.markup templates where...
2009-03-17 Mauritz JeansonPruned away semicolons.
2009-03-17 Mauritz JeansonFixed markup errors.
2009-03-17 Mauritz JeansonChanged "ancestor::title" to "(ancestor::title and...
2009-03-17 Bob StaytonAdd two new qanda.defaultlabel values so that numbered...
2009-03-17 Bob StaytonConvert function-available(exsl:node-set) to use the...
2009-03-16 Bob StaytonChange default to 1 to match past behavior.
2009-03-16 Mauritz JeansonAdded a template for bibliolist. Closes bug #1815916.
2009-03-16 Bob StaytonFor the book title templates, I changed info/title...
2009-03-16 Bob StaytonUse new param exsl.node.set.available to test, handles...
2009-03-16 Bob StaytonUse param exsl.node.set.available to test for function.
2009-03-16 Bob StaytonStart using new param exsl.node.set.available to work...
2009-03-16 Bob StaytonIsolate this text for Xalan bug regarding exsl:node...
2009-03-16 Bob StaytonAdd comment on use of t:predicate for editor to prevent
2009-03-16 Bob StaytonUse named anchors for primary, secondary, and tertiary...
2009-03-16 Bob StaytonAdd new param index.links.to.section.
2009-03-16 Bob StaytonAn indexterm primary, secondary, or tertiary element...
2009-03-15 Bob StaytonPass through an id on primary, secondary, or tertiary to
2009-03-15 Bob StaytonAdd support for the new index.links.to.section param...
2009-03-15 Bob StaytonAdd param to control whether an index entry links to
2009-03-15 Mauritz JeansonAdded modeless template for ooclass|oointerface|ooexcep...
2009-03-15 Mauritz JeansonAdded fixes for bugs #2112656 and #1759205:
2009-03-15 Bob StaytonMake sure a qandaset has an anchor, even when it has...
2009-03-14 Bob StaytonAdd template with match on indexterm in mode="xref...
2009-03-14 Bob StaytonNow xref to qandaentry will use the label element in...
2009-03-14 Bob StaytonAdd a template for indexterm with mode="xref-to" to...
2009-03-14 Bob StaytonNow xref to qandaentry will use the label element in...
2009-03-14 Bob StaytonCreate separate templates for computing label of questi...
2009-03-13 Bob StaytonAdd id if specified from @id to output for quote and...
2009-03-13 Bob StaytonNow support xref to phrase, simpara, anchor, and quote,
2009-03-13 Bob StaytonAdd support for xref to phrase, simpara, anchor, and...
2009-03-12 Bob StaytonFix bug in new toc templates.
2009-03-12 Bob StaytonRewrite toc templates to support an empty toc or popula...
2009-03-12 Mauritz JeansonSmall abstract update.