1999-07-23 Danny HeijlNew ini-stuff incorporated. Porting to PHP4 and ZTS...
1999-07-23 Sascha SchumannChangeLog
1999-07-22 Zeev SuraskiPlease add in any changes/bug fixes you've made - we...
1999-07-22 Zeev SuraskiNew constants
1999-07-22 Zeev SuraskiTime to remove the PHP 3.0 ChangeLog
1999-07-22 Sascha Schumannadd the HPUX ANSI detection from php3
1999-07-22 Stig Bakkenadd checks for autoconf, automake and whether libzend...
1999-07-22 Stig S. Bakkenidentify ourselves
1999-07-22 Sascha SchumannImplement additional heuristic for session id search...
1999-07-22 Stig Bakkentemporary hack-fix
1999-07-22 Andrey Hristov-Ported all remaining date() options
1999-07-22 Andrey Hristov*** empty log message ***
1999-07-22 Danny HeijlBlobs now working too.
1999-07-22 Danny HeijlBlobs don't work, hash problems.
1999-07-21 Stig BakkenFirst cut at standard way of making dynamically loadabl...
1999-07-21 Zeev SuraskiFixed the Apache cookie problem (untested)
1999-07-21 Andrey HristovFix for bug #1806
1999-07-21 Andrey Hristov*** empty log message ***
1999-07-21 Danny HeijlInformix extension now works but php_ini stuff still...
1999-07-21 Sascha Schumannsync with 1.133
1999-07-21 Sascha Schumannsince we all seem to use different tabwidths, reformat...
1999-07-21 Sascha Schumannupdate
1999-07-21 Sascha Schumannmerge in change from php3
1999-07-21 Sascha Schumanninitial import of DBA
1999-07-21 Sascha Schumannthe ; is superflicious
1999-07-21 Andrey Hristov*** empty log message ***
1999-07-21 Stig Bakkenthat's better
1999-07-21 Stig BakkenDebian fixes
1999-07-21 Stig Bakkenchange version number to 4.0b2-dev
1999-07-21 Stig Bakkenfix to reiterate that one should _always_ use braces...
1999-07-21 Andrey HristovIt really does work.
1999-07-21 Stig S. Bakkenignore more files
1999-07-21 Danny HeijlStarted php4/ZTS port of Informix driver.
1999-07-21 Sascha Schumannuse the same version as in php3
1999-07-21 Sascha Schumannuse reverse lookup array, submitted by bfranklin@dct...
1999-07-21 Sascha Schumannfix for #1748
1999-07-21 Sascha Schumanndisable broken sprintf test
1999-07-21 Sascha Schumanndefaults to empty string
1999-07-20 Andrey HristovAdded locale support.
1999-07-20 Mike Gerdtsexec() can now properly handle lines longer than (EXEC_...
1999-07-20 Andrey HristovAdded 'n' option to date().
1999-07-20 Andi Gutmans- Include alloca.h when need and available.
1999-07-20 Andrey HristovAdded headers_sent() function
1999-07-20 Andrey HristovFix for bug #1750.
1999-07-20 Sascha Schumannget rid of --with-shared-apache
1999-07-20 Andi Gutmans- Get rid of C++ comments
1999-07-20 James GingerichRemove a bunch of old junk.
1999-07-19 Egon SchmidThe last forgotten prototypes I know.
1999-07-19 Andrey HristovUpdated status
1999-07-19 Andrey HristovDon't forget .cvsignore
1999-07-19 Andrey HristovPorted WDDX module.
1999-07-19 Egon SchmidIt's in PHP 3 and 4.
1999-07-19 Zeev Suraski0.91 update
1999-07-19 Andi Gutmans* Fix Zend version
1999-07-19 Egon SchmidTest, will document this soon.
1999-07-19 Andrey HristovUpdating cvsignore
1999-07-19 Andrey HristovMoving dlist stuff into core.
1999-07-19 Zeev Suraski*** empty log message ***
1999-07-19 Zeev Suraski*** empty log message ***
1999-07-19 Andi GutmansLicense update
1999-07-19 Andi GutmansMake error codes PHP 3.0 compatible
1999-07-19 Andi GutmansFix Win32 compilation
1999-07-19 Andrey HristovKill compiler warnings.
1999-07-19 Danny Heijllicense change
1999-07-19 Sascha Schumannupdate
1999-07-19 Andrey HristovMore credits.
1999-07-18 Andi Gutmans- Should fix the memory leak when returning from the...
1999-07-18 Sascha Schumannallow access to std{in,out,err} by using the php domain
1999-07-18 Sascha Schumannmore to do
1999-07-18 Sascha Schumannadd session config to php.ini and adapt the naming...
1999-07-17 Andrey HristovUpdate credits a bit.
1999-07-17 Andrey Hristov-Kill compile warnings in apache.c
1999-07-17 Andrey HristovProto change
1999-07-17 Zeev Suraski*** empty log message ***
1999-07-17 Zeev SuraskiI was sure I committed these already. Weird
1999-07-17 Zeev SuraskiOne more necessary .dsp update
1999-07-17 Zeev Suraski*** empty log message ***
1999-07-17 Zeev Suraski* Turn on debug by default
1999-07-17 Zeev SuraskiDebug on by default
1999-07-17 Zeev SuraskiUpdate DSPs
1999-07-17 Sascha Schumannvoid some warnings
1999-07-17 Sascha Schumannuse optional copy
1999-07-17 Sascha Schumannmake copy optional
1999-07-17 Zeev SuraskiOki doki
1999-07-17 Zeev SuraskiSome work on makedist
1999-07-17 Zeev SuraskiHandle BCMath
1999-07-17 Zeev SuraskiWe'll have to live without these files somehow.
1999-07-17 Zeev SuraskiDummies
1999-07-17 Zeev SuraskiWe need to disable bcmath by default
1999-07-17 Zeev SuraskiRemove MEMORY_LIMIT from PHP, it's a Zend issue...
1999-07-16 Zeev SuraskiGet the Sybase modules uptodate
1999-07-16 Zeev Suraski*** empty log message ***
1999-07-16 Andrey HristovA little change in how array_splice/array_slice handle...
1999-07-16 Andrey HristovUpdated the functionality of array_splice.
1999-07-16 Sascha Schumannthe regex check relies on a previously set APXS variable,
1999-07-16 Sascha Schumannmerge fix
1999-07-16 Sascha Schumannunnecessary, breaks the build
1999-07-16 Sascha SchumannThis is so ugly, I hate myself for committing it
1999-07-16 Zeev SuraskiGet the LDAP module uptodate
1999-07-16 Sascha Schumannavoid nameclash