]> granicus.if.org Git - postgis/shortlog
2011-12-14 Sandro SantilliFix a typo from last commit, stub test for GML emptyness
2011-12-14 Sandro SantilliEnable a test for an old bugfix (#683)
2011-12-14 Sandro SantilliMove the EMPTY buffer test from tickets.sql to empty.sql
2011-12-14 Sandro SantilliReturn empty geoms snapped to a grid as immutated ...
2011-12-14 Regina Obeminor corrections / enhancements
2011-12-14 Sandro SantilliDrop topology specific versioning
2011-12-14 Sandro SantilliAdd more skip signatures, from interim builds
2011-12-14 Regina Obeminor change to rtpostgis_drop so can more easily drop...
2011-12-14 Regina Obefix errors in documentation and comment scripts preveni...
2011-12-14 Regina ObeGet rid of removed AddRasterTable,Column etc and replac...
2011-12-14 Sandro SantilliAdd -v switch to postgis_restore.pl, tweak usage and...
2011-12-14 Regina ObeAdd stub section describing the raster_columns and...
2011-12-14 Bborie ParkAs per discussion in postgis-devel regarding Ubuntu...
2011-12-14 Bborie ParkRefactored for less memory usage by aggresively flushin...
2011-12-13 Sandro SantilliDisable triggers on the topology.layer table during...
2011-12-13 Bborie ParkAs per discussion in ticket #1373, convert raster const...
2011-12-13 Regina ObeAdd -Y copy switch
2011-12-13 Regina Obemore examples -- put in a missing copy switch -- more...
2011-12-13 Bborie ParkFixed handling of output ranges going from high to...
2011-12-13 Bborie ParkFixed incorrect entity using_raster_dataman.
2011-12-13 Regina Obebreak raste loder into its own data management chapter...
2011-12-13 Bborie ParkRemoval of now-unsupported AddRasterColumn, DropRasterC...
2011-12-13 Bborie ParkAdded DROP AGGREGATE for new ST_Union signature. Assoc...
2011-12-13 Bborie ParkRemoved PGXS and added explicit bin path variable....
2011-12-13 Sandro SantilliDrop the old postgis_restore.pl and substitute it with...
2011-12-13 Sandro SantilliIgnore more Makefiles
2011-12-13 Sandro SantilliStrictness fixes, internal docs
2011-12-13 Bborie ParkRevert change made in r8383. Install of loader doesn...
2011-12-13 Bborie ParkRemoved PGXS as per ticket #1370.
2011-12-13 Sandro SantilliMaintain the buffer-returns-areal invariant on empty...
2011-12-13 Sandro Santillitabs to spaces
2011-12-13 Sandro SantilliAlways output create ore replace view in upgrade script...
2011-12-13 Sandro SantilliAllow function definitions to end with '$$ LANGUAGE...
2011-12-13 Sandro SantilliUse warnings
2011-12-13 Sandro SantilliEncode dependency of upgrade script from the tool gener...
2011-12-13 Sandro SantilliAdd copyright headers, looking at SCM logs. Review...
2011-12-13 Bborie ParkText format cleanup in loader/raster2pgsql.c. Fixed...
2011-12-13 Bborie ParkAdded missing Makefile.in for raster/scripts
2011-12-13 Bborie ParkSet svn:keywords for "$Id$"
2011-12-13 Bborie ParkAdded version information.
2011-12-13 Bborie ParkWith commit of C-based raster2pgsql in r8369, removed...
2011-12-13 Bborie ParkAdditional check with warnings if PostgreSQL identifier...
2011-12-12 Bborie ParkAddition of C-based raster2pgsql in raster/loader....
2011-12-12 Sandro SantilliSkip constraints on raster_columns and raster_overviews
2011-12-12 Regina Obefix title
2011-12-12 Sandro SantilliRewrite spatial table constraints to add st_ prefix...
2011-12-12 Sandro SantilliFilter OPERATOR at the ASCII dump phase to have finer...
2011-12-12 Regina Obeanother example of ST_Union
2011-12-12 Regina Obeexample of ST_Union
2011-12-12 Sandro SantilliDrop lwgeom_gist and dependent items, including from...
2011-12-12 Sandro SantilliDo not restore metadata tables which now became views
2011-12-12 Sandro SantilliCleanup item list: drop duplicates, add some missings
2011-12-12 Sandro SantilliRemove duplicated entries, add some missing ones
2011-12-12 Regina Obereduce ST_MakeEnvelope down to one function but make...
2011-12-12 Regina Obeoops took out a tag by accident
2011-12-12 Regina Obedocument the new ST_MakeEnvelope variant (pretend like...
2011-12-12 Regina Obe#1366 -- don't rely on state field being capitalized.
2011-12-11 Regina Obeforgot about max /min
2011-12-11 Regina Obechange generateor to display name for aggregates instea...
2011-12-11 Regina Obepreliminary documentation for raster version of ST_Unio...
2011-12-11 Regina ObeRevisions to ST_Union for raster: get rid of dependency...
2011-12-11 Regina Obefix function name typo in geocode_intersection
2011-12-10 Regina Obeminor edit
2011-12-10 Regina Obefix error in logic
2011-12-10 Regina Obemissed a spot
2011-12-10 Regina Obedescribe the example a bit better for ST_AddBand multi...
2011-12-10 Regina Obe#1361: fill in some more cases where hard/soft
2011-12-10 Regina Obe#1361: make it clearer that a hard upgrade is required...
2011-12-10 Regina ObeST_AddBand version that takes an array of rasters
2011-12-10 Bborie ParkFixed calls to the wrong memory allocation function...
2011-12-10 Bborie ParkCode refactoring in rtpg_ utility functions for better...
2011-12-10 Bborie ParkFixed missing $ in AddOverviewConstraint() which was...
2011-12-09 Sandro SantilliAdd all signatures found in a newly created PostGIS...
2011-12-09 Sandro SantilliAdd box3d related objects to skip in the _restore scrip...
2011-12-09 Sandro SantilliRestrict disabled code to the one really hurting
2011-12-09 Sandro Santilligbox_float_round: don't roundup Z value if the box...
2011-12-09 Sandro SantilliAdd a public lwgeom_get_bbox function (#1324)
2011-12-09 Sandro SantilliDon't let lwgeom_add_bbox syntetize a fake box for...
2011-12-09 Sandro SantilliFix segfault in GML3 extent output (#1323)
2011-12-09 Sandro SantilliAllow calling ST_MakeEnvelope w/out a srid (#1339)
2011-12-09 Sandro SantilliAdd a gbox_overlaps_2d function, use when appropriate...
2011-12-08 Paul RamseyGuard against NaN values in coordinates passing into...
2011-12-08 Paul RamseyCheck that NaN coordinate values find their way into...
2011-12-08 Paul RamseyTest for bbox calculations when there's an infinite...
2011-12-08 Bborie ParkReturn use of GDAL "natural" blocking removed in r8313...
2011-12-08 Paul RamseyRemove box3d_extent hack
2011-12-08 Paul RamseyMake the ST_Equals test insensitive to minor box differ...
2011-12-08 Regina ObeAdd Jose and Even to credits
2011-12-08 Sandro SantilliAdd a note about ST_Estimated_Extent on empty or non...
2011-12-08 Sandro SantilliHave ST_Estimated_Extent return NULL when no stats...
2011-12-08 Sandro SantilliHush VACUUM and ANALYZE backend feedback while running...
2011-12-08 Sandro Santillitopology.AddToSearchPath: quote database identifier.
2011-12-07 Bborie ParkAdded rt_raster_set_pixel_line for use when setting...
2011-12-07 Bborie ParkRefactored the GDALRasterIO part of rt_raster_from_gdal...
2011-12-07 Regina Obealphabetize and update tester credits
2011-12-07 Regina Obeupdate license to provide detail about documentation...
2011-12-07 Bborie ParkFixed regression issue with rt_raster_from_gdal_dataset...
2011-12-06 Bborie ParkRemoved attempt to duplicate entire band in rt_raster_f...
2011-12-06 Regina Obeput some obsolete notes in existing management function...
2011-12-06 Sandro SantilliAdd copyright header. Date and attribution looked up...