]> granicus.if.org Git - php/shortlog
2007-01-08 Sara GolemonAdd CURLOPT_TCP_NODELAY
2007-01-08 Sara GolemonAllow libxml DomNodes to remain persistent when request...
2007-01-08 Marcus Boerger- Be picky about names
2007-01-08 Marcus Boerger- Better handler names (group by prefixing)
2007-01-08 Andrei ZmievskiFix IMAP check.
2007-01-08 Andrei ZmievskiLet caller issue error.
2007-01-08 Andrei ZmievskiNote.
2007-01-08 Ilia AlshanetskyMFB: Use safe_emalloc() rather then emalloc()
2007-01-08 <changelog... ChangeLog update
2007-01-08 Edin KadribasicMake mt more silent
2007-01-07 Marcus Boerger- Fix test
2007-01-07 Greg Beaverfix unlink
2007-01-07 Greg Beavernew test for unset()
2007-01-07 Greg Beaveranother attempt to fix unlink()/unset()
2007-01-07 Greg Beaverfix unlink - make sure it actually erases the file
2007-01-07 Sara GolemonTypo
2007-01-07 Greg Beaveradd test to make sure the phar is modified on disk
2007-01-07 Marcus Boerger- Fix memory issues
2007-01-07 Marcus Boerger- Fix a memleak
2007-01-07 Hannes MagnussonUse relative timestamp
2007-01-07 Sara GolemonRemaining unicode updates for user filters
2007-01-07 Sara GolemonAdd add_property_zstr(l)(_ex)()
2007-01-07 Sara GolemonAdd pestrndup()
2007-01-07 Sara GolemonFix prior commit noticing this time that persistent...
2007-01-07 Sara GolemonFlesh out some missing API calls
2007-01-07 <changelog... ChangeLog update
2007-01-06 Nuno Lopesmake a var static
2007-01-06 Nuno LopesMFB
2007-01-06 Nuno LopesMFB: fix build with libming 0.3
2007-01-06 Edin KadribasicVar declarations first (fixes windows build)
2007-01-06 Rob Richardsparameter entity argument (pe) should be bool
2007-01-06 Hannes MagnussonMFB: fix skipif
2007-01-06 Hannes MagnussonRemove bugfix entry (will be in 5.2.1)
2007-01-06 Hannes MagnussonFix parameter parsing
2007-01-06 Dmitry StogovImproved proc_open(). Now on Windows it can run externa...
2007-01-06 Georg Richtermerged from 5_2 (mysqli_info crash)
2007-01-06 <changelog... ChangeLog update
2007-01-05 Sara GolemonRefix posix_ttyname(), test for a working implementatio...
2007-01-05 Sara GolemonBSD4.1 (possibly others) doesn't support _SC_TTY_NAME_MAX
2007-01-05 Sara GolemonUpdate create_function()
2007-01-05 Andrei ZmievskiClean up set_include_path().
2007-01-05 Sara GolemonDon't bother with conversion when the converter is...
2007-01-05 Hannes MagnussonMFB: Fix tests
2007-01-05 Sebastian BergmannFix ZTS issues.
2007-01-05 Greg Beaveradd unset support and test
2007-01-05 Greg Beaveradd support for creating new files via array access
2007-01-05 Sara GolemonAllow ext/session to use ext/hash's algorithms for...
2007-01-05 Greg Beaverfix creation of phar from scratch, add test case
2007-01-05 Sara GolemonUnicode Updates
2007-01-05 Greg Beaveradd test for delete in phar, we needed to check the...
2007-01-05 Greg Beaverfix creation of new files within an existing phar,...
2007-01-05 <changelog... ChangeLog update
2007-01-05 Greg Beaverrevert changes to test
2007-01-05 Greg Beaverfixed crc - write test works
2007-01-04 Ilia AlshanetskyMFB: Added missing open_basedir checks
2007-01-04 Sara GolemonCleanup ext/session so that I can do a unicode update...
2007-01-04 Nuno LopesMFB
2007-01-04 Greg Beavermajor reworking of how the phar is re-worked in memory...
2007-01-04 <changelog... ChangeLog update
2007-01-03 Ilia AlshanetskyMFB: Fixed bug #40009 (http_build_query(array()) return...
2007-01-03 Nuno LopesMFB
2007-01-03 Nuno Lopesfix a bug where PHP would enter in an infinite cycle...
2007-01-03 Antony Dovgalmore magic number fixes
2007-01-03 Antony Dovgaluse constant
2007-01-03 Nuno Lopesfix PDO_DRIVER_API
2007-01-03 Nuno Lopesfix lcov build
2007-01-03 Hannes MagnussonRevert pcrelib version string to 2006
2007-01-03 Antony Dovgalfix magic numbers
2007-01-03 Antony Dovgalrevert this date to its previous state
2007-01-03 Greg Beaveradd unlink support
2007-01-03 Greg Beaverfix all but one of the double-destroyed hashes, and...
2007-01-03 Derick Rethans- MFB: Fixed bug #40012 (php_date.c doesnt compile...
2007-01-03 Antony Dovgaland one more..
2007-01-03 Antony Dovgalfix test
2007-01-03 Ilia AlshanetskyUse proper length
2007-01-03 Ilia AlshanetskyMFB:
2007-01-03 <changelog... ChangeLog update
2007-01-02 Greg Beavercorrectly generate version string for new phar
2007-01-02 Greg Beaveradd some error handling to phar creation
2007-01-02 Greg Beaveradd some error handling to phar creation
2007-01-02 Marcus Boerger- Change write macros to inline funcs
2007-01-02 Greg Beaveradd new failing test for write support
2007-01-02 Greg Beaverfix a number of bugs found in testing new (uncommitted...
2007-01-02 Marcus Boerger- TSRM fix
2007-01-02 Marcus Boerger- Make Andrei happy - spread some U's
2007-01-02 Greg Beaverinitial support for writeable phars
2007-01-02 Nuno LopesMFB
2007-01-02 Georg Richterfixed parameters for unicode in mysqli_change_user
2007-01-02 <changelog... ChangeLog update
2007-01-02 Greg Beaveradd doc comments to help sort out what's what
2007-01-01 Nuno LopesMFB
2007-01-01 Ilia AlshanetskyMFB: fixed compiler warnings
2007-01-01 Sebastian BergmannBump year.
2007-01-01 <changelog... ChangeLog update
2006-12-31 Ilia AlshanetskyMFB: Simplify code and change strchr() to memchr()
2006-12-31 Ilia AlshanetskyMFB: Added boundary checks to php_binary deserializer
2006-12-31 Ilia AlshanetskyMFB: Fixed bug #39984 (redirect response code in header...
2006-12-31 Marcus Boerger- Bugfix: #39996 Wrong PHPDoc comment for SplFileInfo...
2006-12-31 Nuno LopesMFB: fix #36427. patch by jdolecek at NetBSD dot org
2006-12-31 Nuno LopesMFB: fix PID info on windows