]> granicus.if.org Git - graphviz/shortlog
2016-09-18 Erwin JanssenRemove define and usage of HAVE_STRING_H
2016-09-18 Erwin JanssenRemove define and usage of `_hdr_string`
2016-09-18 Erwin JanssenRemove check for unused `socklen_t`
2016-09-18 Erwin JanssenRemove define and usage of HAVE_STDLIB_H
2016-09-18 Erwin JanssenRemove define and usage of `_hdr_stdlib`
2016-09-18 Erwin JanssenRemove checks for getopt.h
2016-09-18 Erwin JanssenRemove all references to getopt_compat.h
2016-09-18 Erwin JanssenWindows: link getopt library to multiple projects
2016-09-18 Erwin JanssenRemove old getopt.h and compat_getopt.h
2016-09-18 Erwin JanssenWindows: add getopt library project.
2016-09-17 Erwin JanssenRemove HAVE_CONFIG_H check
2016-09-14 John EllsonMerge pull request #1159 from ErwinJanssen/fix/travis...
2016-09-14 Erwin JanssenUpdate Criterion submodule to fix Travis build
2016-09-14 John EllsonRe-added -lstdc++ to fix build breakage
2016-09-14 John EllsonMerge pull request #1157 from ErwinJanssen/fix-cast...
2016-09-14 John EllsonMerge pull request #1156 from ErwinJanssen/travis-centos
2016-09-09 Erwin JanssenChange cast of strcmp in bsearch.
2016-09-09 Erwin JanssenUse `strcmp` in instead of `gvrender_comparestr`.
2016-09-08 Erwin JanssenTravis: Add build on CentOS 7 using Docker.
2016-09-08 Erwin JanssenAdded error checking to ci/build_and_test.sh
2016-09-08 Erwin JanssenRemoved `-lstdc++` from Makefiles
2016-09-08 Erwin JanssenUse `build_and_test.sh` script in Travis build.
2016-09-08 John Ellsonrevert change - not right untagged-a22228c7bd6ed4c2a8f9
2016-09-07 John Ellsondrop some strange casts to cllean up some warnings untagged-88f8affbb29485590ece
2016-09-07 John EllsonMerge pull request #1155 from ErwinJanssen/windows... untagged-897b348e31e4e52e8698
2016-09-07 John EllsonMerge pull request #1154 from ErwinJanssen/refactor...
2016-09-07 Erwin JanssenAppveyor: split build into two jobs.
2016-09-07 Erwin JanssenWindows: added gdiplus to build.
2016-09-07 Erwin JanssenWindows: Use $(Configuration) in output directory
2016-09-07 Erwin JanssenRemoved `QCoreApplication::UnicodeUTF8` arguments
2016-09-07 Erwin JanssenIn gvedit, replaced `toAscii()` with `toLatin()`
2016-09-07 Erwin JanssenWindows: added ccomps to build
2016-09-07 Erwin JanssenRemoved windows/libann
2016-09-07 Erwin JanssenResolved "macro redefinition" warnings.
2016-09-07 Erwin JanssenWindows: Generate no debug information for Release.
2016-09-07 Erwin JanssenWindows: set <DebugInformationFormat> to default.
2016-09-07 Erwin JanssenAppveyor: Add Debug build and artifact.
2016-09-07 Erwin JanssenWindows: Change release output directory
2016-09-07 Erwin Janssenshapes.c: Initialize `pointf p` variable.
2016-09-07 Erwin JanssenWindows: enabled Debug build for all projects.
2016-09-07 Erwin JanssenAppveyor: produce two artifacts
2016-09-07 Erwin JanssenAppveyor: Fix typo in appveyor.yml.
2016-09-07 Erwin JanssenWindows: Remove <LinkIncremental> from vmalloc.
2016-09-07 Erwin JanssenWindows: Removed false <RandomizedBaseAddress>
2016-09-07 Erwin JanssenAppveyor: Reduce empty lines appveyor.yml
2016-09-07 Erwin JanssenWindows: dependencies copied on post-build step.
2016-09-07 Erwin JanssenWindows: clean additional library directories
2016-09-07 Erwin JanssenWindows: clean additional include directories.
2016-09-07 Erwin JanssenWindows: Removed <LinkIncremental> property
2016-09-07 Erwin JanssenWindows: Redefined intermediate build directories.
2016-09-07 Erwin JanssenAppveyor: Reduce build output noise.
2016-09-07 Erwin JanssenWindows: Compiling with /MT instead of /MD
2016-09-07 Erwin JanssenIgnoring Visual Studio Code user folder.
2016-09-07 Erwin JanssenWindows: Disable warning C4996
2016-09-05 Emden R. GansnerAdd documentation on json output. untagged-d1db4ad9a9fa8595330a
2016-09-03 Emden GansnerMerge branch 'master' of https://github.com/ellson... untagged-153418532a1b01559b57
2016-09-03 Emden GansnerFix bug in SparseMatrix_copy tries to copy a pattern...
2016-09-01 Erwin JanssenResolved 24 warnings in tclpathplan.c
2016-09-01 Erwin JanssenResolved 14 warnings in labels.c
2016-09-01 Erwin JanssenResolve one -Wsign-conversion in htmltable.c
2016-09-01 Erwin JanssenResolve 7 -Wconversion warnings in htmllex.c
2016-09-01 Erwin JanssenResolve 7 warnings in colxlate.c
2016-09-01 Erwin JanssenResolved two warnings in arrows.c
2016-09-01 Erwin JanssenResolved one -Wsign-conversion in cvt.c
2016-09-01 Erwin JanssenResolved four -Wsign-conversion in rec.c
2016-09-01 Erwin JanssenResolve four warnings in grammar.y
2016-09-01 Erwin JanssenResolve one Wsign-conversion in attr.c
2016-09-01 Erwin JanssenResolve three Wsign-conversion in agxbuf.c
2016-08-23 John Ellsonconvert 'unsigned long' to 'uint64_t' for Windows porta... untagged-4bd8dcccfa75989e4d17
2016-08-22 John EllsonMerge pull request #1151 from arjamizo/master untagged-5b049c6cdfd083f5dbf2
2016-08-22 arjamizofix typo TB->BT in docs:shapes
2016-08-19 Emden R. GansnerReplace cluster with subgraph, as the output will also... untagged-f6bbc5576feb1e03c4b8
2016-08-18 Emden R. GansnerAdd schema for dot output in json format. untagged-0dc7cf263f66ae1825bb
2016-08-17 John EllsonMerge pull request #1150 from ErwinJanssen/configure-ac untagged-1bc5df88610db337fc67
2016-08-17 Erwin JanssenRemoved POSIX version flag from configure.ac
2016-08-16 John Ellsonel5 breakage, need , in dist target, but not in instal... untagged-383680da5ca9da9f5250
2016-08-16 John Ellsonremove -D_POSIX_C_SOURCE=200112L as it breaks ./configu... untagged-d177ed11e0540b07902a
2016-08-15 John EllsonMerge branch 'master' of github.com:/ellson/graphviz untagged-95487e465cf6bdb4c605
2016-08-15 John Ellsondisable php in fedora24 till we can work out what broke
2016-08-15 John Ellsontry updating php includedirs to match php-config -...
2016-08-15 John Ellson build manpages unconditionally on Travis hsost
2016-08-13 John EllsonMerge pull request #1149 from ErwinJanssen/improve... untagged-950e8f23afa87abe4973
2016-08-13 Emden GansnerSmall formatting change. untagged-0aac90e5c2817176609d
2016-08-12 Emden GansnerEdges attached to a cluster were not getting assigned... untagged-c6ce5b1f17878d776124
2016-08-10 John Ellsonquote as it contains spaces when No untagged-1aed90cbe517038de3a0
2016-08-10 John Ellsonsuppress "unused parameter" warning during ./configure
2016-08-10 Erwin JanssenTravis: deploy result of `make dist`
2016-08-10 Erwin JanssenTravis: clean build steps.
2016-08-10 Erwin JanssenTravis: color gcc output
2016-08-09 John EllsonMerge pull request #1148 from ErwinJanssen/unit-test untagged-27ff95768eb6958bcef7
2016-08-08 Erwin JanssenTests added for current behaviour command line.
2016-08-08 Erwin JanssenTravis: Install Criterion
2016-08-08 Erwin JanssenSimple unit test added.
2016-08-08 Erwin JanssenCheck for unit test framework in configure.ac
2016-08-01 John EllsonMerge pull request #1147 from GadgetSteve/master untagged-cf3150dc2db96b5bb4d6
2016-07-31 Steve BarnesChanges to README.md to reference github for documentation
2016-07-31 Steve (Gadget... Merge pull request #3 from ellson/master
2016-07-27 John Ellsonsome -W flags not available on centos[56] untagged-749ecd6837d5c822253e
2016-07-26 Emden GansnerFix bug in printing error message about graphs with... untagged-282a92de118059697b67
2016-07-26 John Ellsoncgraph is not a configure option these days untagged-3443de97cd58035a8aea