]> granicus.if.org Git - postgis/shortlog
2013-05-09 Regina Obeupdate extension install to include tiger geocoder...
2013-05-09 Sandro SantilliFix potential access to uninitialized value
2013-05-09 Regina Obestart accounting for more raster helper types - addband...
2013-05-08 Paul Ramsey#2298, ST_AsGML geography crashable with monkey inputs
2013-05-08 Regina Obe#2242: Clarify behavior of ST_Union with NULLS
2013-05-08 Regina Obeput full version number on st_tpi, st_tri, st_roughness
2013-05-07 Bborie ParkCommented out debug call to non-existant function nd_st...
2013-05-07 Bborie ParkAdded ST_TRI(raster). Ticket #2164. Thanks to Nathaniel...
2013-05-07 Bborie ParkAdded ST_Roughness(raster). Ticket #2302. Thanks to...
2013-05-07 Bborie ParkAdded ST_TPI(raster). Ticket #2163. Thanks to Nathaniel...
2013-05-07 Regina Obetry again
2013-05-07 Regina Obeput in author info ePub just shows unknown for author...
2013-05-07 Regina Obefix PGCONFIG (change to @PG_CONFIG@ ) to be consistent...
2013-05-06 Sandro SantilliEnsure local liblwgeom dir is added first to include...
2013-05-06 Regina ObeAdd GEOS to compile cunit flags of shp2pgsql to prevent...
2013-05-06 Regina Obe#1898: Nathan Wagner's patch that adds a flag 2 to...
2013-05-05 Regina Obe#1818 slight doc change move the FromGeoHash family...
2013-05-05 Regina Obe#2118: add enhanced note to ST_Boundary (to note Natha...
2013-05-05 Regina Obe#2118: ST_Boundary support for Triangle type
2013-05-05 Regina Obechange output naming of epub to be consistent with...
2013-05-04 Regina Obebah dbtoepub doesn't understand includes
2013-05-04 Regina Obeswitch back to rout but attempt a -I include
2013-05-04 Regina Obechange epub to be built in html so relative search...
2013-05-04 Regina Obe#2204: regina programming in dark trying to put in...
2013-05-04 Regina Obechange log tables generated to have 21 in name (topolog...
2013-05-04 Regina Obe#2295 Nathan Wagner patch to support for dumping circul...
2013-05-04 Regina Obe#2293: patch to throw an error for curved geoms on...
2013-05-03 Regina Obe#1292 commit patch ST_SnapToGrid returns a value of...
2013-05-03 Regina Obe#1818 credit updates J. Smith (also fix web link in...
2013-05-03 Regina Obe#1818: geohash one more file forgot to commit.
2013-05-03 Regina Obe#1818: oops forgot to add the tests
2013-05-03 Regina Obe#1818: geohash patch hashbox to geom
2013-05-02 Regina Obe#2262 change box cast from implicit to assignment
2013-05-02 Regina Obeadd 2.0.3 and 2.1 sections, break out 2.1 changed from new
2013-05-01 Regina Obeban strk's annoying warning note about using deprecated...
2013-05-01 Regina Oberevise unpackaged to include pagc stuff
2013-05-01 Regina Obefix formatting was causing miss parsing of zips
2013-04-30 Regina Obeone more clarification
2013-04-30 Regina Obeclarify under what conditions you can compile without...
2013-04-29 Regina Obe#2279 fix typo got smallint and int4 confused
2013-04-28 Regina Obe#2279: fix inability to upgrade from 2.0 to 2.1 by...
2013-04-26 Bborie ParkAdded ST_Summary(raster). Ticket #2280
2013-04-25 Regina Obeupdates to instructions more coming though should proba...
2013-04-25 Regina Obe#2260: revise to use new API structure of pagc standardizer
2013-04-24 Bborie ParkAdded better handling of file paths for msys
2013-04-24 Regina ObeAdd update path from 2.0.3 to 2.1.0SVN
2013-04-23 Bborie ParkAdded parameter to ST_AsBinary(raster) to permit out...
2013-04-23 Paul Ramsey#2275, revert configure argument with-pgconfig
2013-04-23 Paul Ramsey#2277, potential segfault condition removed
2013-04-23 Bborie ParkAdded test for loading out-db rasters in raster2pgsql
2013-04-23 Bborie ParkExplicitly initialize memory as valgrind complains
2013-04-23 Bborie ParkAdded bash versions of "bootstrapping" code for rt_addb...
2013-04-23 Bborie ParkAddition of ST_AddBand(raster, ...) for out-db bands...
2013-04-17 Regina Obeoops had wrong data type for tables
2013-04-17 Sandro SantilliProperly escape dashes in man pages
2013-04-16 Bborie ParkAdded numerical parameters version of ST_SetGeoReferenc...
2013-04-16 Paul RamseyChange PGCONFIG to PG_CONFIG
2013-04-16 Sandro SantilliLink to wikipedia article about GeoHash from ST_GeoHash
2013-04-15 Bborie ParkEmit warning when changing a raster's georeference...
2013-04-15 Regina Obeadd new use_pagc_addess_parser switch in list
2013-04-15 Sandro SantilliAdd -s to usage string of postgis_restore.pl. See ...
2013-04-13 Mark Cave-AylandAssociated CLI fix for #2272: shp2pgsql-gui crashes...
2013-04-13 Mark Cave-AylandFix for bug #2272: shp2pgsql-gui crashes when given...
2013-04-13 Regina Obe#2260 - fix normalize discrepancy in pagc handling...
2013-04-12 Paul Ramsey#945, clean up build artefacts and upgrade script
2013-04-12 Paul Ramsey#945, remove the old selectivity code, now no longer...
2013-04-12 Sandro SantilliRewrite the postgis_restore.pl improvement line
2013-04-12 Sandro Santillipostgis_restore.pl support for dump with postgis in...
2013-04-11 Bborie ParkPrevent parallel make of raster. Ticket 2271
2013-04-10 Regina Obegive license faq a permanent pretty anchor.
2013-04-09 Bborie ParkFix expression-based ST_MapAlgebra resulting in regress...
2013-04-09 Sandro SantilliFix access to random memory during ANALYZE
2013-04-09 Sandro SantilliAvoid uselessly detoasting full geometries on ANALYZE...
2013-04-06 Bborie ParkRemoved debug statements
2013-04-06 Bborie ParkGBOX variables not initialized for empty geometries...
2013-04-05 Regina Obechange to use some elements from parse_address
2013-04-05 Regina Obeadd pagc regression testing. Will upload the regress...
2013-04-04 Regina Obe#2192: doco patch
2013-04-03 Regina Obe#2258 get rid of explicit public (so people can install...
2013-04-03 Regina Obemark pagc lookup tables is_custom = true as editable
2013-04-03 Regina Obe#2261: fix creation of next next upgrade script, add...
2013-04-02 Regina Obe#2193: implement upgrade next next functionality hack...
2013-04-02 Regina Obe#2193: get rid of redundant call.
2013-04-02 Regina Obe#2193 integrate pagc in extension (loads helper tables...
2013-04-02 Regina Obe#2193: pretype (not ideal because norm_addy doesn't...
2013-04-02 Regina Obeforgot the pre direction
2013-04-02 Regina ObeFirst step of integrating the pagc normalizer, add...
2013-03-31 Regina Obe#2018 mark ST_Dwithin as also supporting curves. Just...
2013-03-30 Regina Obe#2018: highlight that curves are now supported - exampl...
2013-03-29 Paul Ramsey#2018, Remove old bruteforce function and replace with...
2013-03-29 Bborie ParkSet CFLAGS in loader cunit tests so that mingw can...
2013-03-29 Bborie ParkRemoved commented out variants of ST_MapAlgebra removed...
2013-03-29 Bborie ParkAdded news about Ticket #2133
2013-03-29 Bborie ParkCode cleanup to shut gcc up
2013-03-29 Bborie ParkRefactored expression variant of ST_MapAlgebra() to...
2013-03-29 Regina Obefix link
2013-03-28 Paul Ramsey#2018, Distance calculation support for arc features...
2013-03-28 Regina Obechange variable used to __MINGW64_VERSION_MAJOR (the...
2013-03-28 Regina Obe#1668: if mingw64 and it returns <0 switch to _vscprint...
2013-03-27 Bborie ParkFix bad dimensions when rescaling rasters with default...