]> granicus.if.org Git - postgis/shortlog
2016-11-10 Regina ObeBug in geography ST_Segmentize
2016-10-30 Regina Obest_concavehull() returns sometimes empty geometry colle...
2016-10-28 Sandro SantilliUpdate drone yml to 0.5 version
2016-10-25 Regina Obeget rid of invalid link and obsolete statements about...
2016-10-19 Sandro SantilliAdd another path to search docbook xsl into
2016-10-15 Regina Oberaster GUC - boot_postgis_gdal_enabled_drivers should...
2016-10-12 Sandro SantilliForce pull of build-test image upon pipeline start
2016-10-12 Sandro SantilliRemove trailing spaces
2016-10-10 Sandro SantilliFix typo in error message about ClipByBox availability
2016-10-10 Sandro SantilliBe verbose in running tests
2016-10-07 Sandro SantilliMark changed aggregates
2016-10-07 Sandro SantilliProperly signal check errors, stopping on first error
2016-10-07 Sandro SantilliAdd upgrade step
2016-10-07 Sandro SantilliAdd script to check all upgrade paths
2016-10-06 Sandro SantilliRemove hard-coded version in Doxygen project name
2016-10-06 Sandro SantilliSilence warning: ar: 'u' modifier ignored since 'D...
2016-10-03 Paul Ramsey#3652, crash on collection(multicurve())
2016-09-27 Regina Obecorrect readme. We don't support PostgreSQL 9.1 anymor...
2016-09-27 Sandro SantilliDo not call printf from interrupt handler, fixing deadlocks
2016-09-26 Regina ObePostGIS not building on latest OSX XCode
2016-09-26 Regina Obebump up to 2.4
2016-09-25 Regina ObeDocument populate_topology_layer
2016-09-25 Regina ObeBring Tuning section up to date, by incorporating some...
2016-09-25 Regina ObeTest to trap FreeBSD crash on small tables.
2016-09-25 Regina Obetiger normalize, pagc_normalize integer out of range
2016-09-24 Regina Obe../../utils/create_spatial_ref_sys_config_dump.pl:...
2016-09-24 Regina Obefix numeric in interpolate_from_address
2016-09-24 Regina Obefix numeric in interpolate_from_address
2016-09-23 Sandro SantilliSimplify loop / make more readable
2016-09-22 Sandro SantilliFix test for getFaceByPoint to not rely on invalid...
2016-09-21 Daniel BastonNEWS updates
2016-09-21 Regina ObeAmend garden tests to test BRIN indexes for geometry...
2016-09-21 Regina Obemark more raster functions parallel safe
2016-09-21 Regina Obeforgot to update ChangeLog on RC1, too late but lets...
2016-09-20 Regina ObeAddGeometryColumn should not be marked parallel safe
2016-09-19 Regina Obeflip back to 2.3.0dev until release time
2016-09-19 Regina Obeflip switch to PostGIS 2.3.0rc1
2016-09-19 Regina Obedoc corrections from ruvyn for PostGIS 2.3
2016-09-19 Regina Obemissed another schema qualify
2016-09-19 Regina Obemissed some schema qualify
2016-09-18 Regina Obeuse ST_Union instead of ST_Collect to compute max extent
2016-09-16 Sandro SantilliEarly release memory used by SPI executed topology...
2016-09-14 Daniel BastonNew method to approximate minimum bounding circle polyg...
2016-09-14 Daniel Bastongitignore updates (ignore gcov output)
2016-09-13 Daniel Baston#3569, Incorrect coordinates returned by ST_CollectionH...
2016-09-13 Regina ObeAdd ST_SnapToGrid so 32-bit and 64-bit answers agree
2016-09-13 Sandro SantilliFix DEBUG build of topology
2016-09-12 Sandro SantilliRe-add accidentally removed trailing spaces in an _expe...
2016-09-12 Sandro SantilliRemove generated file on make clean
2016-09-12 Sandro SantilliRemove trailing spaces
2016-09-12 Sandro SantilliRemove carriage returns from regression tests
2016-09-12 Sandro SantilliIgnore new generated files
2016-09-12 Regina ObeRevert ST_EstimatedExtent back to good ol'days when...
2016-09-09 Sandro SantilliReduce data transfer on drone agent git fetch (--depth 20)
2016-09-09 Sandro SantilliAdd test for ST_SwapOrdinate fix (#3628)
2016-09-09 Sandro SantilliAdd complete test for RT_CreateOverview and schemas
2016-09-09 Sandro SantilliFix lack of support for capitalized-Y in SwapOrdinates
2016-09-08 Sandro SantilliReally fix callback reading Edge data in presence of...
2016-09-08 Sandro SantilliFix callback reading Edge data in presence of unexpecte...
2016-09-07 Sandro SantilliDo not require expecting DISCARD ALL
2016-09-07 Sandro SantilliStyle only: remove trailing blankspaces
2016-09-07 Sandro SantilliFix schema support in RT_CreateOveriew
2016-09-07 Sandro SantilliFix regress tests for builds without JSON support
2016-09-06 Daniel Baston#3627, Encoded polyline functions ignore precision...
2016-09-06 Regina Obeload_outdb related tests fix for @INC change in perl
2016-09-06 Sandro SantilliFormatting (tab to spaces, consistent indenting)
2016-09-06 Regina ObeBump trunk to rc1dev
2016-09-06 Regina ObePrepare for PostGIS 2.3.0beta1 release
2016-09-06 Regina ObeAdd postgis_drop_before and postgis_drop_after scripts...
2016-09-06 Regina ObeSchema qualify _ST_Vornoi calls, add old ST_Voronoi...
2016-09-05 Daniel Baston#3622, Signature updates to Voronoi functions
2016-09-05 Regina ObeMultipoint support for ST_MakeLine was introduced in...
2016-09-05 Daniel Baston#3612, Calling ST_ClusterDBSCAN with fewer than minpoin...
2016-09-04 Regina ObeAdd note to reflect BRIN only supported for PostgreSQL...
2016-09-04 Regina ObeFlag ST_Segmentize(geography..) as changed, minor chang...
2016-09-04 Regina Obeget rid of undeclared variable in POSTGIS_DEBUGF
2016-09-03 Regina ObeHighlight in note tag in docs "ST_ClusterDbScan sometim...
2016-09-02 Regina Obepgcommon/Makefile.in orders CFLAGS incorrectly leading...
2016-08-31 Sandro SantilliAccept PostgreSQL 10devel as the output from pg_config...
2016-08-31 Stephen WoodbridgeAdding some commandline options to test_main.c for...
2016-08-28 Sandro SantilliAccept dot-less output from pg_config --version
2016-08-28 Sandro SantilliFormat as per editorconfig
2016-08-27 Sandro SantilliFix line endings
2016-08-17 Regina ObeUpdate to support Tiger 2016
2016-08-17 Regina ObeSegmentize geography using equal length segments, ...
2016-08-10 Regina ObeRemove search path on functions (slows down some functi...
2016-08-08 Sandro Santillifix extensions build
2016-08-06 Regina Obe schema qualify function and operator calls in geometry...
2016-08-05 Sandro SantilliAllocate memory for encoding argument, so it can be...
2016-08-05 Sandro SantilliFix inconsistency with multilinestring in ST_LocateBetw...
2016-08-03 Regina Obecorrect Dalibo spelling.
2016-08-03 Regina Obecorrect company attribution of Ronan and Julien
2016-08-01 Regina Obeschema qualify raster function calls
2016-07-31 Regina ObeMark PostgreSQL 9.2 as minimum supported
2016-07-31 Regina ObeAdd support for BRIN indexes - missed new files on...
2016-07-31 Regina Obe Add support for BRIN indexes (2nd Quadrant, Giuseppe...
2016-07-30 Regina Obeperl as found by configure is not used in tiger, sfcgal...
2016-07-27 Regina Obe#3496 patch commit - Make postgis non-relocateable...
2016-07-25 Sandro SantilliAdd IRC links
2016-07-23 Sandro SantilliUpdate korean translation