]> granicus.if.org Git - php/shortlog
2006-05-22 Rob RichardsMFH: add registerNodeClass() method
2006-05-22 Rob RichardsMFH: move document property struct from xml_common.h
2006-05-22 Ilia AlshanetskyE_ERROR > E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR
2006-05-22 Dmitry StogovFixed bug #37496 (FastCGI output buffer overrun)
2006-05-22 Antony Dovgalfix typo
2006-05-22 Antony Dovgalre-enable OCILobRead2() support
2006-05-21 Marcus Boerger- MFH
2006-05-21 Marcus Boerger- MFH improve error messages
2006-05-21 Marcus Boerger- MFH Sync vm generation with head
2006-05-21 Ilia AlshanetskyAdded control character checks for cURL extension's...
2006-05-21 Ilia AlshanetskyAdded a note about E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR being a part...
2006-05-21 Marcus Boerger- MFH Handle corrupt base64 data in data: url
2006-05-21 Marcus Boerger- Update
2006-05-20 Marcus Boerger- MFH Improved error message
2006-05-20 Marcus Boerger- MFH Sync with head fixes part of an issue with iterat...
2006-05-20 Antony DovgalMFH: attempt to fix OCILobRead2() related problems
2006-05-20 Marcus Boerger- MFH Add new tests
2006-05-20 Marcus Boerger- MFH Use correct version
2006-05-20 Marcus Boerger- MFH Add new tests
2006-05-19 Dmitry StogovFixed random crashes in ZTS mode becouse of uninitializ...
2006-05-19 Derick Rethans- Fixed bug #37514 (strtotime doesn't assume year corre...
2006-05-19 Michael Wallner- nuke compiler warnings
2006-05-19 Antony Dovgalfix test
2006-05-19 Antony DovgalMFH: initialize factory
2006-05-19 Antony Dovgaladd new tests by Ligaya Turmelle
2006-05-19 Dmitry StogovOptimized zend_try/zend_catch macroses (eliminated...
2006-05-19 Ilia AlshanetskyFixed bug #37505 (touch() truncates large files).
2006-05-18 Marcus Boerger- MFH Add new test
2006-05-18 Marcus Boerger- MFH Add new test
2006-05-18 Marcus Boerger- MFH Fix bug #37510 session_regenerate_id changes...
2006-05-18 Marcus Boerger- MFH Add new test
2006-05-18 Edin KadribasicUse heap insted of stack for recursion in hope of avoid...
2006-05-18 Marcus Boerger- You shall not use %v in 5.*
2006-05-18 Edin KadribasicGive exe files 8MB stack (same default as on Linux...
2006-05-18 Marcus Boerger- Update
2006-05-18 Marcus Boerger- MFH Fixed CachingIterator issues with string conversi...
2006-05-18 Antony Dovgalthere is no %v in 5.2
2006-05-18 Antony DovgalMFH: fix #37487 (oci_fetch_array() array-type should...
2006-05-17 Antony Dovgalfix tests
2006-05-17 Marcus Boerger- Fix oversight and drop E_STRICT in 5.x series
2006-05-17 Rob RichardsBFN
2006-05-17 Rob Richardsadd tests
2006-05-17 Rob RichardsSynch from HEAD
2006-05-17 Antony Dovgalchange argument name, it should be "object" not "property"
2006-05-17 Ilia AlshanetskyBug fixing news
2006-05-17 Ilia AlshanetskyFixed bug #35512 (Lack of read permission on main scrip...
2006-05-17 Antony Dovgalfix skip reason
2006-05-17 Marcus Boerger- MFH Proto fix/add
2006-05-16 Marcus Boerger- MFH '_' is valid in test blocks
2006-05-16 Antony Dovgalfix test
2006-05-16 Ilia AlshanetskyMake filters without a resource throw E_RECOVERABLE_ERR...
2006-05-16 Antony Dovgalnew mkdir tests
2006-05-16 Antony Dovgalfix #37395 (recursive mkdir() fails to create nonexiste...
2006-05-16 Marcus Boerger- MFH Fixed Bug #37457 (Crash when an exception is...
2006-05-16 Ilia AlshanetskyDisable realpath cache when open_basedir or safe_mode...
2006-05-15 Dmitry StogovAdded test
2006-05-15 Sebastian BergmannMy bad.
2006-05-15 Sebastian BergmannFugbix NEWS entries.
2006-05-15 Sebastian BergmannFugbix typo.
2006-05-15 Dmitry Stogov*** empty log message ***
2006-05-15 Dmitry StogovOptimized require_once/include_once (eliminated fopen...
2006-05-15 Dmitry StogovOptimized shutdown sequence to iterate only over modifi...
2006-05-15 Dmitry Stogov- Removed source compatibility with libfcgi
2006-05-15 Derick Rethans- MFH: Fixed windows compile error.
2006-05-15 Antony DovgalMFH: disable OCILobRead2() support on Win32
2006-05-14 Marcus Boerger- Update
2006-05-14 Marcus Boerger- Add some update notes
2006-05-14 Marcus Boerger- We have it now fully RFC compliant
2006-05-14 Marcus Boerger- MFH No need to have this controlled by allow_url_fopen
2006-05-14 Marcus Boerger- Readd that E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR, dropping it is a...
2006-05-14 Marcus Boerger- Do not include E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR to the default...
2006-05-14 Marcus Boerger- MFH Add strict compliant RFC2397 support (no //)
2006-05-14 Derick RethansMFH:
2006-05-14 Ilia AlshanetskyMFH: Fixed bug #36630 (umask not reset at the end of...
2006-05-14 Marcus Boerger- Update
2006-05-14 Marcus Boerger- Update
2006-05-14 Marcus Boerger- MFH RFC2397 decoding
2006-05-14 Marcus Boerger- MFH RFC 2397 meta data handling
2006-05-14 Pierre Joye- initial commit
2006-05-13 Rasmus LerdorfSwitch to a signed int for now. Will look at moving...
2006-05-13 Marcus Boerger- MFH Initial support for RFC2397
2006-05-13 Marcus Boerger- MFH add support for --EXPECTHEADERS--
2006-05-13 Marcus Boerger- MFH code layout for __toString() use in parameter...
2006-05-12 Rob RichardsMFH: add doXInclude property to allow processor to...
2006-05-12 Ilia AlshanetskyDownload pear phar file when making a distribution...
2006-05-12 Derick Rethans- MFH: Tests for BC breaking changes.
2006-05-12 Antony DovgalMFH: fix #37416 (iterator_to_array() hides exceptions...
2006-05-12 Sebastian BergmannBump version.
2006-05-12 Marcus Boerger- Missing __toString() pieces
2006-05-11 Marcus Boerger- Update
2006-05-11 Marcus Boerger- MFH
2006-05-11 Antony Dovgalno need to destroy the zval here
2006-05-11 Antony Dovgalfix test
2006-05-11 Marcus Boerger- MFH: add new test
2006-05-11 Dmitry StogovFixed bug #37306 (max_execution_time = max_input_time)
2006-05-11 Ilia AlshanetskyFixed bug #37413 (Rejected versions of flex that don...
2006-05-11 Edin KadribasicRemove pecl includes (Steph), except pdo_odbc which...
2006-05-11 Marcus Boerger- MFH missing bits and pieces of the partial sync with...
2006-05-11 Marcus Boerger- Drop second superflous zval_ptr_dtor in string arg...
2006-05-11 Marcus Boerger- Fix test