]> granicus.if.org Git - neomutt/shortlog
2019-10-12 Richard Russonremove used member
2019-10-11 Beck, AndreClear connection input buffer when closing
2019-10-11 Richard Russonmerge: add $toggle-quoted-show-levels feature
2019-10-11 Pietro CeruttiGive (*line_info)[n] a name 1825/head
2019-10-11 Darren KennyAdd ability to limit levels hidden with toggle-quoted...
2019-10-10 Richard Russonfix: hcache namer function
2019-10-08 Richard Russonmerge: refactor colour handling / notifications
2019-10-08 Richard Russondocs: color/uncolor 1864/head
2019-10-08 Richard Russonsort symbols
2019-10-08 Richard Russoncolour notifications
2019-10-08 Richard Russonimplement more uncolor commands
2019-10-08 Richard Russondeglobalise Colors
2019-10-08 Richard Russonmove mutt_colors_free
2019-10-08 Richard Russonmove color_line_new
2019-10-08 Richard Russoninitialise lists
2019-10-08 Richard Russonmove parse_object
2019-10-08 Richard Russonmove mutt_color_free
2019-10-08 Richard Russonencapsulate color_list
2019-10-08 Richard Russonencapsulate quoted
2019-10-08 Richard Russonencapsulate defs
2019-10-08 Richard Russonfix max quote depth
2019-10-08 Richard Russonencapsulate all the colours
2019-10-08 Richard Russondo_uncolor change param to retval
2019-10-08 Richard Russonrename/move function
2019-10-08 Richard Russontidy code
2019-10-08 Richard Russonconvert retval to CommandResult
2019-10-08 Richard Russonrename vars
2019-10-08 Richard Russontidy whitespace
2019-10-08 Richard Russonrename and reorder color constants
2019-10-08 Pietro CeruttiLet reply_to take precedence over C_ReplySelf 1863/head
2019-10-08 Richard Russonmerge: upstream refactoring
2019-10-08 Kevin McCarthyConvert start_debug() to use buffer pool
2019-10-08 Kevin McCarthyConvert parse_path_(un)list to use buffer pool for...
2019-10-08 Kevin McCarthyConvert imap_cachepath() and callers to use buffers
2019-10-08 Kevin McCarthyConvert imap fetch_new and fetch_message tempfiles...
2019-10-08 Kevin McCarthyConvert imap_open_new_message() to use buffer pool
2019-10-08 Kevin McCarthyFix mutt_write_mime_body() application/pgp-encrypted...
2019-10-08 Kevin McCarthyConvert save-hook and fcc-hook to use buffer pool inter...
2019-10-08 Kevin McCarthyConvert mutt_help() to use buffer for tempfile
2019-10-08 Kevin McCarthyConvert mutt_edit_headers() to use buffer pool
2019-10-08 Kevin McCarthyFix built-in pager checks for help and attachments
2019-10-08 Kevin McCarthyConvert hcache_open to use buffer pool
2019-10-08 Kevin McCarthyConvert hcache db4 lockfile to buffer
2019-10-08 Kevin McCarthyConvert run_decode_and_handler() to use buffer pool
2019-10-08 Kevin McCarthyConvert edit_one_message() to use buffer pool
2019-10-08 Kevin McCarthyConvert crypt_extract_keys and signed handler to use...
2019-10-08 Kevin McCarthyConvert crypt-gpgme to use struct Buffer for tempfiles
2019-10-08 Kevin McCarthyReuse the static space_stuff function for unstuffing
2019-10-08 Kevin McCarthyRemove manual note about space-stuffing only once
2019-10-08 Kevin McCarthyRe-enable and cleanup format-flowed space stuffing
2019-10-07 Richard Russonfix: broken index_format
2019-10-06 Zero Kingbuild: fix autosetup warning
2019-10-04 Richard Russonadd: log warnings
2019-10-04 Richard Russoninit.h fix cast
2019-10-04 Richard Russontidy do...while loops
2019-10-02 Richard Russonfix crash on exit
2019-10-02 Richard Russondocs: update list of colours
2019-10-01 Richard Russonmerge: upstream refactoring
2019-10-01 Richard Russonbuffer: tidy checks for empty Buffers 1856/head
2019-10-01 Kevin McCarthyFix memory leak in compose write-fcc function
2019-10-01 Kevin McCarthyConvert compress setup_paths() to use buffer
2019-10-01 Kevin McCarthyConvert compose menu fname variable to buffer
2019-10-01 Kevin McCarthyConvert buffer callers of mutt_get_field() to use buffe...
2019-10-01 Kevin McCarthyCreate mutt_buffer_get_field()
2019-10-01 Kevin McCarthyFix mutt_save_message() "enter_fname()" to use buffer...
2019-10-01 Kevin McCarthyConvert compose check_attachments() to use buffer pool
2019-10-01 Kevin McCarthyConvert mutt_complete() to use the buffer pool
2019-10-01 Kevin McCarthyConvert bcache to use buffer pools
2019-10-01 Kevin McCarthyFix memory leak when attaching messages
2019-10-01 Kevin McCarthyProperly revert on an autocrypt postpone failure
2019-10-01 Richard Russonmerge: fix new mail behaviour
2019-10-01 Richard Russonchange check_stats() to return number of new emails 1859/head
2019-10-01 Richard Russonfix sidebar colour for 'new' mailboxes
2019-10-01 Richard Russonfix <change-folder> when $change_folder_next is set
2019-10-01 Richard Russonfix mbox's handling of new mail
2019-10-01 Richard Russonfix: mbox_check_stats() retvals
2019-09-30 Richard Russondrop unused variable
2019-09-30 Richard Russoninitialise gpgme pointers
2019-09-30 Richard Russondoxy: tidy wrapper comments
2019-09-30 Richard Russonwindow: fix clear_screen
2019-09-30 Pietro Ceruttibuild: WIFEXITED is defined in sys/wait.h
2019-09-30 Richard Russonmerge: refactor use of curses
2019-09-28 Richard Russonrefactor: mutt_window_getxy() to mutt_window_get_coords() 1860/head
2019-09-28 Richard Russonrefactor: clearok() to mutt_window_clear_screen()
2019-09-28 Richard Russonrefactor: mutt_window_mvaddstr()
2019-09-28 Richard Russonrefactor: printw() to mutt_window_printf()
2019-09-28 Richard Russonrefactor: move() to mutt_window_move_abs()
2019-09-28 Richard Russonrefactor: clrtobot() to mutt_window_clrtobot()
2019-09-28 Richard Russonrefactor: addstr() to mutt_window_addstr()
2019-09-28 Richard Russonrefactor: addnstr() to mutt_window_addnstr()
2019-09-28 Richard Russonrefactor: addch() to mutt_window_addch()
2019-09-28 Richard Russonrefactor: beep() to mutt_beep()
2019-09-28 Richard Russonrefactor: curs_set() to mutt_curses_set_cursor()
2019-09-28 Richard Russonrefactor: ATTR_SET() to mutt_curses_set_attr()
2019-09-28 Richard Russonrefactor: NORMAL_COLOR() to mutt_curses_set_color()
2019-09-28 Richard Russonrefactor: SET_COLOR() to mutt_curses_set_color()
2019-09-28 Richard Russonrefactor: move KeyEvent out of mutt_curses.h
2019-09-28 Richard Russonrefactor: tidy naming of color functions
2019-09-28 Richard Russonrefactor: move colour definitions to color.h
2019-09-28 Richard Russonrefactor: eliminate curses from Progress Bar