]> granicus.if.org Git - esp-idf/shortlog
2019-07-16 Roland Dobaitools: Support sdkconfig.rename files from outside...
2019-07-16 Jiang Jiang... Merge branch 'bugfix/fix_wifi_stop_bug' into 'master'
2019-07-16 Angus GrattonMerge branch 'feature/update_mbedtls_config_approach...
2019-07-16 Angus GrattonMerge branch 'bugfix/fix_mcpwm_example_memory_bug'...
2019-07-16 liu zhifuesp_wifi: fix WiFi stop bug
2019-07-16 Angus GrattonMerge branch 'bugfix/wifi_prov_mgr_event_end_missing...
2019-07-16 Angus GrattonMerge branch 'bugfix/do_not_require_new_target_link_lib...
2019-07-15 Jiang Jiang... Merge branch 'bugfix/fix_smartconfig_crash_when_no_ap_i...
2019-07-15 liu zhifuesp_wifi: fix smartconfig crash when no AP is found
2019-07-15 Jiang Jiang... Merge branch 'bugfix/modify_wifi_country_struct' into...
2019-07-15 Angus GrattonMerge branch 'bugfix/fix_regression_with_setting_compon...
2019-07-15 Angus GrattonMerge branch 'bugfix/docs_update_openssl_command' into...
2019-07-15 Angus GrattonMerge branch 'feature/esptool_py_use_component_properti...
2019-07-14 David Cermakmqtt: update example documentation on generating a...
2019-07-14 Jiang Jiang... Merge branch 'bugfix/fix_wps_memory_leak' into 'master'
2019-07-14 xiehangWiFi: Modify the wifi_country struct in VNC to keep...
2019-07-14 Jiang Jiang... Merge branch 'doc/heap_thread_safety' into 'master'
2019-07-14 Jiang Jiang... Merge branch 'bugfix/fix_the_watchdog_during_WiFi_scan_...
2019-07-13 Anurag Karwifi_prov_mgr : Added missing esp_event_post() for...
2019-07-12 zhangyanjiaocoexist: fix the watchdog bug during WiFi scan and...
2019-07-12 Renz Christian... cmake: set COMPONENT_DIR in early expansion
2019-07-12 hemal.gujarathiUpdate esp_config and add new feature
2019-07-12 RameshFixed the bug that the malloc memory size is smaller...
2019-07-12 Angus Grattondocs: Add notes about thread safety and using heap...
2019-07-11 Angus GrattonMerge branch 'feature/vfs_pread' into 'master'
2019-07-11 xiehang 1, Fix wps memory leak.
2019-07-11 Angus GrattonMerge branch 'bugfix/parttool_baud' into 'master'
2019-07-11 Roland DobaiVFS: Implement pread() and pwrite()
2019-07-11 Ivan GrokhotkovMerge branch 'feature/build_example_make_on_trigger...
2019-07-11 Ivan GrokhotkovMerge branch 'bugfix/unit_test_app_size' into 'master'
2019-07-11 Jiang Jiang... Merge branch 'feature/cleanup_fast_crypto_files' into...
2019-07-11 He Yin Lingunit-test-app: use stripped config name in test case ID:
2019-07-10 Ivan Grokhotkovci: don't build examples with Make on pushes
2019-07-10 Ivan Grokhotkovci: add unit test job
2019-07-10 Ivan Grokhotkovunit-test-app: split default, release, single_core...
2019-07-10 Roland Dobaiapp_update: Add the baud option into otatool
2019-07-10 Roland Dobaiapp_update: Fix argument of ParttoolTarget
2019-07-10 Søren Christian... Add --baud option to parttool
2019-07-10 Nachiket Kukadewpa_supplicant: Cleanup fast_xxx modules that use dupli...
2019-07-10 Ivan GrokhotkovMerge branch 'bugfix/idf_exe_crash' into 'master'
2019-07-10 Jiang Jiang... Merge branch 'bugfix/btdm_compile_error_with_new_toolch...
2019-07-10 Angus GrattonMerge branch 'bugfix/docs_recover_some_build_time'...
2019-07-10 Angus GrattonMerge branch 'feature/cmake_default_build_system' into...
2019-07-10 Angus GrattonMerge branch 'bugfix/fix_flash_read_error_in_dio_26MHz_...
2019-07-09 Ivan Grokhotkovtools: update idf_exe to 1.0.1
2019-07-09 Ivan Grokhotkovidf_exe: bump version to 1.0.1
2019-07-09 Ivan Grokhotkovidf_exe: fix NULL pointer passed to WriteFile
2019-07-09 Ivan Grokhotkovidf_tools.py: add another platform string to handle...
2019-07-09 Jiang Jiang... Merge branch 'bugfix/fix_uart_wait_done_bug' into ...
2019-07-09 Angus Grattondocs: Move Legacy Get Started guide to the Related...
2019-07-09 baohongdecomponents/bt: Fix compile error with new toolchain
2019-07-09 Angus Grattondocs: Rephrase the warning about not requiring MSYS2...
2019-07-09 Angus Grattondocs: Update description for Eclipse+Cmake support...
2019-07-09 Angus Grattondocs: Make CMake build system default, mark GNU Make...
2019-07-09 Jiang Jiang... Merge branch 'bugfix/eth2ap_example' into 'master'
2019-07-09 Jiang Jiang... Merge branch 'docs/rename_partition_addr_param_pr3750...
2019-07-08 Renz Christian... cmake: do not force use of new signature for target_lin...
2019-07-08 Mahavir JainMerge branch 'feature/cmake_proto_build' into 'master'
2019-07-08 Angus Grattondocs: Functional renaming commit for CMake-as-default
2019-07-08 Angus Grattondocs: Load page redirects from a file instead of inline...
2019-07-08 Angus Grattonbuild system: Use CMake-based build system as default...
2019-07-08 Martin Thiereresp_partition_erase_range(): rename parameter "start_ad...
2019-07-08 Angus GrattonMerge branch 'bugfix/otadata_operations_do_not_use_espt...
2019-07-08 Angus GrattonMerge branch 'feature/esp_http_client_tx_buf_size'...
2019-07-08 suda-morristemporarily work around for fixing eth2ap
2019-07-08 Krzysztofdocs: Remove building of zipped HTML docs from build...
2019-07-08 Angus GrattonMerge branch 'ci/cmake_examples_multichip_support'...
2019-07-08 koohobugfix(UART): fixed two UART issues:
2019-07-08 Jiang Jiang... Merge branch 'bugfix/supplicant_security_fixes' into...
2019-07-08 Jiang Jiang... Merge branch 'bugfix/improve_spi_timing_for_flash'...
2019-07-08 chenjianqiangbugfix(flash): fix flash read error in DIO/26MHz mode
2019-07-08 Angus GrattonMerge branch 'bugfix/gcov_example_report_cmake_target...
2019-07-08 Angus GrattonMerge branch 'bugfix/confgen_break' into 'master'
2019-07-08 Angus GrattonMerge branch 'feature/tcp_transport_pass_errors_stage1...
2019-07-07 Mahavir JainMerge branch 'feature/prov_mgr_event_loop' into 'master'
2019-07-07 Jiang Jiang... Merge branch 'feature/lwip_2.1.2_idf' into 'master'
2019-07-07 xueyunfeilwip_2.1.2 for idf_4.0
2019-07-06 Jiang Jiang... Merge branch 'mesh/use_event_library' into 'master'
2019-07-06 Roland Dobaitools: Fix indentation in confgen.py
2019-07-06 Sagar Bijwewpa_supplicant: Fix sprintf security bugs.
2019-07-05 chenjianqiangbugfix(flash): improve spi cs timing settings for flash
2019-07-05 qiyuexiamesh: update mesh events demonstration
2019-07-05 qiyuexiamesh: use new event library
2019-07-05 Jiang Jiang... Merge branch 'cleanup/remove_redundant_tags_file' into...
2019-07-05 Oleg Antonyanesp_http_client: separate buffer_size config option...
2019-07-05 Jiang Jiang... Merge branch 'doc/power_management_update_with_bt_chang...
2019-07-05 Jiang Jiang... Merge branch 'doc/add_ble_mesh_doxyfile' into 'master'
2019-07-05 Anurag Karcmake : Add CMakeLists.txt and update READMEs for re...
2019-07-05 Jiang Jiang... Merge branch 'mesh/bugfix_0628_master' into 'master'
2019-07-05 Alexey Gerenkovgcov_example: Adds cmake target to generate report
2019-07-05 Jiang Jiang... Merge branch 'bugfix/btdm_fix_rxwinsz_assert_in_wifi_bl...
2019-07-05 Mahavir JainMerge branch 'bugfix/prov_tool_desc_readme' into 'master'
2019-07-05 Michael (XIAO... ci: multichip build support for examples
2019-07-05 Nachiket Kukadewpa_supplicant: Remove tags file which was added by...
2019-07-05 Anurag Karwifi_prov_mgr : Updated the set of WIFI_REASON_ codes...
2019-07-05 Anurag Karwifi_prov_mgr : Free memory allocated by cJSON_Print
2019-07-05 Anurag KarProvisioning : Manager example updated to use esp_event...
2019-07-05 Anurag KarWi-Fi Provisioning : Manager docs updated with informat...
2019-07-05 Anurag KarWi-Fi Provisioning : Manager now uses esp_event to...
2019-07-05 Anton MaklakovMerge branch 'feature/tools_script_to_switch_submodules...