]> granicus.if.org Git - graphviz/shortlog
2010-03-17 arifopengl dots shape are now rounded
2010-03-16 arifopengl dot node size fixed
2010-03-16 ariftopological fisheye is back!
2010-03-16 ergFix attribute names to correspond with other usage
2010-03-16 arif*** empty log message ***
2010-03-16 arif*** empty log message ***
2010-03-15 ergFix bugs 1902 and 1903
2010-03-15 arifselected node list gui
2010-03-11 arifgraph attribute `datacolumns` is used to populate node...
2010-03-11 arifsmyrna selected node list
2010-03-09 ellsonfix complaint about "missing font 'p'"
2010-03-09 ellsontry to fix build problem on centos4
2010-03-05 ergOne more time: fix includes to removed outdated files
2010-03-05 ergAdd copyright and vi comments
2010-03-05 ergRemove outdated files
2010-03-05 ergAdd missing function declaration
2010-03-05 ergFix many warnings plus use of obsolete files
2010-03-05 ergRe-delete unused files
2010-03-05 ellsondouble check that we have all files in distro
2010-03-05 ellsonAdd missing files to distro, remove unused cmd/smyrna...
2010-03-04 ergUpdate old makefile
2010-03-04 ergFix warning messages
2010-03-03 arifnodes and edges can be selected seperately
2010-03-03 ergFix stupid error introduced to avoid closing a single...
2010-03-03 arifsmyrna polygon selection improvement
2010-03-03 ergRemove unused files
2010-03-02 arifsmyrna polygon selection
2010-03-02 ellsonapply patch from David Claughton <dave@eclecticdave...
2010-03-01 ellsoncorrect patch to lib/pathplan/libpathplan.la
2010-02-25 ergFix vrml renderer to handle line segments and point...
2010-02-25 ergFix connected component calculation to use explicit...
2010-02-25 ellsonPartial application of configure.patch from Jens Elkner...
2010-02-23 ergUpdate TODO list
2010-02-23 ellsonfix build breakage on ubuntu from duplicate gv.3python...
2010-02-21 ellsonapply patch from David Claughton <dave@eclecticdave...
2010-02-21 ellsonadd mksvgfonts.pl to .src distros
2010-02-17 ergFix bug in nameOf for edges
2010-02-17 ellsoncorrect typo (dot.1 => vimdot.1)
2010-02-17 ellsonapplied "doxygen -u" to Doxyfile and converted to updat...
2010-02-17 northremove cdt.h dependence on ast_common.h
2010-02-17 ellsonset WITH_LIBGD properly if gd library no good
2010-02-16 ergChange neato so that the layout of a connected graph...
2010-02-16 ariffixing what i broke
2010-02-16 ergUse non-recursive dfs;
2010-02-16 northefficiency improvement for agsubrep on mainnnode
2010-02-15 northMore fixes for large ID and SEQ values
2010-02-15 arif*** empty log message ***
2010-02-15 northFixes for stability; large graphs
2010-02-15 ellsonremove duplicate move_TVnodes()
2010-02-15 ellsonadd new files to Makefile.am
2010-02-15 north*** empty log message ***
2010-02-15 arifnew smyrna files
2010-02-15 arifnew smyrna implementation , mm2gv fix,
2010-02-15 northupgrade to current version of cdt
2010-02-12 ellsonadd a note about pan and zoom in the GUI window.
2010-02-12 ellsonfix cut&paste bugs
2010-02-12 ellsonadd diffimg.1 and vimdot.1 man pages provided by:
2010-02-09 ellsoneither Arif just added a dependency on libpng, or Rawhi...
2010-02-05 ergFix bug 1873
2010-02-05 ellsonadd usr/share/graphviz/smyrna contents to graphviz...
2010-02-04 ellsonchange to --with-gtk etc, required for smyrna
2010-02-04 ergIf user specifies explicit white background, draw it.
2010-02-04 ergTurn off alpha blending.
2010-02-04 ergUpdate todo list
2010-02-03 ellsonFix problem of badly sized head arrow when using dir...
2010-02-02 ergAdd note on how width and height are used for regular...
2010-02-01 ergAdd license, vi comments, and cvs tags.
2010-02-01 ergFix crash if a click is done but no graph is loaded
2010-02-01 arifgvedit temporary file fix , smyrna patches for complex...
2010-02-01 arifsmyrna non convax polygon support
2010-01-29 ellsonadd missing BR for libglade2-devel
2010-01-27 ergAdd missing newline
2010-01-27 ergHandle styles in background drawing
2010-01-26 ellsonno stdint.h on solaris!!
2010-01-26 ellsonadd "lt-dot" to the list of allowed command names for...
2010-01-26 ellsonrestart 2.27 development series
2010-01-26 ellsondo a 2.26.3 release to replace brown-paper-bag release...
2010-01-26 ellsonback out previous re-ordering of end-job and finalize
2010-01-22 ellsonreturn to 2.27 development series
2010-01-22 ellsonback out quartz patches - and try again for a 2.26...
2010-01-22 ellsoncontinue 2.27 development series
2010-01-22 ellson2.26.1 stable release
2010-01-22 ellsonApply quartz patches from David Fang <fang@csl.cornell...
2010-01-21 ergAdd dropped reference to the gvpr lib subdirectory...
2010-01-21 ergAdd Stent's notes for building on snow leopard
2010-01-21 ellsonfix memory leak
2010-01-20 ergClarify ratio=fill
2010-01-20 ergFix comment
2010-01-19 arifexperimental new dot core
2010-01-19 ellsonanother attempt to fix soname bump
2010-01-19 ellsontry to fix ubuntu breakage due to libcgraph.so API...
2010-01-19 northHook for recursion in aginit.
2010-01-13 ergFix mm2gv to use the matrix weights.
2010-01-10 ergBack out from prematurely committed version including...
2010-01-08 ergTweak getopt to handle -? correctly on various architec...
2010-01-08 ergFix shape appendix. A single diamond file was used...
2010-01-07 ergUpdate with new features
2010-01-07 ergAllow variable radii using ranksep in twopi
2010-01-07 ergUpdate to reflect square shape, model=mds, and a list...
2010-01-07 arifwindows cairo plugin bottom pixel bug fixed