]> granicus.if.org Git - vim/shortlog
2021-08-11 Zdenek Dohnalpatch 8.2.3327: no check for sysconf() failing v8.2.3327
2021-08-10 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.3326: Vim9: no error passing an empty list... v8.2.3326
2021-08-10 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.3325: digraph test fails when LC_ALL is set... v8.2.3325
2021-08-10 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.3324: Vim9: Cannot use :silent with :endwhile v8.2.3324
2021-08-10 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.3323: Vim9: Cannot use :silent with :endwhile v8.2.3323
2021-08-09 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.3322: Vim9: checking type of dict does not... v8.2.3322
2021-08-09 Dominique Pellepatch 8.2.3321: some code is not tested v8.2.3321
2021-08-09 Yegappan Lakshmananpatch 8.2.3320: some local functions are not static v8.2.3320
2021-08-09 James McCoypatch 8.2.3319: Coverity action on github does not... v8.2.3319
2021-08-08 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.3318: Vim9: cannot ignore quotes in number... v8.2.3318
2021-08-08 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.3317: Vim9: No error for missing white space... v8.2.3317
2021-08-08 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.3316: float test fails v8.2.3316
2021-08-08 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.3315: cannot use single quote in a float... v8.2.3315
2021-08-08 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.3314: behavior of exists() in a :def function... v8.2.3314
2021-08-07 gmntrollpatch 8.2.3313: unused code in win_exchange() and frame... v8.2.3313
2021-08-07 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.3312: Vim9: after "if false" line breaks... v8.2.3312
2021-08-07 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.3311: Vim9: check for DO_NOT_FREE_CNT is... v8.2.3311
2021-08-07 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.3310: Vim9: unpack assignment does not mentio... v8.2.3310
2021-08-07 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.3309: Vim9: divide by zero causes a crash v8.2.3309
2021-08-07 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.3308: Vim9: no runtime check for argument... v8.2.3308
2021-08-07 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.3307: Vim9: :echoconsole cannot access local... v8.2.3307
2021-08-07 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.3306: unexpected "No matching autocommands" v8.2.3306
2021-08-07 rbtnnpatch 8.2.3305: Vim9: :finally in skipped block not... v8.2.3305
2021-08-07 rbtnnpatch 8.2.3304: popup window title with wide characters... v8.2.3304
2021-08-07 Dominique Pellepatch 8.2.3303: some structures could be smaller v8.2.3303
2021-08-07 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.3302: Coverity is not run from github v8.2.3302
2021-08-06 Yegappan Lakshmananpatch 8.2.3301: memory allocation functions don't have... v8.2.3301
2021-08-06 Yegappan Lakshmananpatch 8.2.3300: Lua: can only execute on Vim command... v8.2.3300
2021-08-05 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.3299: Vim9: exists() does not handle much... v8.2.3299
2021-08-05 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.3298: build failure with small features v8.2.3298
2021-08-05 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.3297: cannot use all commands inside a {... v8.2.3297
2021-08-05 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.3296: Vim9: cannot add a number to a float v8.2.3296
2021-08-05 zeertzjqpatch 8.2.3295: 'cursorline' should not apply to 'break... v8.2.3295
2021-08-05 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.3294: Lua: memory leak when adding dict item... v8.2.3294
2021-08-05 Andy Gozaspatch 8.2.3293: finding completions may cause an endles... v8.2.3293
2021-08-05 Christian Brabandtpatch 8.2.3292: underscore in very magic pattern causes... v8.2.3292
2021-08-05 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.3291: Coverity warns for not checking return... v8.2.3291
2021-08-04 Zdenek Dohnalpatch 8.2.3290: Vim9: compiling dict may use pointer... v8.2.3290
2021-08-04 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.3289: compiler warning for unused variable... v8.2.3289
2021-08-04 Yegappan Lakshmananpatch 8.2.3288: cannot easily access namespace dictiona... v8.2.3288
2021-08-04 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.3287: channel events not handled in BufEnter... v8.2.3287
2021-08-04 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.3286: win_enter_ext() has too many boolean... v8.2.3286
2021-08-04 Gregory Anderspatch 8.2.3285: scdoc filetype is not recognized v8.2.3285
2021-08-04 Sean Dewarpatch 8.2.3284: no error for insert() or remove() chang... v8.2.3284
2021-08-04 Christian Clasonpatch 8.2.3283: Julia filetype is not recognized v8.2.3283
2021-08-04 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.3282: Vim9: error about using -complete witho... v8.2.3282
2021-08-03 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.3281: Vim9: TODO items in tests can be taken... v8.2.3281
2021-08-03 Gary Johnsonpatch 8.2.3280: 'virtualedit' local to buffer is not... v8.2.3280
2021-08-02 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.3279: Vim9: cannot use block in cmdline window v8.2.3279
2021-08-02 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.3278: Vim9: error when adding 1 to float v8.2.3278
2021-08-02 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.3277: Vim9: compiled has() does not work... v8.2.3277
2021-08-02 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.3276: Vim9: exists() can only be evaluated... v8.2.3276
2021-08-02 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.3275: optimizer can use hints about ga_grow... v8.2.3275
2021-08-02 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.3274: macro for printf format check can be... v8.2.3274
2021-08-01 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.3273: autocmd test fails v8.2.3273
2021-08-01 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.3272: cannot use id zero with prop_find() v8.2.3272
2021-08-01 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.3271: Vim9: cannot use :command or :au with... v8.2.3271
2021-08-01 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.3270: prop_find() finds property with ID -2 v8.2.3270
2021-08-01 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.3269: Vim9: wrong argument check for partial v8.2.3269
2021-08-01 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.3268: cannot use a block with :autocmd like... v8.2.3268
2021-08-01 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.3267: Vim9: crash when disassembling using... v8.2.3267
2021-08-01 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.3266: Vim9: assignment with two indexes may... v8.2.3266
2021-08-01 Christian Brabandtpatch 8.2.3265: smartcase does not work correctly in... v8.2.3265
2021-08-01 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.3264: Vim9: assign test fails v8.2.3264
2021-07-31 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.3263: Vim9: "..=" does not accept same types... v8.2.3263
2021-07-31 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.3262: build failure when ABORT_ON_INTERNAL_ER... v8.2.3262
2021-07-31 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.3261: Vim9: when compiling repeat(123, N... v8.2.3261
2021-07-31 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.3260: build failure with small features v8.2.3260
2021-07-31 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.3259: when 'indentexpr' causes an error did_t... v8.2.3259
2021-07-31 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.3258: error messages have the wrong text v8.2.3258
2021-07-31 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.3257: calling prop_find() with -1 for ID... v8.2.3257
2021-07-31 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.3256: executable test may fail on new Ubuntu... v8.2.3256
2021-07-31 Connor Lane... patch 8.2.3255: ci" finds following string but ci<... v8.2.3255
2021-07-31 Yegappan Lakshmananpatch 8.2.3254: win_gettype() does not recognize a... v8.2.3254
2021-07-30 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.3253: channel test fails randomly v8.2.3253
2021-07-30 Yegappan Lakshmananpatch 8.2.3252: duplicated code for adding buffer lines v8.2.3252
2021-07-30 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.3251: listing builtin_gui as an available... v8.2.3251
2021-07-30 Christian Brabandtpatch 8.2.3250: MS-Windows: cannot build with libsodium v8.2.3250
2021-07-29 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.3249: Vim9: error for re-imported function... v8.2.3249
2021-07-29 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.3248: Vim9: error message for wrong input... v8.2.3248
2021-07-29 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.3247: using uninitialized memory when checkin... v8.2.3247
2021-07-29 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.3246: memory use after free v8.2.3246
2021-07-29 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.3245: the crypt key may appear in a swap... v8.2.3245
2021-07-29 Yegappan Lakshmananpatch 8.2.3244: Lua 5.3 print() with a long string... v8.2.3244
2021-07-29 msoyka-of-whartonpatch 8.2.3243: MS-Windows: "edit with multiple Vim... v8.2.3243
2021-07-28 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.3242: Vim9: valgrind reports leaks in builtin... v8.2.3242
2021-07-28 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.3241: Vim9: memory leak when function reports... v8.2.3241
2021-07-28 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.3240: Lua print() does not work properly v8.2.3240
2021-07-28 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.3239: Vim9: no error using heredoc for a... v8.2.3239
2021-07-28 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.3238: Vim9: error message does not indicate... v8.2.3238
2021-07-28 Bram MoolenaarUpdate runtime files
2021-07-28 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.3237: when a builtin function gives an error... v8.2.3237
2021-07-28 zeertzjqpatch 8.2.3236: mode() does not indicate using CTRL... v8.2.3236
2021-07-28 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.3235: cannot use lambda in {} block in user... v8.2.3235
2021-07-28 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.3234: crash when printing long string with Lua v8.2.3234
2021-07-28 Martin Tournoijpatch 8.2.3233: prop_list() and prop_find() do not... v8.2.3233
2021-07-28 Yegappan Lakshmananpatch 8.2.3232: system() does not work without a second... v8.2.3232
2021-07-27 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.3231: build failure with small features v8.2.3231
2021-07-27 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.3230: Vim9: type error when function return... v8.2.3230
2021-07-27 Yegappan Lakshmananpatch 8.2.3229: Vim9: runtime and compile time type... v8.2.3229