]> granicus.if.org Git - pgbouncer/shortlog
2010-09-21 Marko KreenAdd Guillaume to contributors
2010-09-21 Marko KreenBetter param comparision in case of missing params
2010-09-21 Marko KreenFix broken check for emtpy param value.
2010-09-20 Marko KreenPackaging update
2010-09-15 Marko KreenRefresh libusual
2010-09-15 Marko Kreendns_connect: remove double salen
2010-09-11 Marko KreenSome doc updates.
2010-09-11 Marko KreenDowngrade dns log messages.
2010-09-11 Marko KreenAsync DNS lookup support via libevent DNS module.
2010-09-10 Marko KreenDraft tgz generation.
2010-09-10 Marko Kreendraft notes for 1.4
2010-09-10 Marko Kreenrefresh libusual
2010-09-10 Marko Kreendoc/config.txt: Fix minor typo.
2010-09-10 Marko KreenFix the quoting fix.
2010-09-08 Marko KreenUse pg_quote_literal from libusual.
2010-09-07 Marko Kreenwin32: remove code that is moved to libusual
2010-09-07 Marko KreenLost <sys/resource.h> include.
2010-09-06 Marko Kreenrefresh libusual
2010-09-06 Marko Kreennew config var: disable_pqexec
2010-08-04 Marko Kreenconsole: central syntax error handling
2010-08-04 Marko KreenDon't tag automatically generated dbs as killable on...
2010-08-04 Marko KreenApply fast-fail at connect time.
2010-06-16 Marko KreenMove some portability goo over to libusual.
2010-06-11 Marko KreenSample script for generating users file from database
2010-06-11 Marko KreenWarning flags are now in WFLAGS
2010-06-11 Marko KreenSupport for application_name parameter.
2010-06-11 Marko Kreenconvert few remaining sprintf() uses to snprintf()
2010-06-11 Marko Kreenconvert few static buffers into pktbuf
2010-05-20 Marko KreenFix pg_auth quoting.
2010-05-20 Guillaume LelargeAllow a user to use long options, instead of short...
2010-05-04 Marko Kreen<usual/strpool.h>
2010-05-04 Marko Kreen<usual/regex.h>
2010-05-04 Marko Kreen<usual/signal.h>
2010-05-04 Marko Kreen<usual/event.h>
2010-05-04 Marko Kreen<usual/mbuf.h>
2010-05-04 Marko Kreen<usual/fileutil.h>
2010-05-04 Marko Kreen<usual/safeio.h>
2010-05-04 Marko Kreen<usual/socket.h>
2010-05-04 Marko Kreen<usual/slab.h>
2010-05-04 Marko Kreen<usual/lookup3.h>
2010-05-04 Marko Kreen<usual/aatree.h>
2010-05-04 Marko Kreen<usual/string.h>
2010-05-04 Marko Kreen<usual/logging.h>
2010-05-04 Marko Kreen<usual/string.h>
2010-05-04 Marko Kreen<usual/list.h>, <usual/statlist.h>
2010-05-04 Marko Kreen<usual/time.h>
2010-05-04 Marko Kreenlibusual: include into build system
2010-05-04 Marko KreenForgot to change second listen() call also to cf_listen...
2010-04-23 Marko Kreenv1.3.3rc1
2010-04-23 Marko KreenNow actually improve few disconnect messages.
2010-04-23 Marko KreenLet disconnect_server/client() take printf style args.
2010-04-23 Marko Kreengcc braindamage: -Wformat-security is not turned on...
2010-04-23 Marko KreenIncrease size of various startup-related buffers.
2010-04-21 Marko KreenMake listen(2) backlog argument configurable.
2010-04-19 Marko KreenDont let logging change errno.
2010-04-19 Marko KreenIncrease room for DateStyle storage.
2010-04-14 Marko KreenExplicitly detect V2 protocol request and close it...
2010-04-14 Marko KreenMove fast-fail relaunch logic around.
2010-03-15 Marko Kreenv1.3.2 pgbouncer_1_3_2
2010-03-15 Marko KreenLog pooler-sent errors as warnings not plain info,...
2010-02-12 Marko Kreenlog message: statement timeout -> query timeout, to...
2010-02-12 Marko KreenDon't let clients queue in case no servers and connecti...
2010-02-12 Marko KreenIntroduce a new configuration setting: query_wait_timeout
2010-01-15 Marko Kreendoc/confix.txt: uncoonfuse newer asciidoc
2010-01-13 Marko KreenCheck error from event_init() to eliminate warning...
2010-01-12 Marko KreenAdd new patches to NEWS
2010-01-12 Marko Kreensbuf: track exact wait state to avoid double event_del()
2010-01-12 Marko KreenIn case of invalid state, show value in error msg
2010-01-12 Marko Kreentest/test.ini: turn off query_timeout by default
2009-12-04 Marko Kreenprepare for 1.3.2rc1
2009-12-04 Marko Kreentodo update
2009-12-04 Marko KreenApply client_login_timeout to clients waiting for welco...
2009-11-13 Marko Kreenwin32: allow user to override service account
2009-11-13 Marko KreenClarify few login-related log messages
2009-11-13 Marko KreenDisable maintenance during SUSPEND
2009-09-28 Marko Kreenconsole: fix string format in datarow packet
2009-07-21 Marko Kreendoc/config.txt improvements
2009-07-17 Marko Kreendoc/usage.txt improvements
2009-07-06 Marko Kreenv1.3.1 pgbouncer_1_3_1
2009-07-06 Marko Kreendocs: mention console behavious when auth_mode=any
2009-07-06 Marko KreenWhen auth_mode=any, allow anybody in as admin.
2009-06-26 Marko Kreentodo: clarify
2009-06-26 Marko Kreenfaq/ssl: pgsql protocol patch was applied to stunnel...
2009-06-26 Marko Kreenv1.3.1rc1 pgbouncer_1_3_1_rc1
2009-06-26 Marko Kreentodo update
2009-06-25 Marko Kreensbuf.c: Fix connection hang if sbuf_loopcnt is set.
2009-06-25 Marko Kreenusage.txt: Time units are microseconds, not milliseconds
2009-06-25 Marko Kreenadmin.c: mention SHOW STATS in help msg
2009-05-22 Marko KreenFix potential use of old connections after config change
2009-05-06 Hiroshi SaitoFixed adjustment of a WSAStartup position problem.
2009-05-06 Hiroshi SaitoFixed the Service parameter path name problem.
2009-04-07 Marko KreenFix broken alignment in src/slab.c
2009-03-12 Marko KreenSHOW DATABASES had wrong column count.
2009-02-18 Marko Kreenupdate docs and default config
2009-02-18 Marko Kreenrelease 1.3
2009-01-30 Marko Kreenwin32: improve service description
2009-01-28 Marko KreenApply ISC license clarification, bump copyright years.
2009-01-28 Marko Kreenduh, seems we did not include COPYRIGHT file in tgz
2009-01-16 Marko KreenREADME: mention reserve_pool feature pgbouncer_1_3_rc1
2009-01-16 Marko Kreenadd missing win32 files to tgz