]> granicus.if.org Git - php/shortlog
2005-11-27 Wez Furlongupdate changelog here too
2005-11-27 Wez FurlongBFN
2005-11-27 Wez FurlongFix #35431; LAZY fetch and fetchAll == crash.
2005-11-27 Antony DovgalMFH: fix #35430 (PDO crashes on incorrect FETCH_FUNC...
2005-11-27 Ilia AlshanetskyImproved safe_mode/open_basedir check.
2005-11-27 Antony DovgalMFH: plug memory leak
2005-11-27 Ilia AlshanetskyBack to dev
2005-11-27 foobarBack from future
2005-11-27 Ilia Alshanetskyremoved no longer relevant portion.
2005-11-27 Ilia AlshanetskyAdjust news
2005-11-27 Ilia Alshanetsky5.1.1
2005-11-27 foobarfix news
2005-11-27 Marcus Boerger- BFN
2005-11-27 Marcus Boerger- Fixed bug #35423 RecursiveDirectoryIterator doesnt...
2005-11-27 Rob RichardsBFN
2005-11-27 Rob RichardsFixed bug #35316 (Application exception trying to creat...
2005-11-27 Marcus Boerger- MFH Editor blocks
2005-11-27 Marcus Boerger- MFH Synch with what we decided for 5 and what we...
2005-11-27 Ilia AlshanetskyDisabled native date class, to prevent pear::date conflict.
2005-11-27 Ilia Alshanetskytokenizer fixes for bug #35382
2005-11-27 Ilia AlshanetskyFixed bug #35411 (Regression with \{$ handling).
2005-11-26 Wez Furlongupdate the todo list
2005-11-26 Wez Furlonggoing stable
2005-11-26 Wez Furlonggoing to release 1.0.1
2005-11-26 Wez FurlongDoh, need to canonicalize parameter names (by prefixing...
2005-11-26 Ilia AlshanetskyBug fixing news
2005-11-26 Ilia AlshanetskyNo longer dev
2005-11-26 Wez Furlongset to 1.0 stable.
2005-11-26 foobarfix test
2005-11-26 Marcus Boerger- MFH Add new test
2005-11-26 Marcus Boerger- BFN
2005-11-26 Marcus Boerger- MFH Fix bug #35406 eval hangs when evall'ed code...
2005-11-26 Antony Dovgalfix Timezone class too
2005-11-26 Antony DovgalMFH: fix #35402 (New date class causes crash in get_obj...
2005-11-26 Rasmus LerdorfTypo
2005-11-25 Rui Hirokawa5th argument of mb_encode_mimeheader() was not acceptable.
2005-11-25 Wez Furlongfix configure
2005-11-25 foobarMFH: Fixed wrong usage of ZEND_EXTENSION_API_NO (these...
2005-11-25 Wez FurlongUse right define: ZEND_MODULE_API_NO as these are PHP...
2005-11-25 Antony DovgalMFH: fix #35391 (pdo_mysql::exec does not return number...
2005-11-25 Antony DovgalMFH: ICC doesn't support __attribute__ for pointers
2005-11-25 Wez FurlongUpdate the TODO list.
2005-11-25 Wez Furlongactually, bytea is not required for LOBs in postgres...
2005-11-25 Wez FurlongAddresses #35338.
2005-11-25 Wez FurlongPDO support for LOBs in the postgres driver currently...
2005-11-25 Wez FurlongBug: when stringify fetch mode is on, and the driver...
2005-11-25 Wez FurlongAdd pdo_odbc.db2_instance_name ini setting when built...
2005-11-25 Andrey Hristovfix test - unsigned it is casted to 0 in mysql sql_mode
2005-11-25 Wez FurlongFix for #35332.
2005-11-25 Wez Furlongwell, what do you know, it does do something.
2005-11-25 Ilia AlshanetskyFixed bug #35170 (PHP_AUTH_DIGEST differs under Apache...
2005-11-24 Wez Furlongprep for release
2005-11-24 Wez Furlongprep for release
2005-11-24 Wez FurlongCLASSTYPE is an internal flag.
2005-11-24 Wez FurlongFix PECL Bug #6014; config fails on PHP 5.0.3
2005-11-24 Marcus Boerger- NEWS, NEWS, NEWS
2005-11-24 Marcus Boerger- MFH Reflection class consts (not removing globals...
2005-11-24 Wez FurlongFix bug that breaks pdo_mysql when built shared (was...
2005-11-24 Ilia AlshanetskyFixed bug #35358 (Incorrect error messages for PDO...
2005-11-24 Dmitry StogovFixed bug #35360 (exceptions in interactive mode (php...
2005-11-24 Sebastian BergmannMFH: Add an additional field $frame['object'] to the...
2005-11-24 Sara GolemonMFH (r-1.2) Sync tests with new defaults
2005-11-24 Marcus Boerger- Fix build for new ming versions
2005-11-23 Ilia AlshanetskyBack to dev
2005-11-23 Ilia AlshanetskyRolling 5.1.0
2005-11-23 Antony Dovgalchange zend_read_property() to allocate property zval too
2005-11-23 Rui HirokawaMFH: fixed 5307 unexpected header can be injected to...
2005-11-23 foobarfix tag
2005-11-23 Antony Dovgalfix #35336 (crash on PDO::FETCH_CLASS + __set())
2005-11-23 Dmitry StogovBug #33732 (Wrong behavior of constants in class and...
2005-11-23 Rob RichardsBFN
2005-11-23 Rob RichardsFixed bug #35342 (isset(DOMNodeList->length) returns...
2005-11-23 Ilia AlshanetskyFixed bug #35046 (phpinfo() uses improper css enclosure).
2005-11-22 Ilia AlshanetskyAdded 5.1 upgrading notes.
2005-11-22 Antony Dovgalfix #35341 (Fix for bug #33760 breaks build with older...
2005-11-22 Sara GolemonWiden allowable range of values for 'window' bits.
2005-11-22 Ilia AlshanetskyRemoved {} E_STRICT pending furher discussion, may...
2005-11-22 Ilia AlshanetskyFixed command error in ftp:// wrapper.
2005-11-22 Ilia AlshanetskyFixed test
2005-11-22 Michael Wallner- fix make install
2005-11-22 Frank M. Kromann/Gz and /RTC1 is for debug builds
2005-11-21 foobarMFH: - Fixed header installing under phpize builds
2005-11-21 Marcus Boerger- MFH Fixed Bug #35286 tokenizer ext drops final commen...
2005-11-21 foobartest -e does not work with solaris
2005-11-20 Derick Rethans- Fixed bug #35143 (gettimeofday() ignores current...
2005-11-20 Ilia AlshanetskyFixed bug #35303 (PDO prepare() crashes with invalid...
2005-11-20 foobarMFH: - Fixed bug #35243 (php_mblen() crashes when compi...
2005-11-20 Sebastian BergmannUse /RTC1 instead of /GZ for MS VisualStudio 2005.
2005-11-20 Marcus Boerger- MFH Fix parameter parsing
2005-11-20 foobarfix news
2005-11-19 Antony DovgalMFH: fix #35293 (PDO segfaults when using persistent...
2005-11-19 Rui HirokawaMFH: fixed #35253 length of the encoded string vilolate...
2005-11-18 Frank M. KromannMFH: Fix #33201 Crash when fetching some data types
2005-11-18 Frank M. KromannMFH Fix #33963. mssql_bind fails on input parameters
2005-11-18 Frank M. KromannMFH: Fix #32009 crash when mssql_bind() is called more...
2005-11-18 Frank M. KromannMFH: Fix #33153 Crash in mssql_next_result().
2005-11-18 Ilia AlshanetskyFixed bug #35278 (Multiple virtual() calls crash Apache...
2005-11-18 foobarphp4 -> php5
2005-11-18 foobar- Make sure --with-readline is used only when --with...
2005-11-18 Dmitry StogovFixed bug #35273 (Error in mapping soap - java types)