]> granicus.if.org Git - postgis/shortlog
2019-08-11 Regina ObePrep for 3.0.0alpha4 release
2019-08-11 Regina ObeAdd upgrade install paths for address_standardizer
2019-08-09 Regina ObePrepping for release tomorrow
2019-08-09 Regina ObePut libiconv back evidentally still need that one
2019-08-09 Regina ObeMove protobuf specific ticket lines to mvt test
2019-08-09 Regina ObeTry to fix bessie32 Undefined symbol "_ZNKSt8__detail20...
2019-08-09 Regina ObeTry to get berrie to return fail code if regress fails...
2019-08-09 Regina ObeTry to get berrie to return fail code if regress fails
2019-08-06 Darafei PraliaskouskiImprove GeoJSON SRID handling.
2019-08-06 Raúl Marín... lwarc_linearize: Iterate over the number of segments
2019-08-04 Darafei PraliaskouskiLink ST_Tesselate to ST_(Constrained)DelaunayTriangles
2019-08-04 Darafei Praliaskouski[doc] Note about mulitlinestring in ST_OffsetCurve
2019-08-04 Darafei PraliaskouskiTriangle and TIN output support
2019-08-04 Darafei PraliaskouskiBetter error messages for SRID mismatch.
2019-08-04 Darafei PraliaskouskiST_GeomFromGeoJSON crash on empty rings
2019-08-04 Darafei PraliaskouskiST_Subdivide crash on intermediate EMPTY fix.
2019-08-03 Darafei PraliaskouskiUpdate documentation translations from transifex.
2019-08-03 Darafei PraliaskouskiUpdate translation templates.
2019-08-02 Paul RamseyMove out GEOS 3.8 specific result into a version-tested...
2019-08-01 Paul RamseyHarmonize calls so tests return same results on multipl...
2019-08-01 Nicklas Avénbugfix to fix for #4461
2019-08-01 Nicklas AvénRemove duplicate points with ST_AsTWKB also when apeari...
2019-07-31 Paul RamseyHandle POINT EMPTY in shape loader/dumper
2019-07-31 Raúl Marín... Travis: Use PG12 image by default
2019-07-30 Paul RamseyUse protobuf version to enable/disable mvt/geobuf
2019-07-29 Paul RamseyAdd test case and update test case for null-handling...
2019-07-29 Regina Obeadd in -d transform into enhancements list, move bug...
2019-07-29 Paul RamseyMatch JSON pretty print param name to one used in pgsql
2019-07-29 Paul RamseyHandle NULL geometry values in pgsql2shp
2019-07-29 Raúl Marín... Fix undefined behaviour in _postgis_gserialized_stats
2019-07-29 Sandro SantilliHave run_test include full shp2pgsql commandline on...
2019-07-29 Sandro SantilliDo not free state->geo_col, and do not strdup when...
2019-07-29 Sandro SantilliFix memory leaks in shp2pgsql
2019-07-29 Sandro SantilliRemove unused variable from loader state
2019-07-29 Sandro SantilliUse a single variable for column names
2019-07-29 Regina ObeMissed a spot - get rid of hard-coding of 4326 for...
2019-07-29 Regina ObeTake out restriction that geography can only work with...
2019-07-29 Regina ObeAdd regression tests for using -s from_srid:to_srid...
2019-07-28 Regina ObeHoepfully last trailing space
2019-07-28 Regina ObeGet rid of trailing spaces
2019-07-28 Regina ObeSupport for srid reprojection when using -D switch
2019-07-22 Raúl Marín... postgis_extensions_upgrade() also updates after pg_upgrade
2019-07-22 Raúl Marín... Disable tests that give different answer on Proj.5...
2019-07-19 Raúl Marín... Topology: Remove TODOs
2019-07-19 Raúl Marín... lwcompound_stroke: Remove unused function
2019-07-19 Raúl Marín... Re-enable gdal tests
2019-07-19 Regina ObeDealing with IGN SRIDs from Michel Philippenko
2019-07-18 Regina ObeCorrect description of ST_BandPixelType function
2019-07-16 Regina ObeMake berrie script a bit more generic and add regular...
2019-07-16 Regina ObeChange to test again PG 12 (instead of 13)
2019-07-16 Regina ObeRevise berrie to use her own custom PostgreSQL build...
2019-07-16 Raúl Marín... Add CPPFLAGS where missing
2019-07-15 Regina ObeTry to get berrie to use workspace installed pg12 to...
2019-07-15 Regina ObeStop trying to run createlang -- plpgsql is always...
2019-07-15 Raúl Marín... ST_IsEmpty: Speed up by avoiding deserialization
2019-07-15 Raúl Marín... ST_Startpoint: Improve tests and documentation
2019-07-15 Raúl Marín... _ST_OrderingEquals: Avoid deserialization
2019-07-14 Darafei PraliaskouskiFast Hilbert btree.
2019-07-14 Regina Oberevise to install and test extensions
2019-07-14 Regina ObeJust let postgis build put wherever it wants the tmp...
2019-07-14 Regina Oberevise to have tmp folder in code folder to try to...
2019-07-14 Regina ObeFix Berrie's badge link. Add badge links for Bessie...
2019-07-14 Regina ObeAdd berrie to list of buildbots. revise berrie script...
2019-07-14 Regina ObeAdd berrie's ci script
2019-07-12 Raúl Marín... Speed up ST_X, ST_Y, ST_Z and ST_M
2019-07-12 Paul RamseyAdd new entries to spatial_ref_sys and handle non-EPSG...
2019-07-12 Raúl Marín... gserialized: Style changes
2019-07-10 Sandro SantilliFix Makefile override warning
2019-07-10 Sandro SantilliDon't leave .bak files in staged install
2019-07-10 Paul RamseyAdd example using optional bounds
2019-07-10 Paul RamseyAdd ST_TileEnvelope utility function
2019-07-09 Raúl Marín... Speed up ST_GeometryType
2019-07-09 Raúl Marín... Fix the calculation of gserialized_max_header_size
2019-07-09 Raúl Marín... Address compiler warning in 32b systems
2019-07-08 Paul RamseyIgnore TiledAutoSkipNoData.tif
2019-07-02 Paul RamseyStrip out getMachineEndian() in favour of configure...
2019-07-02 Raúl Marín... Fix bug in lwgeom_le
2019-07-02 Raúl Marín... Improve hash changes NEWS
2019-07-01 Regina Obeget rid of -e in packaging (causing error to be thrown...
2019-07-01 Regina Obefix for 32-bit hash
2019-07-01 Regina ObeFlip to 3.0.0alpha4dev
2019-07-01 Regina ObePrep for 3.0.0alpha3 release
2019-07-01 Regina Obeoptional cgal version
2019-07-01 Regina Obemore changes to allow custom building of version items
2019-06-28 Paul RamseyType lookups in FDW fail due to sparse search_path.
2019-06-28 Raúl Marín... Fix wagyu configure dropping CPPFLAGS
2019-06-28 Darafei PraliaskouskiRewrite GiST penalty.
2019-06-28 Darafei Praliaskouski[raster] Skip NODATA tiles in raster2pgsql.
2019-06-27 Regina Obeadd more pkgconfig and make zlib swappable
2019-06-27 Regina Obefix typo in news
2019-06-27 Paul RamseyCommit missing file into SVN
2019-06-26 Paul RamseyAdd extended flags area in serialization
2019-06-26 Sandro SantilliImprove output of lwgeom_summary
2019-06-22 Darafei PraliaskouskiAllow FULL OUTER JOIN on geometry.
2019-06-22 Darafei Praliaskouski[travis] Lint Python code for syntax errors
2019-06-21 Raúl Marín... Address GCC 9 warning
2019-06-21 Raúl Marín... Use GEOSPrepare also for Points and Multipoints
2019-06-20 Raúl Marín... Travis: Avoid failing both if codecov download or uploa...
2019-06-20 Sandro Santilli[drone] Fix yml syntax (pull image)
2019-06-19 Raúl Marín... Revert r17538