]> granicus.if.org Git - php/shortlog
2002-07-26 Marcus Boergerreapply patch for imageellipse beeing wrappet to imagea...
2002-07-26 Stefan Esser@- FTP extension does support (auto)resuming now.
2002-07-26 Tomas V.V.Coxuse -d output_buffer=0 to workarround the PHP flush...
2002-07-26 Tomas V.V.Coxdownload package if force is set
2002-07-26 Tomas V.V.Coxrevert my change from PHP_BINDIR to bin_dir
2002-07-26 Tomas V.V.CoxUse install-as attrib for pear.bat too, so it gets...
2002-07-26 Tomas V.V.CoxUse script arg separator '--'
2002-07-26 Andi Gutmans- Fix problem with debug_backtrace() reported by Stig...
2002-07-26 Tomas V.V.CoxUse DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR instead of hardcoded '/'
2002-07-26 Tomas V.V.CoxWorkarround to the empty $_ENV
2002-07-26 Tomas V.V.Coxuse $GLOBALS['HTTP_SERVER_VARS'] instead
2002-07-26 Tomas V.V.CoxSilence NOTICE
2002-07-26 Stefan Esserall functions based on php_stat are now safe mode aware...
2002-07-26 foobarWhen Britney learns to sing, I will quit this..
2002-07-26 <changelog... NEWS update
2002-07-26 <changelog... ChangeLog update
2002-07-25 foobarFixed 3 major failures in this test:
2002-07-25 foobar- Fixed bug: #18560, the macro was not defined always.
2002-07-25 foobarAllow setting post_max_size and upload_max_filesize...
2002-07-25 foobarFixed bug: #18561.
2002-07-25 Derick Rethans- Added parameter to print_r which returns the variable...
2002-07-25 Stefan Esserdo not dtor empty elements
2002-07-25 Marcus Boerger-handling of thumbnails in sub IFDs (the Photoshopway...
2002-07-25 <changelog... ChangeLog update
2002-07-24 Andi Gutmans- Fix some compile problems with the new configure...
2002-07-24 James Coxmove testing for the alignment values into configure.
2002-07-24 Stefan Esserbreak out if there is no data to work on.
2002-07-24 Yasuo Ohgakiis_object() returns FALSE if object is a "incomplete...
2002-07-24 Uwe Steinmann- removed unused variable
2002-07-24 James Coxws fixes.
2002-07-24 <changelog... ChangeLog update
2002-07-24 Marcus Boerger-naming convention
2002-07-23 jim winsteadrestore shane to list of members of php group (got...
2002-07-23 Andi Gutmans- Fix WS.
2002-07-23 Holger ZimmermannRemoved some outdated lines from init_request_info().
2002-07-23 Sascha SchumannAdd autom4te.cache
2002-07-23 Sascha SchumannRemove \r
2002-07-23 Edin KadribasicMFB (patch by Troels Arvin <troels@arvin.dk>).
2002-07-23 foobarFix bug: #18308. (uname -a sometimes has extra linefeeds)
2002-07-23 foobarThis should fix those solaris+gcc bugs when --enable...
2002-07-23 foobarFix bug: #18479. Better error message what was not...
2002-07-23 <changelog... ChangeLog update
2002-07-23 foobar<insert funny comment here>
2002-07-22 James MooreAdded news item about bug 13866 in response to bug...
2002-07-22 Jason GreeneSwitch streams socket abstraction to use a timeval...
2002-07-22 Marcus Boergeradded some more tags from WinXP
2002-07-22 Tomas V.V.CoxBy the moment trust that the dependencies are good
2002-07-22 Marcus Boergeradded EXIF Version 2.2 Tags
2002-07-22 Tomas V.V.CoxBundle Net_socket, needed for Net_SMTP
2002-07-22 foobarFix typo..
2002-07-22 Georg Richternew mysql-functions for PHP 4.3.0
2002-07-22 Yasuo OhgakiCopy empty_string, fixed crash.
2002-07-22 <changelog... NEWS update
2002-07-22 <changelog... ChangeLog update
2002-07-21 Marcus Boergerunify error messages & notices
2002-07-21 Georg Richterremoved changes for mysql_select_db (optional parameter)
2002-07-21 Georg Richterfixed bug in mysql_real_escape_string:
2002-07-21 Andi Gutmans- Fix bug reported by Sebastian where old constructors...
2002-07-21 Stig Bakken* yeah yeah
2002-07-21 Stig Bakken* split #3 into two paragraphs again, like the Apache...
2002-07-21 Marko KarppinenMade PHP_ADD_LIBPATH use the $ld_runpath_switch and...
2002-07-21 Sascha SchumannMove autoconf-2.13 check into buildcheck.sh where we...
2002-07-21 Sascha SchumannOne should not ignore
2002-07-21 Stig Bakken* bundle these releases
2002-07-21 Stig Bakken* moved to /pear cvs
2002-07-21 Yasuo OhgakiAdded pg_fetch_all() that fetch all rows in result.
2002-07-21 Stig Bakken* already moved to /pear
2002-07-21 Stig Bakken* support "zend" dependency type
2002-07-21 Stig Bakken* moved to /pear cvs
2002-07-21 Stig Bakken* added missing license element
2002-07-21 Stig Bakken* always enable track_errors
2002-07-21 Stig Bakken* license out of "alpha"
2002-07-21 Stig Bakken* fixed some errors in package.xml
2002-07-21 <changelog... ChangeLog update
2002-07-20 James Coxproper patch to cvsclean for bad autoconf.
2002-07-20 foobarI love rock'n'roll...laalalaa (britney sucks)
2002-07-20 Sascha Schumannreverse bad patch
2002-07-20 Yasuo OhgakiFixed php_pgsql_convert's bool type handling.
2002-07-20 Yasuo OhgakiHmm. My PostgreSQL returns "bool" for boolean now.
2002-07-20 Yasuo OhgakiFixed convetion when null string is passed to php_pgsql...
2002-07-20 Yasuo OhgakiFixed crash.
2002-07-20 James Coxmore work for buildconf. forces a cvsclean if using...
2002-07-20 Sascha SchumannImprove/fix handling of --disable-rpath
2002-07-20 <changelog... NEWS update
2002-07-20 <changelog... ChangeLog update
2002-07-19 Jason GreeneFix feof() on win32
2002-07-19 foobarws fix
2002-07-19 Harald Radi- added a skeleton for new layers
2002-07-19 Yasuo OhgakiThis option should be left enabled by default by mistake.
2002-07-19 Derick RethansUnify error messages
2002-07-19 Derick RethansUnify error messages
2002-07-19 Derick RethansUnify error messages
2002-07-19 <changelog... ChangeLog update
2002-07-18 Harald Radiext/rpc/com should work now, but there's still lots...
2002-07-18 Derick Rethans- MFZE1 - MacOSX fixes by Marko Karppinen
2002-07-18 Yasuo OhgakiMove down open_basedir description.
2002-07-18 <changelog... NEWS update
2002-07-18 <changelog... ChangeLog update
2002-07-17 Dan Helfmanremoving tclink extension so it can be moved to pear...
2002-07-17 Dan Helfmannew credit card processing module for TrustCommerce