]> granicus.if.org Git - php/shortlog
2003-07-09 Jason GreeneConvert C++ comments to C (violates C99, and breaks...
2003-07-09 <changelog... ChangeLog update
2003-07-08 Marcus BoergerCurrently we're presented all properties with foreach()
2003-07-08 Marcus BoergerFix configure options
2003-07-08 Marcus BoergerAdd some comments
2003-07-08 Marcus Boergerfix this stupid error
2003-07-08 Marcus BoergerFix bug #24540
2003-07-08 Marcus BoergerAdd test for sqlite_seek()
2003-07-08 Rob Richardsfix getElementsByTagName
2003-07-08 foobarfix typo (most likely fixes #24533 too)
2003-07-08 foobarapache2filter does not require 2.0.44
2003-07-08 Sergey Kartashoff- Output of UDM_PARAM_WORDINFO_ALL was fixed
2003-07-08 foobar- Fixed bug #24537 (apache2 compile missing include...
2003-07-08 Sergey Kartashoff- Udm_Find function is fixed to be compatible with...
2003-07-08 Zeev Suraskiinitial refactoring for assign-op handling of objects
2003-07-08 Tomas V.V.CoxGo with b3
2003-07-08 Tomas V.V.CoxDetect enable_dl off or safe_mode on PEAR::loadExtension()
2003-07-08 Tomas V.V.CoxCheck dependencies on uninstall
2003-07-08 Tomas V.V.CoxAdded checkPackageUninstall()
2003-07-08 Derick Rethans- Fixed email address
2003-07-08 Wez FurlongMFB extensions info
2003-07-08 Sascha Schumanngrep -E -> egrep
2003-07-08 Sara Golemongethostbyname2() not thread safe. Use getaddrinfo...
2003-07-08 Sara GolemonMake php_set_inet6_addr happy with any environment...
2003-07-08 Brad Housesync functionality with libmcve 3.2
2003-07-08 <changelog... ChangeLog update
2003-07-07 foobarLittle update
2003-07-07 Sara GolemonFix non-GNU build. Use getaddrinfo() rather than getho...
2003-07-07 Rob Richardschanged to studlyCaps naming convention
2003-07-07 Rob Richardsimplement node proxies: next phase of interop
2003-07-07 Zeev SuraskiRework zend_do_declare_property and related code into...
2003-07-07 Zeev SuraskiFix bug
2003-07-07 Tomas V.V.CoxExperimental dependencies database handling functions
2003-07-07 Tomas V.V.CoxMoved dependecy db code to its own file
2003-07-07 Derick Rethans- Commiting conversion to zend_parse_parameters (leftov...
2003-07-07 Zeev SuraskiAdd missing elements
2003-07-07 foobarws + missing fold tag
2003-07-07 foobarAdded missing .cvsignore file
2003-07-07 Zeev SuraskiAdd get_dim callback
2003-07-07 Zeev SuraskiFix naming convention
2003-07-07 Derick Rethans- Help Zeev fixing ghosts :)
2003-07-07 Zeev Suraskiwhitespace
2003-07-07 Zeev SuraskiFix & whitespace
2003-07-07 Zeev Suraskifixlet
2003-07-07 Zeev SuraskiInitial support for overloading of array syntax for...
2003-07-07 <changelog... ChangeLog update
2003-07-06 Moriyoshi KoizumiUpdated test so it won't fail if the extension has...
2003-07-06 Moriyoshi KoizumiFixed segfault due to reference to the already free...
2003-07-06 Moriyoshi KoizumiModified the test so it reflects the change to iconv_mi...
2003-07-06 Moriyoshi KoizumiImproved iconv_mime_encode() interface
2003-07-06 Moriyoshi Koizumioops
2003-07-06 Moriyoshi KoizumiAvoid miscellaneous conflicts between glibc's iconv...
2003-07-06 Sebastian BergmannCOMPILE_DL_MYSQL_MYSQL -> COMPILE_DL_MYSQL
2003-07-06 George Schlossnagleadd convenience functions or adding class properties...
2003-07-06 Moriyoshi KoizumiAdded missing includes
2003-07-06 Moriyoshi KoizumiSimplified config scripts
2003-07-06 Pierre Joye- Fix bug #24512
2003-07-05 Rob Richardsuse common doc with ref counting rather than copy
2003-07-05 Marcus Boerger- In function sqlite_field_name the index parameter...
2003-07-05 Wez FurlongMFB: binary mode by default under win32.
2003-07-05 Derick Rethans- Fixed bug #24504: T_INTERFACE and T_IMPLEMENTS not...
2003-07-05 Sterling Hughesnot a temp var unless its a singular var
2003-07-05 <changelog... ChangeLog update
2003-07-04 Sterling Hughes"real" fix
2003-07-04 Sterling Hughesfix memory cverrun when accessing an empty xml element.
2003-07-04 Adam DickmeissOn Windows, handle YAZ versions that don't export yaz_v...
2003-07-04 Sterling Hughesavoid external conflicts in apache
2003-07-04 Andi Gutmans- Add heap to memory manager. This should improve perfo...
2003-07-04 Hartmut Holzgraefeskip test if glob() is not available at all
2003-07-04 Hartmut Holzgraeferegression test for #24482 GLOB_ONLYDIR is not working...
2003-07-04 Hartmut Holzgraefemake sure operator precedence is not playing tricks...
2003-07-04 Sebastian Bergmann2 * TSRMLS_FETCH() -> 1 * TSRMLS_DC
2003-07-04 George Schlossnaglews fix
2003-07-04 <changelog... ChangeLog update
2003-07-03 Sascha SchumannMFB quoting of )
2003-07-03 Marcus BoergerMore __clone testing
2003-07-03 Frank M. KromannChange fetch functions and protos so they make more...
2003-07-03 Marcus BoergerAllow final private methods
2003-07-03 Moriyoshi KoizumiAdded missing protos
2003-07-03 Moriyoshi KoizumiFix build
2003-07-03 Hartmut HolzgraefeVCWD awareness and (hopefully) windows compile fix
2003-07-03 Hartmut HolzgraefePHP glob() will now emulate GLOB_ONLYDIR on non-GNU...
2003-07-03 George Schlossnaglewin build fixes (Rob Richards)
2003-07-03 Marcus BoergerAccessing globals from a destructor causes memory corru...
2003-07-03 George Schlossnaglecan't forget Andrei
2003-07-03 Stanislav Malyshevenable Classname() constructor to be called via parent...
2003-07-03 Marcus BoergerFix open mode (noticed by FutureQuest, Inc.)
2003-07-03 Marcus BoergerCheck private redeclare behavior
2003-07-03 Stanislav Malyshevadd test for Bug #19859
2003-07-03 Stanislav MalyshevFix bug #19859 - allow fast_call_user_function to suppo...
2003-07-03 Stanislav Malyshevfix the get_parent_class fix
2003-07-03 Sterling Hughesfix these tests
2003-07-03 Tomas V.V.CoxStore verbose=1 in config file
2003-07-03 Tomas V.V.CoxAtm php5 doesn't support this:
2003-07-03 Tomas V.V.CoxWrite the PEAR system config file while installing
2003-07-03 Tomas V.V.CoxAdded tha ability to store custom data in a layer
2003-07-03 George Schlossnaglemore of Timm's patches, and mod authors line to give...
2003-07-03 Tomas V.V.Coxtypo, need the complete file name not the basenamed one
2003-07-03 Jon PariseUpdate documentation for PHP 5.
2003-07-03 foobarCut the long line a bit for readability..