]> granicus.if.org Git - python/shortlog
1999-09-29 Greg WardAdded 'package' option.
1999-09-29 Greg WardRenamed 'dir' option to be consistent with other commands.
1999-09-29 Greg WardRenamed many options to be consistent across commands.
1999-09-29 Greg WardCatch up with latest changes in CCompiler:
1999-09-29 Greg WardCatch up with latest changes in CCompiler:
1999-09-29 Greg WardAdded 'extra_preargs' and 'extra_postargs' parameters...
1999-09-29 Greg WardMore tweaks to 'mkpath()':
1999-09-29 Greg WardAdded 'ready' flag and 'ensure_ready()' method to Comma...
1999-09-27 Guido van RossumPatch by Tim Peters fixing PR#88:
1999-09-27 Guido van RossumPatch by Tim Peters fixing PR#89:
1999-09-26 Just van RossumInitial checkin of IDE scripts. (jvr)
1999-09-26 Just van RossumAdded support for global default font settings. (jvr)
1999-09-26 Just van Rossum1) added "typingcasesens" keyword arg to constructor...
1999-09-26 Just van Rossumadded do_setwindowfont() menu callback: brings up a...
1999-09-26 Just van Rossumadded getdefaultfont() function. Returns default font...
1999-09-26 Just van Rossum1 - added "set default window font" menu
1999-09-26 Just van Rossumminor cleanup, avoiding rare traceback (jvr)
1999-09-24 Fred Drake"make clobber" should remove modindex.html as well.
1999-09-24 Fred Drakeicons/ should not be ignored here now that this is...
1999-09-23 Fred DrakeAdded --about option to specify the file to load "About...
1999-09-23 Fred DrakeTell mkhowto to use stdabout.dat for the documents...
1999-09-23 Fred DrakeRemove some <SPAN> elements that were used only to...
1999-09-23 Fred DrakeRemove the "Comments and Questions" section, allowing...
1999-09-23 Fred DrakeVersion of about.dat that should only be used for the...
1999-09-23 Fred DrakeRemove some <SPAN> elements that were used only to...
1999-09-23 Fred DrakeOops, missed this one!
1999-09-23 Fred Drakeimg_tag(): Tighten up the generated SRC attribute...
1999-09-22 Fred Drakedo_cmd_rfc(): Simplify the generated markup.
1999-09-22 Fred DrakeAdded --image-type option to allow use of either GIF...
1999-09-22 Fred DrakeSome updates to allow ../tools/mkhowto to add various...
1999-09-22 Barry Warsawmain(): wrap the device.setinfo() call around an except...
1999-09-22 Greg WardAdded docstring and RCS id (apparently some Windows...
1999-09-22 Fred DrakePNG version of the icons, converted from the GIFs
1999-09-21 Greg WardDitched the whole notion of "alias options": this meant...
1999-09-21 Greg WardAdded 'write_file()' function.
1999-09-21 Greg WardIn 'link_shared_object()', try to be less sensitive...
1999-09-21 Greg WardTypecheck elements of 'macros' parameter in 'gen_prepro...
1999-09-21 Greg WardAdded docstring, brought __all__ up-to-date.
1999-09-21 Greg WardAdded 'install_path' option for giving non-packagized...
1999-09-21 Greg WardOnly run build_py if we have pure Python modules, and...
1999-09-21 Greg WardSome option changes:
1999-09-21 Greg WardBasically a complete rewrite to support dealing with...
1999-09-21 Fred DrakeAdded section about where to send comments, questions...
1999-09-20 Fred Drakeparser__pickler(): Don't drop the third argument to
1999-09-20 Guido van RossumAdded comment with web location of bsddb windows port.
1999-09-20 Guido van RossumPeter Haight discovered that this code uses a mutable...
1999-09-18 Guido van RossumTim Peters fixed PR#75: very long lines cause incorrect...
1999-09-17 Guido van RossumErik Lindvall contributed a BSD/OS 4 patch for LDSHARED.
1999-09-17 Fred Drakeos.name: Note that 'java' is one of the registered...
1999-09-16 Fred DrakeAdded documentation for inet_aton() and inet_ntoa(...
1999-09-15 Guido van RossumTim Peters writes:
1999-09-15 Guido van RossumAfter much hemming and hawing, we decided to roll back...
1999-09-15 Guido van Rossum(1) On Linux, we really need to trust the configure...
1999-09-15 Guido van RossumTypo: the method called is do_SPAM, not handle_SPAM.
1999-09-14 Guido van RossumPut Sam Rushing's original RCS ID string back, without...
1999-09-14 Guido van RossumPut Sam Rushing's original RCS ID string back, without...
1999-09-14 Fred DrakeAdded "import string" to a couple of examples that...
1999-09-13 Greg WardChanged selection of installation directories (in ...
1999-09-13 Greg WardStraightened up the selection of installation directori...
1999-09-13 Greg WardAdded support for 'package' option, including where...
1999-09-13 Greg WardComment addition.
1999-09-13 Greg WardNow run 'build_ext'.
1999-09-13 Guido van RossumTim Peters discovered a bug in the Python-supplied...
1999-09-13 Greg WardAdded 'output_dir' parameter to 'compile()' and 'link_s...
1999-09-13 Greg WardNew command -- install_ext to install extension modules.
1999-09-13 Greg WardAdded 'newer_pairwise()' and 'newer_group()'.
1999-09-13 Greg WardAdded 'output_dir' attribute, and 'output_dir' paramete...
1999-09-13 Greg WardFixed some goofs in 'alias_options'.
1999-09-10 Fred DrakeMessage.__delitem__(): If the key doesn't exist in...
1999-09-10 Guido van RossumFix for PR#74 -- use int() instead of eval() to extract...
1999-09-09 Barry Warsawcanonic(): This used to be equivalent to str() but...
1999-09-09 Barry WarsawPdb.lineinfo(): Don't use os.popen('egrep ...') to...
1999-09-09 Guido van RossumIt appears that inet_aton() doesn't really exist except...
1999-09-09 Guido van RossumMake the maxsize constructor argument default to 0...
1999-09-09 Fred DrakeAdded keyword parameter support to all public interface...
1999-09-09 Fred DrakeName the parameter to expr() and suite() "source" inste...
1999-09-09 Guido van RossumA few new TODO entries.
1999-09-08 Barry Warsawcall_trace(): A fix for PR#73, if an exception occurred...
1999-09-08 Greg WardChanged to reflect the new "command options" regime...
1999-09-08 Greg WardCareful rethink of command options, distribution option...
1999-09-08 Greg WardDitched redundant docstrings and comments (overlap...
1999-09-08 Greg WardDitched '_gen_preprocess_options()' and '_gen_lib_optio...
1999-09-08 Greg Wardos.name is "posix" or "nt" or we don't care.
1999-09-08 Greg Ward[from 1999/08/28]
1999-09-07 Guido van RossumFixed memory leak in ratecv, in response to PR#72....
1999-09-06 Andrew M. KuchlingFixed 'return EOFError' that should be 'raise EOFError...
1999-09-03 Guido van RossumCorrect typo in AddressList.__getitem__. By Moshe...
1999-09-02 Guido van RossumFix indent error in __format(): del context[objid]...
1999-08-29 Greg WardPatch from Perry Stoll: caught up with changes in CComp...
1999-08-29 Greg WardPatch from Perry Stoll: tweaks to Windows support.
1999-08-29 Greg WardPatch from Perry Stoll: support for Windows.
1999-08-29 Greg WardPatch from Perry Stoll: import types module.
1999-08-29 Greg WardPatch from Perry Stoll: typo fix, make sure we only...
1999-08-29 Greg WardPatch from Perry Stoll: OK for list of modules to be...
1999-08-29 Greg WardPatch from Perry Stoll: pass 'build_info' to link method.
1999-08-29 Greg WardPatch from Perry Stoll:
1999-08-29 Greg WardAdded msvccompiler module exactly as supplied by Perry...
1999-08-27 Guido van RossumPatch by Mark Hammond to avoid certain header files...
1999-08-27 Guido van RossumTiny patch by Mark Hammond to avoid sys/types.h if...
1999-08-27 Fred DrakeAdded descriptions of the t#, w, and w# PyArg_ParseTupl...