]> granicus.if.org Git - php/shortlog
2019-09-09 Peter Cowburnraise ValueError from imagecreate/imagecreatetruecolor
2019-09-09 Peter Cowburnadd ValueError
2019-09-09 Dmitry Stogovclenup
2019-09-09 Dmitry StogovAvoid hash value recalculation on each counter update
2019-09-09 Christoph M... Merge branch 'PHP-7.4'
2019-09-09 Christoph M... new_variable '{' expr '}' is deprecated as well
2019-09-09 Ivan EnderlinMention that arg_info[-1] holds the return info
2019-09-09 Nikita PopovMerge branch 'PHP-7.4'
2019-09-09 Nikita PopovMerge branch 'PHP-7.3' into PHP-7.4
2019-09-09 Nikita PopovMerge branch 'PHP-7.2' into PHP-7.3
2019-09-09 CHU ZhaoweiFix bug #72884 isCloneable() on SplFileObject should...
2019-09-09 Nikita PopovMerge branch 'PHP-7.4'
2019-09-09 Tyson AndreAdd opcache return type for random_int()
2019-09-09 Nikita PopovMerge branch 'PHP-7.4'
2019-09-09 Tyson AndreFix opcache zend_func_info for microtime/gettimeofday
2019-09-09 Nikita PopovClarify that our usage of gettimeofday() is infallible
2019-09-09 Christoph M... Merge branch 'PHP-7.4'
2019-09-09 Christoph M... Merge branch 'PHP-7.3' into PHP-7.4
2019-09-09 Christoph M... Fix version
2019-09-09 Christoph M... Merge branch 'PHP-7.4'
2019-09-09 Christoph M... Merge branch 'PHP-7.3' into PHP-7.4
2019-09-09 Christoph M... Merge branch 'PHP-7.2' into PHP-7.3
2019-09-09 Christoph M... Fix #78510: Partially uninitialized buffer returned...
2019-09-09 Nikita PopovMerge branch 'PHP-7.4'
2019-09-09 Nikita PopovFix typo
2019-09-09 Remi ColletMerge branch 'PHP-7.4'
2019-09-09 Remi Colletzip edxtension is now 1.15.5
2019-09-09 Remi Colletfix type consistency after
2019-09-09 Nikita PopovMerge branch 'PHP-7.4'
2019-09-09 Nikita PopovFixed bug #78514
2019-09-09 Nikita PopovMerge branch 'PHP-7.4'
2019-09-09 Nikita PopovFix PDO pgsql memory leak with scrollable cursors
2019-09-09 Nikita PopovMerge branch 'PHP-7.4'
2019-09-09 Nikita PopovFix double free of DSN credentials
2019-09-08 Peter KokotMerge branch 'PHP-7.4'
2019-09-08 Peter KokotUpdate NEWS
2019-09-08 Peter KokotFix #78349: Bundled pcre2 library missing LICENCE file
2019-09-08 蝦米fix missing close bracket
2019-09-07 Nikita PopovMerge branch 'PHP-7.4'
2019-09-07 Nikita PopovFix reporting of redirect test failures in junit
2019-09-07 Dmitry StogovMerge branch 'PHP-7.4'
2019-09-07 Dmitry StogovLink executable files using non PIC object files. This...
2019-09-06 Nikita PopovDetect calls to abstract methods in get_method() already
2019-09-06 Nikita PopovMerge branch 'PHP-7.4'
2019-09-06 Nikita PopovRemove defines for specific oraldap versions
2019-09-06 Nikita PopovRemove support for umich_ldap
2019-09-06 Nikita PopovMerge branch 'PHP-7.4'
2019-09-06 Nikita PopovRemove nsldap support
2019-09-06 Nikita PopovMerge branch 'PHP-7.4'
2019-09-06 Nikita PopovFix detection of gmp on clang
2019-09-06 Nikita PopovEnable display_startup_errors by default
2019-09-06 Nikita PopovMerge branch 'PHP-7.4'
2019-09-06 Nikita PopovFixed bug #78502
2019-09-06 Dmitry StogovMerge branch 'non_pic'
2019-09-05 Christoph M... Merge branch 'PHP-7.4'
2019-09-05 Christoph M... Merge branch 'PHP-7.3' into PHP-7.4
2019-09-05 Christoph M... Fix version
2019-09-05 Stanislav MalyshevMerge branch 'PHP-7.4'
2019-09-05 Stanislav MalyshevMerge branch 'PHP-7.3' into PHP-7.4
2019-09-05 Stanislav Malyshevfix version
2019-09-05 Nikita PopovMerge branch 'PHP-7.4'
2019-09-05 Nikita PopovFix pipe detection and stream position handling
2019-09-05 Dmitry StogovMerge branch 'PHP-7.4'
2019-09-05 Dmitry StogovRevert "Microoptimization (avoid code duplication)"
2019-09-05 Dmitry StogovMerge branch 'PHP-7.4'
2019-09-05 Dmitry StogovMicrooptimization (avoid code duplication)
2019-09-05 Dmitry StogovMerge branch 'master' of git.php.net:php-src
2019-09-05 Nikita PopovLoad execute_data without global regs
2019-09-05 Dmitry StogovMerge branch 'PHP-7.4'
2019-09-05 Nikita PopovMerge branch 'PHP-7.4'
2019-09-05 Dmitry StogovRemove HOT attribute from some VM handlers. Comparisons...
2019-09-05 Nikita PopovRemove --with-zlib-dir option from mysqlnd config
2019-09-05 Nikita PopovFix deprecated args freeing with JIT
2019-09-04 Nikita PopovMerge branch 'PHP-7.4'
2019-09-04 MarkWarnings to Errors: imagesetstyle
2019-09-04 Nikita PopovImprove exception handling for abstract/deprecated...
2019-09-04 MarkWarnings to errors in imageaffinematrix*()
2019-09-04 MarkWarnings to errors in imagecrop(auto)
2019-09-04 Nikita PopovMerge branch 'PHP-7.4'
2019-09-04 Nikita PopovFix handling of abstract/deprecated exception
2019-09-04 MarkWarnings to errors imageconvolution
2019-09-04 MarkWarnings become errors for imagepolygon et al
2019-09-04 MarkNegative checks for gamma
2019-09-04 MarkWarnings for image colour range check now throw exceptions
2019-09-04 MarkWarnings to errors for imagecreatefromgd2part
2019-09-04 MarkWarnings to Errors imagetruecolortopalette
2019-09-04 MarkWarnings to Errors imagecreate(truecolor)
2019-09-04 Christoph M... Add ext/xmlreader stubs
2019-09-04 Christoph M... Add missing zend_parse_paramters_none()
2019-09-04 Dmitry StogovMerge branch 'PHP-7.4'
2019-09-04 Dmitry StogovFixed bug #78488 (OOB in ZEND_FUNCTION(ffi_trampoline)).
2019-09-04 Dmitry StogovMerge branch 'master' of git.php.net:php-src
2019-09-04 Dmitry StogovMerge branch 'PHP-7.4'
2019-09-04 Dmitry StogovFixed bug #78488 (OOB in ZEND_FUNCTION(ffi_trampoline)).
2019-09-04 Nikita PopovMerge branch 'PHP-7.4'
2019-09-04 Tyson AndreAdd missing opcache return types for functions in spl
2019-09-04 Christoph M... Declare nullable arguments in stubs
2019-09-04 Christoph M... Merge branch 'PHP-7.4'
2019-09-04 Fabien VillepinteAdd the last missing SKIPIF
2019-09-04 Christoph M... Merge branch 'PHP-7.4'