]> granicus.if.org Git - nethack/shortlog
2018-10-12 Pasi KallinenX11: Allow bold attribute for menucolors
2018-10-11 Pasi KallinenX11: Remember perm_invent window geometry
2018-10-11 Pasi KallinenX11: Handle paged menu control keys
2018-10-11 Pasi KallinenX11: Mouse wheel scrolling in menus
2018-10-11 PatRX11 menus
2018-10-10 Pasi KallinenX11: Menucolors
2018-10-10 Patric MuellerFix Qt compilation
2018-10-05 nhmallensure tmp_at() structures are initialized for all...
2018-10-05 nhmallRevert "ensure tmp_at() structures are initialized...
2018-10-05 nhmallRevert "fix up a bad commit"
2018-10-05 nhmallfix up a bad commit
2018-10-05 nhmallensure tmp_at() structures are initialized for all...
2018-10-02 PatRformatting cleanup src/*.c
2018-10-01 PatRchange default for 'autodescribe' to 'on'
2018-09-30 PatRuntrap downwards while over trap
2018-09-30 nhmalla couple of steed Flying messages
2018-09-30 nhmallcomment typo in music.c
2018-09-30 PatRtile.c formatting
2018-09-30 PatRfix #H6925 - being trapped vs Levitation/Flying
2018-09-30 nhmallmove assignment outside inner loop
2018-09-30 nhmallone more update for the right of the status line
2018-09-30 nhmallrevisit display artifact appearing to the right of...
2018-09-28 nhmalldisplay cleanup only targets the right-most field where...
2018-09-28 nhmallfollow-up bit
2018-09-28 nhmallMerge branch 'NetHack-3.6.2-beta01' of https://rodney...
2018-09-28 nhmalltty: fix leftover display artifact when last field...
2018-09-28 PatRalternate bear trap fix
2018-09-27 Patric Muellerfix typo of the Junethack tournament
2018-09-27 PatRmore extended command help
2018-09-27 PatRmonpolycontrol, wizdebug_*
2018-09-26 nhmallfix out of bounds error in tty_status_update() for...
2018-09-26 nhmallengr follow-up bit
2018-09-26 nhmallwand of polymorph engrave for blind writers
2018-09-26 nhmallfix missing space in "would flyif you weren't levitating"
2018-09-26 nhmallMerge branch 'copperwater-flyif_fix' into NetHack-3...
2018-09-26 nhmallMerge branch 'flyif_fix' of https://github.com/copperwa...
2018-09-26 copperwaterFix "would flyif you weren't levitating" - missing...
2018-09-26 nhmalldon't impact player stats with wizard mode ^T
2018-09-26 PatRfix #7414 - bug with Japanese names for Samurai
2018-09-25 PatRfix #H7136 - iron bars vs non-diggable walls
2018-09-25 PatRextended commands revision
2018-09-25 PatRsimplify #wizidentify
2018-09-24 PatRfix #H7397 - pronoun for unseen shopkeeper
2018-09-24 nhmallmake long extended commands list be more navigable
2018-09-24 nhmallupdate tournament reference
2018-09-23 nhmallno leash-related message is given when leashed pet...
2018-09-23 nhmallknown bear trap forgotton by player polymorphed into...
2018-09-23 nhmalldrum of earthquake causing deafness inappropriately
2018-09-23 nhmalltwo typo/follow-up bits
2018-09-23 nhmallBL_RESET usage for window port status line updating
2018-09-22 PatR'unbreak' wishing probabilities
2018-09-22 PatRfix github issue #134 - display of migrated objects
2018-09-22 PatRshiny object probabilities
2018-09-22 nhmallsunsword vs gremlin
2018-09-22 nhmallX11 exposed a genl_status_update negative index issue
2018-09-22 nhmallfollow-up bit
2018-09-22 nhmallanother BL_CHARACTERISTICS fix
2018-09-22 nhmallMerge branch 'NetHack-3.6.2-beta01' of https://rodney...
2018-09-22 nhmallavoid illegal array indexes now that the enum treads...
2018-09-22 Pasi KallinenPrevent leash showing unseen monster as "it"
2018-09-22 nhmallfix C343-331 mirrors & sleeping mon
2018-09-22 PatRfixes fixes
2018-09-21 nhmalltranscription bit
2018-09-21 nhmallmore historical fixes info
2018-09-21 nhmallinclude some fixes files from older versions in the...
2018-09-21 nhmallanother orctown follow-up tuning bit
2018-09-21 nhmallfixes bit
2018-09-21 nhmallsome orctown follow-up bits, fix Bad fruit #0 and some...
2018-09-20 PatRdo_name.c cleanup
2018-09-20 PatRspecial levels 'grow selection'
2018-09-20 nhmallMerge branch 'mogigoma-fix-grammar-and-punctuation...
2018-09-20 nhmallcannot alter doc/tmac.n
2018-09-20 nhmallMerge branch 'fix-grammar-and-punctuation' of https...
2018-09-20 nhmallinitialize a supplement buffer
2018-09-20 PatRmissile launching traps
2018-09-20 PatRgrow-up of unnamed pet
2018-09-20 PatRbuild bits
2018-09-20 Mak KolybabiGrammar and punctuation fixes.
2018-09-20 nhmallMerge branch 'winX-comment-typo' of https://github...
2018-09-20 nhmallsome data.base bits
2018-09-20 nhmallMerge branch 'fix-other-spelling-issues' of https:...
2018-09-20 Mak KolybabiFix other spelling issues.
2018-09-20 nhmallMerge branch 'mogigoma' into NetHack-3.6.2-beta01
2018-09-20 nhmallMerge branch 'fix-dat-and-devel' of https://github...
2018-09-19 Mak KolybabiFix spelling and capitalization issues in `dat` and...
2018-09-19 Mak KolybabiFix spelling mistake in README.
2018-09-19 nhmallfixes36.2 entry for the orctown changes
2018-09-19 nhmallMerge branch 'NetHack-3.6.2-beta01' of https://rodney...
2018-09-19 nhmallsome orctown tuning bits
2018-09-18 PatRfix #H7396 - wishing for "orange"
2018-09-18 nhmallGnomish Mines changes involving "Orctown" level variant
2018-09-18 PatRfix #H7060 - polymorph zap vs long worm
2018-09-17 nhmalltry to coax an error code for display on tile_file...
2018-09-16 PatRfix #H7157 - cancel self as clay golem
2018-09-15 Pasi KallinenUse is_hole macro to check for trapdoors and holes
2018-09-15 Pasi KallinenUse is_pit macro to check for (spiked) pit
2018-09-15 Pasi KallinenUpdate commented out perm_invent stuff
2018-09-15 PatRfix #H7156 - perm_invent
2018-09-14 PatRgit pull request #133 - reassess worn equipment
2018-09-14 Pasi KallinenHandle monsters inside the invocation area