]> granicus.if.org Git - nethack/shortlog
2003-10-24 nethack.allisonbuglist: polymorphed into quantum mechanic
2003-10-23 nethack.allison<Someone>'s were_summon rules
2003-10-23 nethack.rankincharging tweak
2003-10-23 nethack.rankinweapon skill tweak
2003-10-23 cohrsinappropriate lit_corridor check
2003-10-23 nethack.rankinlex update
2003-10-23 nethack.allisonHalf_physical_damage 08
2003-10-23 cohrssupport engraving in blood in special level files
2003-10-23 cohrsbuglist: cutting Shopkeeper the long worm
2003-10-23 cohrsextra control characters in panic messages
2003-10-23 cohrsgcc warning bit
2003-10-22 nethack.allisonHalf_physical_damage 07
2003-10-22 nethack.allisonHalf_physical_damage 06
2003-10-21 nethack.allisonHalf_physical_damage 05
2003-10-21 nethack.allisonHalf_physical_damage 04
2003-10-21 nethack.allisonHalf_physical_damage 03
2003-10-21 cohrspets getting "stuck" trying to reach inaccessible objects
2003-10-21 nethack.allisonHalf_physical_damage 2
2003-10-21 cohrsU704 - creating unappropriate hell random monsters
2003-10-21 nethack.allisonwin32tty hangs if you ^C at "Who are you?"
2003-10-21 nethack.allisonwin32tty hangs if you ^C at "Who are you?"
2003-10-21 nethack.allisonwin32 acknowledgement bit
2003-10-21 nethack.allisonwin32 dep
2003-10-21 nethack.rankinsome lint cleanup
2003-10-21 cohrsold bug report: unchanging iron golem still rehumanizes
2003-10-21 nethack.rankinvms catchup
2003-10-21 cohrsU453 and buglist item - travel command updates
2003-10-21 cohrs3.4.3 update
2003-10-21 cohrsunix depend update
2003-10-21 cohrsunix depend update
2003-10-21 cohrsgnome does not like ^C
2003-10-20 nethack.allisonanother bit
2003-10-20 nethack.allisonmore buglist crystal ball detection
2003-10-19 nethack.allisonbit
2003-10-19 nethack.allisoncrystal balls and space key
2003-10-19 nethack.allisoncrystal balls and '~'
2003-10-18 cohrsbreaking migrated objects
2003-10-18 nethack.allison> - When polymorphed into a flying creature and being...
2003-10-18 nethack.allisonbuglist: Vlad can turn to flee and be paralyzed at...
2003-10-16 cohrsdebian bug #23229 - save file permissions
2003-10-16 nethack.allisonfrom <Someone>'s list: destroy wand of digging
2003-10-15 cohrseating amulet of unchanging redux
2003-10-15 cohrstrunk compilation followup to iron changes
2003-10-15 nethack.allisonmore patch cleanup
2003-10-15 nethack.allisondipping non-weapon iron in fountain follow-up patch...
2003-10-15 nethack.allisondipping non-weapon iron in fountain
2003-10-15 nethack.allisonwin32tty color fix
2003-10-15 cohrsdebian bug #154629 followup
2003-10-15 cohrsdebian bug #154629 - extended commands in gnome front end
2003-10-15 cohrsadditional gnome SAFERHANGUP changes
2003-10-14 nethack.allisonice followup
2003-10-14 nethack.allisonnewline
2003-10-14 cohrsadditional X11 SAFERHANGUP changes
2003-10-14 cohrsdebian #184911 - quitting while tty mode inventory...
2003-10-14 cohrsdebian #170531 - sign extension in gnome input
2003-10-14 cohrsdebian #154627 - quiver menu item in gnome interface
2003-10-13 nethack.allisonice Warning (trunk only)
2003-10-13 cohrsqt gcc warnings
2003-10-13 cohrsdebian bug 71234 - closing player selection window...
2003-10-13 nethack.allisonwin32 synch
2003-10-13 nethack.allisonwin32 synch
2003-10-13 nethack.allisonwin32gui message history; also clipboard support (from...
2003-10-13 nethack.allisonwin32gui message history; also clipboard support (from...
2003-10-13 nethack.allisonchange the "Stop eating?" question (trunk only)
2003-10-12 nethack.allisontypo
2003-10-12 nethack.allisonVlad won't use digging in his tower
2003-10-12 nethack.allisonanother melting ice follow up (trunk only)
2003-10-12 nethack.allisonmelting ice follow up (trunk only)
2003-10-12 nethack.allisonmelting ice (trunk only)
2003-10-12 cohrsX11 hilite_pet
2003-10-12 kmhugofixes catchup
2003-10-12 kmhugoDeafness tidbit
2003-10-11 cohrseating an amulet of unchanging
2003-10-11 cohrsthrowing while polymorphed
2003-10-10 cohrshiding under a cockatrice corpse
2003-10-10 cohrsU685 - billing for tin usage
2003-10-10 nethack.allisonbuglist: splashing
2003-10-10 nethack.allison#U578: Various bug reports
2003-10-10 nethack.allisonwin32tty bit
2003-10-08 nethack.allisonRemove very old buglist entry
2003-10-08 nethack.allisonmore context (trunk only)
2003-10-06 cohrsmessage history followup
2003-10-05 nethack.allisonwin32tty changes
2003-10-05 nethack.allisonheadings in option menus
2003-10-05 nethack.allisonsaving message history (trunk only)
2003-10-03 cohrsX11 dynamic map mode selection
2003-10-02 cohrseels in lava
2003-10-02 cohrsnagas eating
2003-10-01 cohrsU666 - inserting gold into a container
2003-09-30 cohrspotion-from-sink and the corpsenm field
2003-09-30 cohrskicking a drawbridge
2003-09-30 cohrsputting a saddle on a cockatrice
2003-09-30 nethack.allisonwin32gui: missing but for UI tweaks (from <Someone>)
2003-09-30 nethack.allisonSAFERHANGUP win32gui (from <Someone>)
2003-09-30 nethack.allisonSAFERHANGUP win ce (from <Someone>)
2003-09-29 cohrsconflicting delayed killers
2003-09-29 cohrsconflicting delayed killers
2003-09-29 cohrsU678 - message ordering
2003-09-29 nethack.allisonU675 fix
2003-09-28 kmhugosound cleanup