2019-10-08 Daniel Stenbergcurl: --no-progress-meter
2019-10-08 Daniel StenbergTODO: Consult %APPDATA% also for .netrc
2019-10-07 Daniel StenbergCURLOPT_TIMEOUT.3: remove the mention of "minutes"
2019-10-07 Andrei Valeriu... docs: added multi-event.c example
2019-10-05 Nicolasldap: fix OOM error on missing query string
2019-10-05 Paul B. Omtabuild: Remove unused HAVE_LIBSSL and HAVE_LIBCRYPTO...
2019-10-05 Daniel StenbergRELEASE-NOTES: synced
2019-10-05 Stian Soiland... curl: ensure HTTP 429 triggers --retry
2019-10-04 apiquewinbuild: add ENABLE_UNICODE option
2019-10-04 Daniel Stenbergngtcp2: adapt to API change
2019-10-03 Daniel Stenbergcookies: change argument type for Curl_flush_cookies
2019-10-03 Daniel Stenberghttp2: move state-init from creation to pre-transfer
2019-10-03 Daniel Stenbergurlapi: fix use-after-free bug
2019-10-03 Paul Dreikcookie: avoid harmless use after free
2019-10-03 Denis Chaplygindocs: add note on failed handles not being counted...
2019-10-03 Daniel StenbergCURLMOPT_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS.3: fix SEE ALSO typo
2019-10-02 NiallESNI: initial build/setup
2019-10-02 Daniel StenbergRELEASE-NOTES: synced
2019-10-02 Daniel Stenbergredirect: when following redirects to an absolute URL...
2019-10-02 Daniel Stenbergurlapi: fix URL encoding when setting a full URL
2019-10-02 Daniel Stenbergtool_operate: rename functions to make more sense
2019-10-02 Daniel Stenbergcurl: create easy handles on-demand and not ahead of...
2019-10-02 Kunal EkawdeCURLMOPT_MAX_CONCURRENT_STREAMS: new setopt
2019-10-02 Daniel Stenbergchunked-encoding: stop hiding the CURLE_BAD_CONTENT_ENC...
2019-10-01 Marcel Raadchecksrc: fix uninitialized variable warning
2019-10-01 Marcel Raadurlapi: fix unused variable warning
2019-10-01 Marcel Raadlib: silence conversion warnings
2019-09-30 Marcel RaadAppVeyor: add 32-bit MinGW-w64 build
2019-09-30 Marcel RaadAppVeyor: remove MSYS2_ARG_CONV_EXCL for winbuild
2019-09-30 Emil Englergit: add tests/server/disabled to .gitignore
2019-09-30 Daniel Stenbergaltsvc: accept quoted ma and persist values
2019-09-30 Daniel Stenbergmailmap: a Lucas fix
2019-09-29 lucasquiche: update HTTP/3 config creation to new API
2019-09-29 Daniel StenbergBINDINGS: PureBasic, Net::Curl for perl and Nim
2019-09-29 Daniel StenbergBINDINGS: Kapito is an Erlang library, basically a...
2019-09-29 Daniel StenbergBINDINGS: added clj-curl
2019-09-28 Jay Satirodocs: disambiguate CURLUPART_HOST is for host name...
2019-09-28 Daniel Stenbergcookies: using a share with cookies shouldn't enable...
2019-09-27 Daniel Stenbergsetopt: handle ALTSVC set to NULL
2019-09-27 Daniel StenbergRELEASE-NOTES: synced
2019-09-27 grdownsINSTALL: add vcpkg installation instructions
2019-09-27 ZenjuFTP: add test for FTPFILE_NOCWD: Avoid redundant CWDs
2019-09-27 ZenjuFTP: url-decode path before evaluation
2019-09-27 Marcel Raadtests: fix narrowing conversion warnings
2019-09-27 julianvtls: Fix comment typo about macosx-version-min compile...
2019-09-26 Yechiel KalmensonREADME: minor grammar fix
2019-09-26 SpezifantHTTP3: fix prefix parameter for ngtcp2 build
2019-09-26 Daniel Stenbergquiche: don't close connection at end of stream!
2019-09-26 Daniel Stenbergquiche: set 'drain' when returning without having drain...
2019-09-26 Daniel StenbergRevert "FTP: url-decode path before evaluation"
2019-09-26 Daniel StenbergHTTP3: merged and simplified the two 'running' sections
2019-09-26 Daniel StenbergHTTP3: show an --alt-svc using example too
2019-09-26 ZenjuFTP: url-decode path before evaluation
2019-09-26 Daniel Stenbergopenssl: use strerror on SSL_ERROR_SYSCALL
2019-09-26 Daniel StenbergHTTP3: update + add link to server...
2019-09-26 Jay Satirourl: don't set appconnect time for non-ssl/non-ssh...
2019-09-25 Daniel Stenbergngtcp2: remove fprintf() calls
2019-09-25 Jay Satirourl: fix the NULL hostname compiler warning case
2019-09-25 Jay Satirotravis: move the go install to linux-only
2019-09-25 Daniel Stenbergaltsvc: correct the #ifdef for the ngtcp2 backend
2019-09-25 Daniel Stenbergaltsvc: save h3 as h3-23
2019-09-24 Daniel Stenbergurlapi: question mark within fragment is still fragment
2019-09-24 Alex move -p for mkdir, remove -j for make
2019-09-24 Patrick Monneratos400: getpeername() and getsockname() return ebcdic...
2019-09-24 Lucas Parduestrcase: fix raw lowercasing the letter X
2019-09-23 Daniel Stenberghttp2: Expression 'stream->stream_id != - 1' is always...
2019-09-23 Daniel Stenberghttp2: A value is being subtracted from the unsigned...
2019-09-23 Daniel Stenberglibssh: part of conditional expression is always true...
2019-09-23 Daniel Stenberglibssh: part of conditional expression is always true
2019-09-23 Daniel Stenberglibssh: The expression is excessive or contains a misprint
2019-09-23 Daniel Stenbergquiche: The expression must be surrounded by parentheses
2019-09-23 Daniel Stenbergvauth: The parameter 'status' must be surrounded by...
2019-09-23 Paul Dreikdoh: allow only http and https in debug mode
2019-09-23 Paul Dreikdoh: return early if there is no time left
2019-09-23 Barry Pollardhttp: lowercase headernames for HTTP/2 and HTTP/3
2019-09-23 Marcel Raadvtls: fix narrowing conversion warnings
2019-09-23 Joel Depooterwinbuild: Add manifest to curl.exe for proper OS versio...
2019-09-22 Daniel StenbergRELEASE-NOTES: synced
2019-09-22 Marcel Raadopenssl: fix compiler warning with LibreSSL
2019-09-22 Daniel Stenbergcurl: exit the create_transfers loop on errors
2019-09-22 Jay Satirosocks: Fix destination host shown on SOCKS5 error
2019-09-21 Daniel Stenbergtravis: enable ngtcp2 h3-23 builds
2019-09-21 Daniel Stenbergaltsvc: both backends run h3-23 now
2019-09-21 Daniel Stenberghttp: fix warning on conversion from int to bit
2019-09-21 Daniel Stenbergurldata: use 'bool' for the bit type on MSVC compilers
2019-09-21 Daniel Stenbergappveyor: upgrade VS2017 to VS2019
2019-09-21 ZenjuFTP: FTPFILE_NOCWD: avoid redundant CWDs
2019-09-21 Daniel Stenbergcookie: pass in the correct cookie amount to qsort()
2019-09-21 Paul Dreikurlapi: avoid index underflow for short ipv6 hostnames
2019-09-21 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawangtcp2: compile with latest ngtcp2 + nghttp3 draft-23
2019-09-20 Daniel StenbergTHANKS-filter: deal with my typos 'Jat' => 'Jay'
2019-09-20 Daniel Stenbergtravis: use go master
2019-09-20 Daniel Stenbergtool_operate: removed unused variable 'done'
2019-09-20 Daniel Stenbergtool_operate: Expression 'config->resume_from' is alway...
2019-09-20 Daniel Stenbergtool_getparam: remove duplicate switch case
2019-09-20 Daniel Stenberglibssh2: part of conditional expression is always true...
2019-09-20 Daniel Stenbergurlapi: Expression 'storep' is always true
2019-09-20 Daniel Stenbergurlapi: 'scheme' is always true
2019-09-20 Daniel Stenbergurlapi: part of conditional expression is always true...
2019-09-20 Daniel Stenbergsetopt: store CURLOPT_RTSP_SERVER_CSEQ correctly