]> granicus.if.org Git - python/shortlog
2010-03-30 Antoine PitrouFix small error in r79502
2010-03-30 Antoine PitrouIssue #8248: Add some tests for the bool type. Patch...
2010-03-30 Benjamin Petersonadd inspect.getcallargs, which binds function arguments...
2010-03-30 Florent Xiclunafix ACKS: alphabetic order and UTF-8
2010-03-30 Florent Xicluna#8263: Now regrtest.py will report a failure if it...
2010-03-30 Florent XiclunaHighlight the change of behavior related to r79494...
2010-03-30 Florent Xicluna#7643: Unicode codepoints VT (0x0B) and FF (0x0C) are...
2010-03-29 Michael FoordBackport of weakref.WeakSet and tests from Python 3.
2010-03-28 Raymond HettingerUpdate itertools recipe for consume().
2010-03-28 Raymond HettingerAdd a note on optimizing the itertools recipes for...
2010-03-28 Raymond HettingerUpdate itertools recipes.
2010-03-27 Michael FoordAddition of delta keyword argument to unittest.TestCase...
2010-03-27 Michael FoordRename the unittest test_suite function to not clash...
2010-03-27 Michael FoordA fix for running unittest tests on platforms without...
2010-03-27 Mark DickinsonAdd Misc/NEWS entry for r79455.
2010-03-27 Mark DickinsonMake Fraction to complex comparisons with <=, <, >...
2010-03-26 Florent XiclunaEnsure that the failed or unexpected tests are sorted...
2010-03-26 Antoine PitrouIssue #8222: Enable the SSL_MODE_AUTO_RETRY flag on...
2010-03-26 Benjamin Petersonreorder imports
2010-03-26 Michael FoordMakefile.pre.in for the unittest/test directory
2010-03-26 Michael FoordAddition of -c command line option to unittest, to...
2010-03-26 Michael FoordMove a support TestCase out of the main namespace in...
2010-03-26 Michael FoordRemove incorrect docstring in unittest.test
2010-03-25 Michael FoordTurn unittest tests into a package
2010-03-25 Brian CurtinFix #6538. Markup RegexObject and MatchObject as classe...
2010-03-25 Benjamin Petersonmake naming convention consistent
2010-03-25 Florent XiclunaFix test_unittest and test_warnings when running "pytho...
2010-03-25 Florent Xicluna#8207: Fix test_pep277 on OS X
2010-03-25 Florent XiclunaSyntax cleanup `== None` -> `is None`
2010-03-25 Benjamin Petersonmake an attempt to add capsule to the Windows build
2010-03-25 Andrew M. KuchlingAdd various items
2010-03-25 Larry HastingsRemove extraneous experimental code checked in by accident.
2010-03-25 Victor StinnerFix a gcc warning introduced by r79397.
2010-03-25 Benjamin Petersonfix eol properties on capsule files
2010-03-25 Benjamin Petersonset eol on email example
2010-03-25 Benjamin Petersonset bsddb eol style
2010-03-25 Larry HastingsBackported PyCapsule from 3.1, and converted most uses of
2010-03-25 Victor StinnerFix _curses.tiget*() functions: deny None to avoid...
2010-03-25 Victor StinnerIssue #8211: Save/restore CFLAGS around AC_PROG_CC...
2010-03-24 Steven BethardReplace license with simple attribution.
2010-03-24 Antoine PitrouRevert r79384 (the fix failed).
2010-03-24 Benjamin Petersonreplace copy right notice with simple attribution
2010-03-24 Antoine PitrouTrying to fix #8108. Will watch the buildbot(s).
2010-03-24 Florent XiclunaSkip tests which depend on multiprocessing.sharedctypes...
2010-03-24 Andrew M. KuchlingVarious edits
2010-03-24 Vinay Sajiplogging: Updated SysLogHandler documentation.
2010-03-24 Florent XiclunaSkip test_ascii_formatd if _ctypes is not available...
2010-03-24 Vinay Sajiplogging: Documentation tweak.
2010-03-24 Martin v. LöwisAdd Brian Curtin.
2010-03-24 Vinay Sajiplogging: Added LOG_FTP for SysLogHandler and updated...
2010-03-23 Ezio MelottiAnother typo.
2010-03-23 Ezio Melotti#8217: typo.
2010-03-23 Benjamin Petersonthe == test doesn't work on Solaris #8210
2010-03-23 Florent XiclunaThe SIGINT signal may happen earlier, during site.py...
2010-03-23 Andrew M. Kuchlingadd some unittest items
2010-03-23 Florent XiclunaThe standard error should be empty when the signal...
2010-03-23 Florent XiclunaSilence test_subprocess.
2010-03-23 Florent XiclunaSkip test_format_deprecation if _ctypes is not availabl...
2010-03-23 Senthil KumaranFixed Issue8209 - OptionParser keyword arg 'epilog...
2010-03-23 Benjamin PetersonMerged revisions 79313,79324 via svnmerge from
2010-03-23 Ezio MelottiLink specifically to the UCD version 5.2.0.
2010-03-23 Ezio MelottiRemove link to objects.rst (gone in r79179).
2010-03-22 Ezio MelottiUpdate the version number of the Unicode Database in...
2010-03-22 Benjamin PetersonMerged revisions 79309 via svnmerge from
2010-03-22 Florent XiclunaIssue #8205: Remove the "Modules" directory from sys...
2010-03-22 Florent Xicluna#7667: Fix doctest failures with non-ASCII paths.
2010-03-22 Benjamin PetersonMerged revisions 79077,79137,79304-79305 via svnmerge...
2010-03-22 Antoine PitrouIssue #7512: shutil.copystat() could raise an OSError...
2010-03-22 Florent Xicluna#7668: Fix test_httpservers failure when sys.executable...
2010-03-22 Florent XiclunaPreserve backward compatibility of the ctypes module.
2010-03-22 Florent XiclunaIssue #7703: ctypes supports both buffer() and memoryvi...
2010-03-22 R. David MurrayIssue #7860: platform.uname now reports the correct...
2010-03-22 Vinay Sajiplogging: Added getChild utility method to Logger and...
2010-03-22 Jesus CeaMissing testsuite files
2010-03-22 Florent XiclunaGet rid of buffer() in test_ctypes: backport the 3...
2010-03-22 Antoine PitrouFix an occasional test_ftplib failure, following r79226.
2010-03-22 Jesus Ceapybsddb 4.8.4 integration. Please, comment in issue...
2010-03-22 Vinay SajipIssue #8201: logging: Handle config errors when non...
2010-03-22 Victor StinnerFix the NEWS about my last commit: an unicode subclass...
2010-03-22 Vinay SajipIssue #8200: logging: Handle errors when multiprocessin...
2010-03-22 Victor StinnerIssue #1583863: An unicode subclass can now override...
2010-03-22 Michael FoordCorrect usage message displayed for python -m unittest -h
2010-03-22 Michael Foordexpected failure should not trigger failfast behavior...
2010-03-22 Michael FoordRemoving Python 2.3 compatibility code from unittest.
2010-03-22 Michael FoordFix failing test committed by accident.
2010-03-22 Michael Foord-f/--failfast command line option for unittest. Issue...
2010-03-22 Michael FoordIssue 7815. __unittest in module globals trims frames...
2010-03-21 Benjamin Petersontake into account keyword arguments when passing too...
2010-03-21 Benjamin Petersonimprove error message from passing inadequate number...
2010-03-21 Benjamin Petersondon't write duplicate tests
2010-03-21 Benjamin Petersonfix import
2010-03-21 Benjamin Petersonco_varnames is certainly a tuple, so let's not waste...
2010-03-21 Benjamin Petersonremove pointless condition
2010-03-21 Antoine PitrouIssue #3890: Fix recv() and recv_into() on non-blocking...
2010-03-21 Benjamin Petersonflatten condition
2010-03-21 Antoine PitrouIssue #1628484: The Makefile doesn't ignore the CFLAGS...
2010-03-21 Georg BrandlFix plural.
2010-03-21 Andrew M. KuchlingAdd items
2010-03-21 Florent Xicluna#8180: Fix test_pep277 on OS X and add more tests for...
2010-03-21 Benjamin Petersonrewrite a bit