2000-02-22 Guido van RossumAdded a new command: Check module (Alt-F5) It does...
2000-02-21 Jeremy Hyltonsatisfy the tabnanny (thanks to MH for noticing the...
2000-02-21 Fred DrakeWhat used to be tp_xxx4 is now tp_flags; set it to...
2000-02-21 Fred DrakeRemove comment that Guido agree's doesn't make sense:
2000-02-21 Fred DrakeScript to help locate markup that LaTeX2HTML has a...
2000-02-21 Guido van RossumMark pointed out a buglet in his patch: i < _sys_nerr...
2000-02-21 Jack JansenAdded FreeMem, MaxBlock and CompactMem calls. The value...
2000-02-19 Greg Steinadd TODO section
2000-02-18 Andrew M. KuchlingPatch from Vladimir Marangozov <marangoz@python.inrialp...
2000-02-18 Andrew M. KuchlingPatch from Vladimir Marangozov <marangoz@python.inrialp...
2000-02-18 Greg Steinreduce fsimp coupling: provide fs_imp param to ImportMa...
2000-02-18 Greg Steinshift demo importers to (destined for...
2000-02-18 Greg WardChanged all references to command methods 'set_default_...
2000-02-18 Greg WardRenamed 'set_default_options()' to 'initialize_options...
2000-02-18 Greg WardChanged references to the command class 'options' attri...
2000-02-18 Greg WardRenamed all 'options' class attributes to 'user_options'.
2000-02-18 Greg WardCommand classes are now named identically to their...
2000-02-18 Greg WardRenamed all command classes so they're exactly the...
2000-02-18 Greg WardChanged 'dist' to 'sdist'.
2000-02-17 Greg WardThe 'sdist' command to create a source distribution...
2000-02-17 Greg WardThe 'dist' command is dead -- long live the 'sdist...
2000-02-17 Jeremy Hyltonchanges to _lookupName
2000-02-17 Jeremy Hyltonthe previous quick hack to fix def foo((x,y)) failed...
2000-02-17 Jeremy Hyltonadd varargs and kwargs flags to Lambda nodes
2000-02-17 Jeremy Hyltonsatisfy the tabnanny
2000-02-17 Fred DrakeUpdate the description of int() to include the radix...
2000-02-17 Fred DrakeTypo in a comment: "wheter" --> "whether"
2000-02-17 Guido van RossumPatches by Piers Lauder.
2000-02-17 Guido van RossumAdd primitive customization of window size and font.
2000-02-17 Guido van RossumPatch by Mark Hammond:
2000-02-17 Guido van RossumChanges by Mark Hammond related to the new WindowsError...
2000-02-17 Guido van RossumDeclarations related to new WindowsError exception.
2000-02-17 Guido van RossumAdded WindowsError, for Mark Hammond's extensions.
2000-02-16 Guido van RossumAdded docs for new crc32() function. By Jim Ahlstrom.
2000-02-16 Guido van RossumAdded test for new crc32() function.
2000-02-16 Guido van RossumPatch by Jim Ahlstrom to add crc32, a useful checksum...
2000-02-16 Guido van RossumThe 0.5 release happened on 2/15, not on 2/14. :-)
2000-02-16 Jeremy Hyltonsupport for arglists with implicit tuple unpacks
2000-02-16 Jeremy Hyltonmore robust assignment of lineno for keyword args
2000-02-16 Jeremy Hyltonfix argcount generation for arg lists containing tuple...
2000-02-16 Jeremy Hyltonadd flatten helper function
2000-02-15 Jeremy Hyltonfinish first impl of code generator
2000-02-15 Jeremy Hyltonfix creation of Ellipsis node
2000-02-15 Jeremy Hyltonadd a little debugging support when new.code raises...
2000-02-15 Jeremy Hyltonno real change -- testing syncmail
2000-02-15 Jeremy Hyltonadd line numbers to nodes in the except clause (when...
2000-02-15 Jeremy Hyltontidy up tryexcept and tryfinally nodes
2000-02-15 Guido van RossumA bit restructured.
2000-02-15 Guido van RossumOops, somehow the initial checkin was botched. :-(
2000-02-15 Guido van RossumAdded some clarifications.
2000-02-15 Guido van RossumTemporarily add a copy here for easy distribution.
2000-02-15 Guido van RossumMore changes.
2000-02-15 Guido van RossumNotice status back and stack viewer.
2000-02-15 Guido van RossumSupport for Moshe's status bar.
2000-02-15 Guido van RossumStatus bar code -- by Moshe Zadka.
2000-02-15 Guido van RossumAdding the old stack viewer implementation back, for...
2000-02-15 Guido van RossumNew stack viewer, uses a tree widget.
2000-02-15 Guido van RossumCorrect a typo and remove an unqualified except that...
2000-02-15 Guido van RossumAdd an XXX comment about the ClassBrowser AIP.
2000-02-15 Guido van RossumUpdated change log.
2000-02-15 Guido van RossumNews update. Probably incomplete; what else is new?
2000-02-15 Guido van RossumUpdated for pending IDLE 0.5 release (still very rough...
2000-02-15 Guido van RossumTiny addition.
2000-02-15 Guido van RossumIn response to one particular complaint on edu-sig...
2000-02-14 Jeremy Hyltonedit a doc string
2000-02-14 Andrew M. KuchlingMake multiplying a sequence by a long integer (5L ...
2000-02-14 Jeremy Hyltonget rid of spurious print
2000-02-14 Guido van RossumPatch by Gerrit Holl:
2000-02-14 Guido van RossumPatch by Gerrit Holl:
2000-02-14 Jeremy Hyltonlooks like everything is working except for try/except...
2000-02-14 Jeremy HyltonLeftShift & RightShift: fix reprs, change attr names...
2000-02-14 Fred DrakeFix the question marks next to the expansions of some...
2000-02-14 Jeremy Hyltonrename several of the generic attribute names for nodes...
2000-02-14 Jeremy Hylton(), [], and {} should not be represented as constant...
2000-02-14 Guido van RossumPatch by Jack Jansen:
2000-02-14 Jeremy Hyltonsplit into two files
2000-02-12 Jeremy Hyltonchange MODULE_NAMESPACE/FUNCTION_NAMESPACE stuff to...
2000-02-11 Jack JansenAnd added a note about needing two "cvs update"s.
2000-02-11 Jack JansenExplained that you have to checkout the Mac portion...
2000-02-11 Jeremy Hyltonadd support for Lambda nodes
2000-02-11 Greg WardDitched '_find_SET()', since it was a no-value-added...
2000-02-11 Greg WardLatest patch from Thomas Heller/Robin Becker:
2000-02-10 Jeremy Hyltonadd loop handling via
2000-02-10 Jeremy Hyltonadd an __len__ to Set and Stack
2000-02-10 Barry WarsawDocument the API changes to the nntplib module (excepti...
2000-02-10 Barry WarsawAdded new exception classes:
2000-02-10 Fred DrakeEnable -t when compiling Python library modules in...
2000-02-10 Jeremy Hyltonadd namespace attr to CodeGenerator, can be either...
2000-02-10 Fred DrakeUntabify to pass the -tt test.
2000-02-10 Fred DrakeDetabify.
2000-02-10 Jack JansenIn AskYesNoCancel() treat the "yes" and "no" buttons...
2000-02-10 Fred DrakeMake this pass the -tt test.
2000-02-10 Greg WardStylistic changes to the registry-grovelling code:...
2000-02-10 Greg WardTypecheck 'output_dir' argument to compile/link methods.
2000-02-10 Greg WardPath from Thomas Heller: resurrect the .def file kludge...
2000-02-10 Greg WardPatch from Thomas heller:
2000-02-10 Jeremy Hyltonadd ExampleASTVisitor:
2000-02-10 Jeremy Hyltonadd remove method to set
2000-02-09 Greg WardAdded 'debug' option, and changed compile/link calls...
2000-02-09 Greg WardAdded 'debug' option (just there for 'build_ext' and...