2004-08-21 Sara GolemonMFH Bufix#29777 Bad commenting
2004-08-20 Ilia AlshanetskyMFB: removed unneeded bits.
2004-08-20 Derick Rethans- 78 chars please.
2004-08-20 Ilia AlshanetskyMFH: Added more missing cURL options.
2004-08-19 Brian France[MFH] If you send a post with a content-type header...
2004-08-19 Antony DovgalBFN
2004-08-19 Antony DovgalMFH: ip2long() issues
2004-08-19 Antony DovgalMFH: fix #29737 (ip2long should return -1 if IP is...
2004-08-19 Derick Rethans- Reorder
2004-08-19 Christian StockerMFH
2004-08-18 Ilia AlshanetskyMFH: Fixed bug #29727 (Added missing CURL authenticatio...
2004-08-18 Antony DovgalMFB: typo in config.m4 (potential configuration problem...
2004-08-17 Andi Gutmans- Fix typos
2004-08-17 Antony DovgalMFH: fix typo
2004-08-16 Ilia AlshanetskyMFH: Fixed bug #29594 (Use PHP's own tmpfile() implemen...
2004-08-16 Zeev Suraski*** empty log message ***
2004-08-16 Zeev SuraskiMFH
2004-08-16 Marcus BoergerBFN
2004-08-16 Marcus BoergerMFH: Fix bug #29447: Reflection API issues
2004-08-16 Ilia AlshanetskyMFH: Fixed bug #29678 (opendir() with ftp:// wrapper...
2004-08-15 Marcus BoergerMFH: Remove unnecessary check
2004-08-15 Georg Richterfixed default for mysqli_fetch_array
2004-08-14 Marcus BoergerMFH: Add missing check
2004-08-13 Georg Richterfixed bug #29656 (segfault on result and statement...
2004-08-13 Antony DovgalMFH: fix yet another annoying compile warning
2004-08-13 Antony DovgalMFH: fix compile warning
2004-08-13 Derick Rethans- MFH: Added PHP_EOL constant that contains the OS...
2004-08-12 Georg Richterminor fix in mysqli_prepare: copying stmt errormessag...
2004-08-12 Andi Gutmans- Back to 5.0.2-dev
2004-08-12 Andi Gutmans- Roll 5.0.1
2004-08-12 Chuck HagenbuchMore spaces -> tabs.
2004-08-12 Ilia AlshanetskyMFH: Properly fix the msgno check inside imap_fetchbody().
2004-08-12 Chuck HagenbuchMFH: fix.
2004-08-12 Derick Rethans- Reorder a bit and add .
2004-08-12 Andi Gutmans- Back to -dev
2004-08-12 Andi Gutmans- 5.0.1RC2
2004-08-12 Magnus M��tt�Add missing NEWS entry (bug 29147).
2004-08-12 Marcus BoergerMFH: Change to use md5_file()
2004-08-11 Ilia AlshanetskyMFH: Fixed memory leak.
2004-08-11 Ilia AlshanetskyFixed bug #29607 (highlighting code with HEREDOC produc...
2004-08-11 Derick Rethans- Tix Fypo
2004-08-11 Derick Rethans- MFH: Added a notice to getimagesize in case zlib...
2004-08-11 Derick Rethans- Reworded this a bit
2004-08-11 Christian StockerMFH (fix test)
2004-08-11 Derick Rethans- MFH: Patch to allow the Zend memory allocators to...
2004-08-11 Sara GolemonMFH: Fix format specifiers
2004-08-11 Sara GolemonMFH: $errmsg should have been forced reference
2004-08-10 Marcus BoergerBFN (small but important change)
2004-08-10 Ilia AlshanetskyBug fixing news.
2004-08-10 Ilia AlshanetskyMFH: Fixed bug #29606 (php_strip_whitespace() prints...
2004-08-10 Dmitry StogovFixed bug #28969 (Wrong data encoding of special charac...
2004-08-10 SVN MigrationThis commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create branc...
2004-08-10 Wez FurlongBFN
2004-08-10 Wez FurlongMFH: Fix for #29256
2004-08-10 Christian StockerMFH (Fix segfault on error in xslt)
2004-08-10 Andi Gutmans- Back to -dev
2004-08-10 Andi Gutmans- 5.0.1RC1
2004-08-10 Moriyoshi Koizumi- Bugfix #29493 (extract(array, EXTR_REFS) misbehaves...
2004-08-10 Andi Gutmans- The documentation team has re-wroten the installation...
2004-08-10 Ilia AlshanetskyMFH: Fixed bug #29581 (Typo inside php.ini comments...
2004-08-09 Andi Gutmans- Update NEWS
2004-08-09 Andi Gutmans Update credits for php docs
2004-08-09 Dmitry StogovIncluded ext/soap fixes from CVS HEAD.
2004-08-09 Georg Richterfixed bug #29577 (MYSQLI_CLIENT_FOUND_ROWS undefined)
2004-08-08 Ilia AlshanetskyRemove \r characters from file.
2004-08-08 Christian StockerFixed bug #29573.
2004-08-08 Christian StockerMFH (fix for Bug #29573 : Segmentation fault when php...
2004-08-07 Wez FurlongBFN
2004-08-07 Wez FurlongMFH: Fix for Bug #29490 from Michael Sisolak
2004-08-06 Sara GolemonMFH ZTS Fix
2004-08-06 Wez FurlongMFH: avoid possible segfault with stream_socket_client...
2004-08-05 Ilia AlshanetskyMFH: php_error() -> php_error_docref()
2004-08-05 Edin KadribasicMFH: Export php_libxml_error_handler for windows build...
2004-08-05 Antony DovgalMFH: remove all references to @ thing, as it's not...
2004-08-05 Ilia AlshanetskyMFH: Eliminate unneeded variable.
2004-08-04 Frank M. KromannRevert. ADD_EXTENSION_DEP is available in this branch!
2004-08-04 Frank M. KromannNo extension dependency in this branch
2004-08-04 Frank M. KromannMFH: Move iconv exports to the iconv extension and...
2004-08-04 SVN MigrationThis commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create branc...
2004-08-04 Zeev SuraskiFix prototypes
2004-08-04 Zeev SuraskiFix prototypes
2004-08-04 Georg Richterfixed bug #29522
2004-08-04 Marcus BoergerMFH missing part
2004-08-04 Ilia AlshanetskyMFH: Fixed argument handling in sun* functions.
2004-08-03 Edin KadribasicTypofix
2004-08-03 Edin KadribasicMFH
2004-08-03 Marcus BoergerMFH
2004-08-03 Marcus BoergerBFN
2004-08-03 Marcus Boerger- MFH Bug #29505 get_class_vars() severely broken when...
2004-08-03 SVN MigrationThis commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create branc...
2004-08-03 Antony DovgalMFH: typo in ini parameter name
2004-08-03 Antony DovgalMFH: fix typo in php.ini-dist & php.ini-recommended
2004-08-03 Greg Beavercommit for win32 - binary so line endings are always...
2004-08-03 SVN MigrationThis commit was manufactured by cvs2svn to create branc...
2004-08-02 Ilia AlshanetskyMFH: Allow sqlite_fetch_column_types() to properly...
2004-08-02 Marcus BoergerMFH Change to use memcmp instead of strcmp
2004-08-02 Ilia AlshanetskyMFH: A gentler (performance wise) allocation of buffer...
2004-08-01 Marcus Boerger- Add new tests
2004-08-01 Marcus Boerger- Enforce protocol on magic methods/functions
2004-08-01 Wez FurlongMFH usleep fix, and BFN.