2008-04-07 Mitchell Livingstonremove dead code
2008-04-07 Mitchell Livingstoneven more string folding!
2008-04-07 Mitchell LivingstonCapitalization Changes 2
2008-04-07 Mitchell Livingstoncapitalization changes
2008-04-07 Mitchell Livingstonpass the appropriate tr_torrent object in the ipc contr...
2008-04-07 Mitchell Livingstonfix incorrect eta value
2008-04-07 Mitchell Livingstonfor now just show "remaining time unknown" for not...
2008-04-07 Mitchell Livingstontrivial cleanup
2008-04-07 Mitchell Livingstonfix ratio display error reported by pea_
2008-04-07 Mitchell Livingstonfix marking the eta of torrents with peers as unavailable
2008-04-07 Mitchell Livingstoneta string folding
2008-04-07 Mitchell Livingstontry to clarify the "not all available" message
2008-04-07 Charles Kerr(gtk) #850: download individual file's checkbox so...
2008-04-07 Mitchell Livingstoncleaner code for rounding file size, speed, and ratio
2008-04-06 Charles Kerrremove a debugging printf
2008-04-06 Charles Kerr(gtk) segmentation fault in Italian translation
2008-04-06 Charles Kerr#846: also handle scrape-then-exit
2008-04-06 Charles Kerr#846: transmissioncli attempts to bind to port even...
2008-04-06 Mitchell Livingstonfix ratio showing as -0.01
2008-04-06 Mitchell Livingstonfix speeds of -0.01
2008-04-06 Mitchell Livingstonupdate remaining time string to display "not all available"
2008-04-06 Charles Kerr#843: download eta should consider availability
2008-04-06 Charles Kerr(gtk) #745: sort transfers by ratio
2008-04-06 Mitchell Livingstonadjustments to rounding when displaying speeds and...
2008-04-06 Mitchell Livingstontrivial changes
2008-04-06 Mitchell Livingstonupdate help to no longer reference the Advanced preferences
2008-04-06 Mitchell Livingston(trunk) alignment fix to Russian add window
2008-04-06 Mitchell Livingstondisable the cancel button when the blocklist is being...
2008-04-06 Mitchell Livingstonadd a button to the peers prefs window for help documen...
2008-04-06 Mitchell Livingstonremove redundant release statements
2008-04-06 Mitchell Livingstonadjustments to the blocklist download window, including...
2008-04-06 Mitchell Livingstonstring folding and dead code removal
2008-04-06 Mitchell Livingstonactually cancel the blocklist download when hitting...
2008-04-06 Mitchell Livingstonwhen downloading the blocklist, show amounts instead...
2008-04-06 Mitchell Livingstonon Tiger show a Network icon in prefs
2008-04-06 Mitchell Livingstonreplace Advanced preference tab with Peers and Network...
2008-04-06 Charles Kerrtranslators shouldn't have to translate debug messages
2008-04-05 Charles Kerr#840: bencode.c (and others) does not compile without...
2008-04-05 Mitchell Livingstonstore mac support files in the right location
2008-04-05 Mitchell Livingstonmac build compiles again
2008-04-05 Charles Kerr#684: Use XDG basedir spec for configuration and cache...
2008-04-05 Charles Kerr#765, part 1: add backend support for disabling tracker...
2008-04-05 Charles Kerrdon't flood the message log when you don't have a blocklist
2008-04-05 Charles Kerrfinish documentation for the "encryption" message and...
2008-04-05 Mitchell Livingston(trunk) hopefully fix Italian
2008-04-05 Charles Kerr#828: transmission-daemon: verify local data fails
2008-04-04 Mitchell Livingstonupdate trunk to 1.11+ 1.11
2008-04-04 Charles Kerripc/daemon cleanup
2008-04-04 Mitchell Livingstonsmall rearrangement in clients list; update NEWS
2008-04-04 Mitchell Livingston(trunk) update Russian localization; merge NEWS
2008-04-04 Charles Kerr#837: portability patch submitted by naddy
2008-04-03 Charles Kerrhudson took me too seriously
2008-04-03 Charles Kerrhack on IPC a bit because it's been too long since...
2008-04-03 Charles Kerr(gtk) one more open -> add
2008-04-03 Charles Kerr(gtk) "open torrent" --> "add torrent"
2008-04-02 Charles Kerr(gtk) #833: "Last scrape/announce at" shows wrong time
2008-04-02 Mitchell Livingstonattempt to fix dock badging
2008-04-02 Mitchell Livingston(trunk) add tracker-tab help documentation
2008-04-01 Mitchell Livingstonfix overlapping dock badging
2008-04-01 Charles Kerrfix one cause of slow shutdown: even if we weren't...
2008-04-01 Charles Kerrencapsulate the blocklist a little better so that we...
2008-04-01 Charles Kerr(gtk) tweak the prefs dialog a little bit again.
2008-04-01 Charles Kerr(gtk) simplify the blocklist prefs gui a bit.
2008-04-01 Charles Kerr(gtk) #832: XML entity references are displayed instead...
2008-04-01 Charles Kerr(gtk) remove the checkbox option for torrent notification
2008-04-01 Mitchell Livingstonmore string fiddling and minor badger changes
2008-04-01 Charles Kerr(gtk) avoid a tr_torrentStat() call when filtering...
2008-04-01 Charles Kerr(gtk) small speedup in the torrent cell renderer
2008-04-01 Charles Kerr(gtk) use the new libtransmission tweaks s.t. our updat...
2008-04-01 Charles Kerr(1) make tr_torrentRates() faster.
2008-04-01 Mitchell Livingston(trunk) add Traditional Chinese Sparkle resources
2008-04-01 Mitchell Livingston(trunk) Traditional Chinese localization
2008-04-01 Mitchell Livingston(trunk) update remaining Russian string encoding
2008-04-01 Mitchell Livingston(trunk) update Russian localizable strings
2008-03-31 Mitchell Livingstonupdate the strings file
2008-03-31 Mitchell Livingstonmore string improvements
2008-03-31 Mitchell Livingstonin the inspector, don't show the percent complete for...
2008-03-31 Mitchell Livingstonsome string folding
2008-03-31 Charles Kerrexperimental commit to save 1888 bytes from each tr_torrent
2008-03-31 Mitchell Livingstonupdate news and eliminate a warning
2008-03-31 Mitchell Livingstononly show "selected" in the progress bar (and allow...
2008-03-31 Eric PetitFixes Mac build (blocklist.c is part of libT)
2008-03-31 Charles Kerrremove `TR_STATUS_DONE' from libtransmission's public...
2008-03-31 Charles Kerr(gtk) updated Russian translation by Stalwart
2008-03-30 Charles Kerrstring folding
2008-03-30 Charles Kerrblocklist cleanup
2008-03-30 Mitchell Livingston(trunk) Fix visual glitch with the tracker inspector...
2008-03-30 Mitchell Livingstonupdate the strings file; adjust the blocklist text
2008-03-30 Charles Kerr(gtk) better support for older versions of glib
2008-03-30 Charles Kerr(gtk) better error recording in the prefs dialog when...
2008-03-30 Charles Kerrfix the cli build
2008-03-30 Charles Kerr(gtk) tweak the blocklist text in the prefs dialog...
2008-03-30 Mitchell Livingstonmake the blocklist compatible with tiger
2008-03-30 Mitchell Livingstonmerge the code to set the blocklist download progress...
2008-03-30 Mitchell Livingstonsome rephrasing for the blocklist prefs window
2008-03-30 Mitchell Livingstonshow the number of blocked ip addresses in the preferen...
2008-03-30 Charles Kerr(gtk) #831: toolbar tooltips
2008-03-30 Charles Kerrbetter logging of blocked IP addresses.
2008-03-30 Charles Kerr(gtk) first cut at adding the blocklist in the preferen...
2008-03-30 Mitchell Livingstonupdate function name