]> granicus.if.org Git - nethack/shortlog
2005-03-18 cohrsdipping in acid
2005-03-18 cohrsvision thing
2005-03-18 cohrsavoid more QBUFSZ buffer overflows
2005-03-17 nethack.rankinland mine vs drawbridge
2005-03-14 cohrssliming ghosts
2005-03-14 cohrspassive damage
2005-03-14 cohrscompilation bit
2005-03-13 nethack.rankinMr. Izchak
2005-03-13 nethack.rankinmore health food shops (trunk only)
2005-03-10 nethack.rankindigging holes
2005-03-10 nethack.rankinhealth food tins
2005-03-06 nethack.rankintheft detection
2005-03-06 nethack.rankinselling health food (trunk only)
2005-02-20 nethack.allisontile renumbering
2005-02-20 nethack.allisontile synch and a warning fix
2005-02-15 cohrscopy/paste error in horse_parts: foreclaw vs forehoof
2005-02-10 nethack.rankinmore ring theft
2005-02-10 nethack.rankinring theft
2005-02-08 nethack.rankinyet more exploding magic pointers
2005-02-06 nethack.rankinmorer exploding magic pointers
2005-02-06 nethack.rankinmore exploding magic pointers
2005-02-06 nethack.rankinexploding magic pointers
2005-02-03 nethack.rankinsanctum level shortcut
2005-02-03 nethack.rankinmedusa meat
2005-02-01 nethack.rankinwishing tweaks
2005-02-01 nethack.rankinstop occupation during problem countdown
2005-02-01 nethack.rankinminor build fix
2005-01-30 nethack.rankinintelligent pets vs cannibalism (trunk only)
2005-01-27 cohrsU1270 - monster evading kick produces a teleport messag...
2005-01-23 nethack.allisonuse of NULL (trunk only)
2005-01-23 nethack.allisonwin32 and wince
2005-01-23 nethack.allisondjgpp zlib support
2005-01-23 nethack.allisonfollowup to compression changes
2005-01-22 nethack.allisonbones follow-up
2005-01-22 nethack.allisonconfig.h follow-up
2005-01-22 nethack.allisonincrement patchlevel
2005-01-22 nethack.allisonzlib support; also internal compression changes
2005-01-21 cohrsU1258 - removing ring of levitation while riding a...
2005-01-18 cohrspolymorphing into a flyer while in a pit
2005-01-18 cohrsU1231 - messages ordering when displacing a pet into...
2005-01-18 cohrsexperience calculation
2005-01-17 cohrscomment isqrt
2005-01-16 nethack.allisonGuidebook update
2005-01-15 nethack.allisonfixes35.0 update
2005-01-15 nethack.allisonwin32tty: prevent early messages from flashing by unseen
2005-01-15 nethack.allisoncustomize role, race, gender, align choices (trunk...
2005-01-13 cohrsstartup problems on Unix
2005-01-13 cohrsfiles.c fixup
2005-01-13 cohrsmissing copyright
2005-01-11 cohrsfollowup: drinking from sinks while levitating
2005-01-10 nethack.allisonyet another bit
2005-01-09 nethack.allisonAltGr-4 and alternate tiles in menus - trunk only ...
2005-01-09 nethack.allisonselectsaved follow-up bit (trunk only)
2005-01-09 nethack.allisonselectsaved follow-up bit (trunk only)
2005-01-09 nethack.allisonselectsaved option (trunk only)
2005-01-08 nethack.allisonfilled trap doors on castle can be re-dug
2005-01-06 nethack.allisonextern.h bit
2005-01-04 nethack.allisonno message
2005-01-02 nethack.allisonmore trunk 3.5
2005-01-02 nethack.allisonhousekeeping: mark trunk sources 3.5 (misc)
2005-01-02 nethack.allisonhousekeeping: mark trunk sources 3.5 (doc)
2005-01-02 nethack.allisonhousekeeping: mark trunk sources 3.5 (dat)
2005-01-02 nethack.allisonhousekeeping: mark trunk sources 3.5 (include)
2005-01-02 nethack.allisonhousekeeping: mark trunk sources 3.5 (src)
2005-01-02 nethack.allisonnew year
2005-01-02 nethack.allisonregion player_flags follow-up correction [trunk only]
2004-12-30 nethack.allisonregion boolean field [trunk only]
2004-12-24 nethack.allisonminor doorganize() addition
2004-12-24 nethack.allisonadd May 2004 trunk patch to the branch
2004-12-21 nethack.allisonobj->quan bits
2004-12-21 nethack.allisonspelling bit
2004-12-21 cohrsreplacement meaningless_code patch
2004-12-21 nethack.rankinfix monster summoning message
2004-12-20 nethack.allisoncandelabrum wording
2004-12-17 nethack.allisontreat statues and containers alike in follow-up
2004-12-17 nethack.allisonmore follow-up for container flags
2004-12-17 nethack.allisonstatue trap triggered by Blind searching
2004-12-17 nethack.allisonmonster order rules
2004-12-17 nethack.allisoncoaligned unicorn in bones
2004-12-17 nethack.allisonMaster of Thieves
2004-12-16 nethack.allisonanother follow-up bit
2004-12-16 nethack.allisonshrieking monster failed to wake others
2004-12-16 nethack.allisonfollow-up bit
2004-12-16 nethack.allisonshadowed declaration warning
2004-12-16 nethack.allisonstatic placement warning
2004-12-15 nethack.allisonnew container flags
2004-12-09 nethack.allisonupper case correction
2004-12-04 nethack.rankinstinking cloud feedback
2004-11-30 nethack.rankinavoid hallucinatory effect on black light as it explodes
2004-11-29 cohrsremove an unused variable
2004-11-29 cohrsU1182 - Can drink from sink while engulfed
2004-11-27 nethack.rankinfix steed eating feedback
2004-11-24 nethack.rankinfix #U1206 - Quest artifact in WIZKIT file aborts program
2004-11-20 nethack.rankintastes like chicken...
2004-11-20 nethack.rankinfix #U1202 - shop robbery oversights
2004-11-13 nethack.rankincockatrice eggs vs gravity
2004-11-13 nethack.rankinhats vs helms
2004-11-06 nethack.rankin#adjust enhancement - splitting stacks
2004-11-06 nethack.rankindoorganize() tidying
2004-11-06 nethack.rankinpickup into quiver