]> granicus.if.org Git - pgbadger/shortlog
2019-09-08 Gilles DaroldUpdate source documentation file to replace reference...
2019-09-08 Gilles DaroldMerge pull request #525 from willbuckner/patch-1
2019-09-07 Will BucknerUpdate README to reference 11.x instead of 7.x
2019-08-28 Gilles DaroldLimit height display size of top queries to avoid takin...
2019-08-23 Gilles DaroldAdd report of top N queries that consume most time...
2019-08-22 Gilles DaroldAdd report of timing for prepare/bind/execute queries...
2019-08-06 Gilles DaroldMerge branch 'master' of github.com:darold/pgbadger
2019-08-01 Gilles DaroldRevert commit 5e88446, with very logn queries this...
2019-07-12 Gilles DaroldMerge pull request #517 from tbussmann/patch-ssh-wildcard
2019-07-12 Gilles DaroldMerge pull request #516 from tbussmann/patch-doc-uris
2019-07-12 tbussmannfix SSH URIs for files, directories and wildcards
2019-07-12 tbussmannFix URI samples in documentation
2019-07-02 Gilles DaroldHide message of use of default out file when --rebuild...
2019-06-27 Gilles DaroldAdd extra newline to usage() output to not bread POD...
2019-06-27 Gilles DaroldReapply --exclude-client option description in document...
2019-06-25 Gilles DaroldUpdata ChangeLog and version to 11.0 v11.0
2019-06-25 Gilles DaroldFix basics test.
2019-06-24 Gilles DaroldFix basics tests with new data format.
2019-06-22 Gilles DaroldAdd a warning about version and skip loading incompatib...
2019-06-21 Gilles DaroldUpdate code formatter to pgFormatter 4.0.
2019-06-19 Gilles DaroldRemove a comment.
2019-06-18 Gilles DaroldRegroup cursor related query (DECLARE,CLOSE,FETCH,MOVE...
2019-06-18 Gilles DaroldWhen a query is > 10Kb we first limit size of all const...
2019-06-17 Gilles DaroldFix test with logplex log format.
2019-06-17 Gilles DaroldFix pgbadger hang on Windows OS. Thanks to JMLessard...
2019-06-17 Gilles DaroldUpdate tools/pgbadger_tools script to be compatible...
2019-06-16 Gilles DaroldAllow collect of bind query generating temporary files...
2019-06-16 Gilles DaroldFix auto detection of timezone. Thanks to massimosala...
2019-06-15 Gilles DaroldRemove some remaining graph when --nograph is used
2019-06-15 Gilles DaroldForce use of .txt extension when --normalized-only...
2019-06-15 Gilles DaroldAdd --exclude-client name command line option to be...
2019-06-14 Gilles DaroldFix report of auto vacuum/analyze in logplex format...
2019-06-13 Gilles DaroldFix a case where the progress bar pipe can still be...
2019-06-13 Gilles DaroldFix use of progress bar on Windows operating system...
2019-06-10 Gilles DaroldCosmetic changes and generalization of {'t_timestamp...
2019-06-10 Gilles DaroldMerge pull request #509 from fluca1978/use_t_time_variable
2019-06-10 Luca FerrariUse a `$prefix_vars{'t_time'} to store the log time.
2019-06-10 Gilles DaroldUpdate usage and documentation.
2019-06-10 Gilles DaroldMerge pull request #508 from fluca1978/remove_perl_from...
2019-06-10 Luca FerrariRemove 'perl` from `pgbadger` invocations into the...
2019-06-10 Luca FerrariRemove `perl` from `pgbadger` invocation.
2019-06-07 Gilles DaroldMerge pull request #501 from fluca1978/align_statements
2019-06-07 Gilles DaroldMerge pull request #506 from crashALot/patch1
2019-06-07 Gilles DaroldMerge pull request #504 from fluca1978/fix_readme
2019-06-05 crashALotMinor README edit
2019-06-04 Luca FerrariPut single sentence on a single Perl module.
2019-06-04 Luca FerrariChange 'there is' to 'there are' since talking about...
2019-06-04 Luca FerrariAlign title to following text.
2019-06-04 Luca FerrariReowrd 'chapter' in 'section'.
2019-06-04 Luca FerrariFix benchmark statement.
2019-06-04 Luca FerrariMerge branch 'master' of github.com:darold/pgbadger...
2019-06-04 Luca FerrariRemove wrong comment preventing the program to exit...
2019-06-04 Luca FerrariUse of internal values for hours, minutes and seconds.
2019-06-04 Gilles DaroldMerge pull request #500 from fluca1978/fix_ssh_remote_file
2019-06-03 Luca FerrariMerge branch 'master' of github.com:darold/pgbadger...
2019-06-03 Luca FerrariMerge upstream master branch.
2019-06-03 Gilles DaroldAdd report per database support to incremental mode...
2019-06-02 Gilles DaroldAdd -E | --explode option to explode the main report...
2019-05-24 Luca FerrariChanged the if..else about hour and time begin/end...
2019-05-24 Luca FerrariUpdate POD documentation.
2019-05-24 Luca FerrariUpdate documentation to reflect the begin/end time.
2019-05-24 Luca FerrariFix fractional seconds in all begin and end parameters.
2019-05-24 Luca FerrariImplement begin/end hours without the date.
2019-05-24 Luca FerrariAlign return statements when checking timestamps.
2019-05-24 Luca FerrariFix remote paths when using SSH.
2019-05-22 Gilles DaroldFix documentation URL. Thanks to Kara Mansel for the...
2019-05-21 Gilles DaroldFix parsing of auto_explain.
2019-04-21 Darold GillesAdd more information about -U option that can be used...
2019-04-19 Gilles DaroldApply conflicting pull request #493 of Pierre Giraud.
2019-04-19 Gilles DaroldMerge pull request #491 from pgiraud/html_validation
2019-04-19 Gilles DaroldMerge pull request #490 from pgiraud/hash_position
2019-04-17 Pierre GIRAUDFix not allowed nesting elements
2019-04-17 Pierre GIRAUDFix table number of columns in colspan
2019-04-17 Pierre GIRAUDFix invalid DOM, <tr> in <div>
2019-04-16 Pierre GIRAUDMake sure panel header is visible on navigation click
2019-04-16 Pierre GIRAUDHarmonization of panels spacing
2019-04-16 Gilles DaroldMerge pull request #489 from pgiraud/auto_scroll
2019-04-16 Gilles DaroldMerge pull request #488 from pgiraud/main_container_margin
2019-04-16 Pierre GIRAUDUpdate source file - See #485
2019-04-16 Pierre GIRAUDUpdate source file - See #483
2019-04-16 Gilles DaroldMerge pull request #485 from pgiraud/auto_scroll
2019-04-16 Gilles DaroldMerge pull request #483 from pgiraud/main_container_margin
2019-04-16 Gilles DaroldMerge pull request #487 from darold/revert-486-hash_pos...
2019-04-16 Gilles DaroldMerge pull request #484 from pgiraud/top_queries_heading
2019-04-16 Gilles DaroldRevert "WIP - Hash position"
2019-04-16 Gilles DaroldMerge pull request #486 from pgiraud/hash_position
2019-04-16 Pierre GIRAUDMake sure panel header is visible on navigation click
2019-04-16 Pierre GIRAUDHarmonization of panels spacing
2019-04-16 Pierre GIRAUDScroll to top when clicking on top menu item
2019-04-16 Pierre GIRAUDFix top queries header inconsistency
2019-04-16 Pierre GIRAUDMargin on top of body
2019-04-16 Gilles DaroldMerge pull request #482 from darold/pgiraud-patch-1
2019-04-16 Pierre GIRAUDFix markdown format
2019-04-07 Darold GillesAdd regression test for logplex format.
2019-03-15 Darold GillesAdd support to Heroku's PostgreSQL logplex format....
2019-02-22 Gilles DaroldFix pgbadger help on URI use.
2019-02-22 Gilles DaroldFix broken wildcard use in ssh URI introduced in previo...
2019-02-21 Gilles DaroldAllow URI with space in path to log file. Thanks to...
2019-02-21 Gilles DaroldMerge pull request #478 from tbussmann/patch-1
2019-02-21 Tobias BussmannFix URI samples in documentation