]> granicus.if.org Git - postgis/shortlog
2012-02-09 Sandro SantilliFix header guard of pgsql_compat.h and drop the duplicate
2012-02-09 Regina ObeHmm double added a file -- #1563 which was causing...
2012-02-09 Sandro SantilliForward distclean to extensions subdirs
2012-02-09 Paul RamseyDon't delete the comments.
2012-02-09 Regina Obe#1562 replace string with text
2012-02-09 Paul RamseyMore verbose message, per DFuhriman
2012-02-09 Paul RamseyInvalid geography polygons: BOOM! Could not generate...
2012-02-09 David ZwargFixed bug where PG_DETOAST_DATUM args were incorrect.
2012-02-09 David ZwargChanged DATUM_SLICE to DATUM in setGeotransform.
2012-02-08 David ZwargAdded documentation for raster processing builtin funct...
2012-02-08 Paul RamseyChange from scripts-based script versions to repository...
2012-02-08 Paul RamseyMake the scripts version get read again.
2012-02-08 Bborie ParkFix to correct building of testapi in MinGW. Ticket...
2012-02-08 David ZwargDo not allocate inside of 1 raster mapalgebra loop...
2012-02-08 Paul Ramsey./configure still display the old raster version number...
2012-02-08 Bborie ParkInstead of dynamically allocating space for variables...
2012-02-08 Bborie ParkRemove deleted function signature for ST_PixelAsPolygon...
2012-02-08 Paul Ramseytest for termios.h in case we want to do password promp...
2012-02-08 Bborie ParkValues for [rast1.x], [rast1.y], [rast2.x] and [rast2...
2012-02-08 David ZwargRemoved geotransform type. Fixed rounding, so Hudson...
2012-02-08 Sandro Santillido not heap-allocate SPI arg types
2012-02-08 Sandro SantilliST_MapAlgebraExpr: advertise X and Y params as integers...
2012-02-08 David ZwargAdded documentation for 1 and 2 raster map algebra...
2012-02-08 Paul RamseyHandle French svn?
2012-02-08 David ZwargAdded geotransform methods and correction to basis...
2012-02-08 Paul RamseyStop relying on private projects.h PROJ header (#1541)
2012-02-08 Paul RamseyAdd missing target
2012-02-08 Paul RamseyPush forward version numbers
2012-02-08 Paul RamseyCommit in preparation for 2.0.0alpha4
2012-02-08 David ZwargAdded ST_StdDev4ma raster neighborhood processing funct...
2012-02-08 Paul Ramseylwgeom_release (#699) move free if copy calls to end...
2012-02-08 Bborie ParkMinor debug message tweak
2012-02-08 Bborie ParkAdded regression tests for raster2pgsql loader. Ticket...
2012-02-08 Olivier CourtinBugfixes related to #1552, and somehow to #665. Thanks...
2012-02-08 Sandro SantilliDocument topology.GetRingEdges (#959)
2012-02-08 Sandro SantilliDo not release serialized input until output is deseria...
2012-02-08 Paul Ramseyconfigure_json.patch (#1539) from Evan Roualt
2012-02-08 Olivier Courtinrestore (at least) tin_geom and psurface_geom unit...
2012-02-08 Olivier CourtinFix BBOX handling in serialization. Still related to...
2012-02-08 Olivier CourtinChange BBOX double to float in serialization. Related...
2012-02-08 David ZwargAdded ST_Distinct4ma helper neighborhood processing...
2012-02-08 David ZwargFixed typo in configure.ac
2012-02-08 Paul Ramseyloader/Latin1 regression failure with database SQL_ASCI...
2012-02-08 Paul RamseyRemove another dying test
2012-02-08 Paul RamseyRemove failing test
2012-02-08 Paul RamseyRemove dependency on svnrevision.h
2012-02-08 Paul Ramseydocs-install uses bare cp (#1528) from Greg Troxel
2012-02-07 Paul RamseyIgnore svnrevision.h
2012-02-07 Paul RamseyST_MinimumBoundingCircle needs regression test (#1042)
2012-02-07 Paul RamseyAdd a warning for lower numbers of GEOS
2012-02-07 Olivier CourtinStill several bugfixes related to #665
2012-02-07 Paul RamseyForce generation of an svnrevision.h file when building...
2012-02-07 Paul RamseyAdd dzwarg
2012-02-07 Bborie ParkClean up raster regression and move loader regression...
2012-02-07 Olivier CourtinStill bugfixes. Related to #665
2012-02-07 Paul RamseyTest non-empty new types in regress/wkb (#1477)
2012-02-07 Olivier CourtinRestore surface cunit tests
2012-02-07 Olivier CourtinFix some bugfixes. Handle EMPTY use cases. Minor change...
2012-02-07 Paul Ramseylwgeom_release (#699), reviewed all usage of lwgeom_release
2012-02-07 Bborie ParkMinor cleanup of parameter names of ST_Intersection...
2012-02-07 David ZwargAdded positional parameters to 1 raster version of...
2012-02-07 Pierre RacineAdded ST_TileAsGeom() returning only the extent of...
2012-02-07 David ZwargCorrected clamped values in tests for ST_MapAlgebraExpr...
2012-02-07 Paul RamseyDocumentation URLs, visible whitespace, and minor touch...
2012-02-07 Paul RamseyReorder the include flags, per Greg Troxel
2012-02-07 Pierre RacineFirst plpgsql prototype for ST_Tile(rast raster, width...
2012-02-07 Mark Cave-AylandFix a couple of compiler warnings in shp2pgsql-gui...
2012-02-07 Sandro SantilliAllow changing a closed edge (but w/out fixing linking...
2012-02-07 Sandro SantilliRe-add install-sh in the repository to support libtool...
2012-02-07 Sandro SantilliIgnore install-sh
2012-02-07 Sandro Santilliinstall-sh is generated by ./autogen.sh, needs not...
2012-02-07 Olivier Courtintemp desactivation of surface unit test
2012-02-06 Paul RamseyWhoops, slight error in the empty geometry handling...
2012-02-06 Olivier CourtinTemp remove su_surface till everything fixed on it...
2012-02-06 Paul RamseyHave ST_Union aggregate use UnaryUnion from GEOS-3...
2012-02-06 Bborie ParkMake sure new bands when added using ST_AddBand are...
2012-02-06 Paul RamseyRemove dead prototype
2012-02-06 Olivier CourtinFix a bug in tgeom_free, related to #665
2012-02-06 Bborie ParkAdded support to pass pixel positions of both rasters...
2012-02-06 Paul RamseyChange searched location of proj files when no proj...
2012-02-06 Paul RamseyQuiet rm
2012-02-06 Paul Ramseyquiet echo
2012-02-06 Paul RamseyDummy up a check target
2012-02-06 Paul RamseyMove regres forward again
2012-02-06 Paul RamseyMake exensions depend on comments, so also depend on...
2012-02-06 Paul RamseyDuplicate named case-insensitive XML refentry ids ...
2012-02-06 Paul RamseyPostGIS extensions should build/install automatically...
2012-02-06 Paul RamseyChange how we calculate minor versions suitable for...
2012-02-06 David ZwargChecked connection to SPI manager in ST_MapAlgebraExpr
2012-02-06 David ZwargWhitespace changes to _st_hillshade4ma
2012-02-06 David ZwargReordered linking order for core regression tests....
2012-02-06 Sandro SantilliTabs to spaces (2)
2012-02-06 Sandro SantilliDon't let ValidateTopology choke on invalid edges ...
2012-02-06 Paul RamseyAllow 'make check' to run all the way through on OSX...
2012-02-06 Paul RamseyTry out the pj_get_def() method of finding the spheroid...
2012-02-05 Regina Obeput in an FAQ about the common function is not unique...
2012-02-05 Mark Cave-AylandChange encoding reference URL to that used for libiconv...
2012-02-05 Mark Cave-AylandFix for #1540: Fix segfault in shp2pgsql-gui when no...
2012-02-04 Sandro SantilliImplemented new keywords for 1-raster ST_MapAlgebraExpr...
2012-02-04 Mark Cave-AylandFix an issue in the shapefile GUI caused by saving...