]> granicus.if.org Git - php/shortlog
2000-11-08 Mathieu Kooiman- Made gd extension build when using gd version < 1.5
2000-11-08 Zeev SuraskiAdd ability to find extensions by name
2000-11-08 Zeev SuraskiWill work on a more thorough implementation for mysql_s...
2000-11-08 foobarMake this compile with libxml2.2.7.
2000-11-08 <changelog... ChangeLog update
2000-11-08 <changelog... NEWS update
2000-11-08 foobarCleaned up a bit.
2000-11-08 foobarconfig.m4
2000-11-07 Zeev SuraskiForgot to commit it...
2000-11-07 Daniel Beulshausenwin32 sapi symbol export fixes
2000-11-07 Zeev Suraski@- In CGI mode, $HTTP_SERVER_VARS now includes all...
2000-11-07 Zeev Suraskicookie_data may also be modified...
2000-11-07 Stanislav MalyshevEnable to use mysql_use_result in query functions.
2000-11-07 Stanislav MalyshevAndi says it should be zval_ptr_dtor
2000-11-07 <changelog... ChangeLog update
2000-11-07 <changelog... NEWS update
2000-11-06 Sascha SchumannKill a misleading warning which is intended for old...
2000-11-06 Sascha SchumannUse socklen_t for getsockopt
2000-11-06 Sascha Schumannzend_hash_find() treats this argument as const, but...
2000-11-06 Sascha Schumannsizeof(size_t) != sizeof(int) on 64-bit platforms.
2000-11-06 Derick Rethans- Added myself to the credits...
2000-11-06 Chuck Hagenbuchadd a Crypt_HCEMD5 class. This implements the same...
2000-11-06 David HedborNoted that setting of multiple headers with the same...
2000-11-06 David Hedbor(php_caudium_set_header): Allow for multiple headers...
2000-11-06 David Hedbor(ImageCreateFromString) Added forgotten GDLS_FETCH...
2000-11-06 Andrei ZmievskiFix bug #7667.
2000-11-06 Stanislav MalyshevAnd now the right fix - should add it still
2000-11-06 Stanislav MalyshevSerialize as reference only if it's a true reference
2000-11-06 Zeev SuraskiFixed a bug in $argv and $argc not being properly defin...
2000-11-06 Stanislav MalyshevI guess SG(request_info).argv0 and not !SG(request_info...
2000-11-06 Stanislav MalyshevAdd support to ukrainian characters (by serhiy@society...
2000-11-06 Sebastian BergmannFixed windows build.
2000-11-06 <changelog... ChangeLog update
2000-11-06 <changelog... NEWS update
2000-11-06 Sascha SchumannAdd apache_sub_req()
2000-11-06 Rasmus LerdorfMake sure these are initialized to NULL
2000-11-05 John DonagherBring phpcredits() up to date
2000-11-05 Rasmus LerdorfRemove apache2 sapi module in favour of Sascha's apach2...
2000-11-05 Rasmus LerdorfWe need a space after 'dnl' to comment stuff out. ...
2000-11-05 Rasmus Lerdorfdnldnl won't work
2000-11-05 Sterling HughesFix the other part...
2000-11-05 Sterling HughesThis should fix the garbage.
2000-11-05 Stanislav MalyshevFix crash from #7577 (torben@php.net)
2000-11-05 Sascha SchumannOutcomment everything. Since this is an exact duplicate...
2000-11-05 Sascha SchumannPHP_EXTENSION_DIR is defined in build-defs.h
2000-11-05 Zeev SuraskiFix the problem Sascha reported, about extension_dir
2000-11-05 <changelog... ChangeLog update
2000-11-04 Mathieu Kooiman- ImageCreateFromString(): Fixed segfault that occured...
2000-11-04 Andi Gutmans- Fix build
2000-11-04 Thies C. Arntzenfix #7573
2000-11-04 Zeev SuraskiNow make it work too (thanks for noticing that Andi :)
2000-11-04 Zeev SuraskiFix build
2000-11-04 foobarForgot to add one note. Plus some beutifying.
2000-11-04 Rasmus LerdorfShould be ok to use CC here
2000-11-04 <changelog... ChangeLog update
2000-11-04 <changelog... NEWS update
2000-11-04 Jesus M. CastagnettoUpdated proto for highlight_file/highlight_string
2000-11-03 foobarFixed incorrect logic. And NSLDAP does not have LDAP_OP...
2000-11-03 foobarFixed ftp_mkdir(). It return the dirname passed to...
2000-11-03 Derick Rethans- Fixed gd by adding a define
2000-11-03 Derick Rethans- Fixing Mathieu's indentation problems
2000-11-03 Joey SmithInclude header file for phpi_get_le_gd()
2000-11-03 Joey SmithInclude header file for php_file_le_fopen()
2000-11-03 Mathieu Kooiman- Introduced ImageCreateFromString() function,
2000-11-03 foobarFix build.
2000-11-03 Sascha SchumannAdd some additional checks
2000-11-03 Sascha SchumannFix implementation of hash algorithm
2000-11-03 Daniel Beulshauseninstall instructions for more webservers
2000-11-03 Daniel Beulshausenuse argv[1] if it's given, thanks to Bob Denny <rdenny...
2000-11-03 Ben MansellAdded extra help with library issues, and some performa...
2000-11-03 Andi Gutmans- Add trailing \n?
2000-11-03 Stig VenaasFixed memory leak in array_diff and array_intersect...
2000-11-03 Zeev SuraskiFix msql_close(), pg_close() and sybase_close() (Sybase CT)
2000-11-03 Zeev SuraskiFix for bug #5571 (by mookid@sigent.ru)
2000-11-03 <changelog... ChangeLog update
2000-11-03 foobarfix configure..
2000-11-03 Zeev SuraskiFixed mysql_close() - A bit more complicated than...
2000-11-03 Sterling HughesChanged as per discussion with Sablotron folks.
2000-11-03 Andi Gutmans*** empty log message ***
2000-11-03 Zeev SuraskiFix msql_close()
2000-11-03 Andi Gutmans- Fix dependency.
2000-11-03 Zeev SuraskiFix pg_close()
2000-11-03 Andi Gutmans- Make the random generator work again. This patch...
2000-11-03 Zeev SuraskiFix mysql_close()
2000-11-03 Zeev SuraskiFix build
2000-11-03 Zeev SuraskiAdd RESVAL macros
2000-11-03 David HedborUse V_CHDIR_FILE instead of doing the job of that funct...
2000-11-03 Sascha SchumannSetting no_cache causes Expires: to be send, which...
2000-11-02 Andi Gutmans- When mode is specified the flag is a don't care
2000-11-02 Andi Gutmans- Missed one of the php_checkuid() places
2000-11-02 Zeev SuraskiUpdate NEWS
2000-11-02 Zeev SuraskiFix bug #7599
2000-11-02 Andi Gutmans- Use CHECKUID_* #define's instead of cryptic numbers...
2000-11-02 Zeev SuraskiUpdate to reflect the changes in the parsers/scanners
2000-11-02 Chuck Hagenbuchspelling. bad chuck.
2000-11-02 Chuck Hagenbuchalways prepend Receieved: headers to avoid generating...
2000-11-02 David HedborNow correctly detects Pike 7.0 and use the alternative...
2000-11-02 Zeev SuraskiMissed those
2000-11-02 Zeev SuraskiMaintain consistency
2000-11-02 David HedborAdded Caudium to credit line.