]> granicus.if.org Git - php/shortlog
2019-08-23 Christoph M... Merge branch 'PHP-7.4'
2019-08-23 Christoph M... Fix #78438: Corruption when __unserializing deeply...
2019-08-22 George Peter... Promote warnings to errors in chunk_split()
2019-08-22 George Peter... Promote warnings to errors in str_word_count()
2019-08-22 George Peter... Promote warnings to errors in wordwrap()
2019-08-22 George Peter... Promote warnings to errors in dirname()
2019-08-22 George Peter... Promote warnings to errors in str_split()
2019-08-22 George Peter... Promote warnings to errors in strtr()
2019-08-22 George Peter... Promote warnings to errors in array_pad()
2019-08-22 George Peter... Promote warnings to errors in array_column()
2019-08-22 Christoph M... Merge branch 'PHP-7.4'
2019-08-22 Christoph M... Fix var_unserializer debug code
2019-08-22 George Peter... Normalise strr(i)pos offset messages with str(i)pos...
2019-08-22 Thomas GerbetAdd stub for ext zlib
2019-08-21 Christoph M... Merge branch 'PHP-7.4'
2019-08-21 Christoph M... Merge branch 'PHP-7.3' into PHP-7.4
2019-08-21 Christoph M... Fix #78441: Parse error due to heredoc identifier follo...
2019-08-21 George Peter... Promote warnings to errors in array_combine()
2019-08-21 George Peter... Promote warnings to errors in array_multisort()
2019-08-21 George Peter... Promote warning to error in array_chunk()
2019-08-21 George Peter... Promote warnings to errors in range()
2019-08-20 George Peter... Merge branch 'PHP-7.4'
2019-08-20 George Peter... Remove dead code in base64.c
2019-08-20 Nikita PopovRemove some unnecessary RETURN_FALSE
2019-08-20 Remi ColletMerge branch 'PHP-7.4'
2019-08-20 Remi ColletMerge branch 'PHP-7.3' into PHP-7.4
2019-08-20 Remi Colletensure proper settings for test
2019-08-20 Tyson AndreFix opcache type info for stream_bucket_make_writable()
2019-08-20 Derick RethansUpdate NEWS for 7.4.0RC1
2019-08-20 Derick RethansUpdate NEWS for PHP 7.4.0beta4
2019-08-20 Christoph M... Merge branch 'PHP-7.4'
2019-08-20 Christoph M... Fix #78386: fstat mode has unexpected value on PHP 7.4
2019-08-20 Simon PodlipskyAdd Curl ext PHP stubs
2019-08-20 Simon PodlipskyAdd Calendar ext PHP stubs
2019-08-20 Christoph M... Merge branch 'PHP-7.4'
2019-08-20 Christoph M... Merge branch 'PHP-7.3' into PHP-7.4
2019-08-20 Christoph M... Don't use C++ style comments
2019-08-20 Christoph M... Merge branch 'PHP-7.4'
2019-08-20 Christoph M... Merge branch 'PHP-7.3' into PHP-7.4
2019-08-20 Christoph M... Merge branch 'PHP-7.2' into PHP-7.3
2019-08-20 Qianqian Bufix the problem for connect_attr, set db condition...
2019-08-20 Henrique DuarteAdd stubs for filter extension
2019-08-20 Nikita PopovRemove some unnecessary RETURN_FALSE uses
2019-08-19 Christoph M... Merge branch 'PHP-7.4'
2019-08-19 Christoph M... Merge branch 'PHP-7.3' into PHP-7.4
2019-08-19 Christoph M... Merge branch 'PHP-7.2' into PHP-7.3
2019-08-19 Christoph M... Fix #78220: Can't access OneDrive folder
2019-08-19 inem0oAdd sha1 arginfo stubs
2019-08-19 inem0oAdd pageinfo arginfo stubs
2019-08-19 inem0oAdd metaphone arginfo stubs
2019-08-19 inem0oAdd md5 arginfo stubs
2019-08-18 Benjamin EberleiCleanup unnecessary if guard clause to free buffer.
2019-08-17 Christoph M... Don't explicitly set return value on ZPP failure in...
2019-08-17 Yusuke KawasakiFix typo: environement [ci skip]
2019-08-17 Nikita PopovMerge branch 'PHP-7.4'
2019-08-17 Nikita PopovMerge branch 'PHP-7.3' into PHP-7.4
2019-08-17 Nikita PopovFixed bug #77922
2019-08-16 George Peter... Remove useless error check for bin2hex()
2019-08-16 Sara GolemonMerge branch 'PHP-7.4'
2019-08-16 Sara GolemonMerge branch 'PHP-7.3' into PHP-7.4
2019-08-16 Sara GolemonMerge branch 'PHP-7.2' into PHP-7.3
2019-08-16 Sara GolemonSuppress deprecation warning on IDNA2003 ICU methods
2019-08-16 Christoph M... Don't explicitly set return value on ZPP failure
2019-08-16 Christoph M... Don't explicitly set return value on ZPP failure
2019-08-16 Sara GolemonMerge branch 'PHP-7.4'
2019-08-16 Sara GolemonMerge branch 'PHP-7.3' into PHP-7.4
2019-08-16 Sara GolemonRevert "Move to non deprecated API on suitable ICU...
2019-08-16 Kauan SousaCreating stub for ext bz2
2019-08-16 inem0oAdd lcg arginfo stubs
2019-08-16 inem0oAdd ftok arginfo stubs
2019-08-15 Nikita PopovSupport typed variadic args in gen_stubs
2019-08-15 Christoph M... Merge branch 'PHP-7.4'
2019-08-15 Jan Altensenappveyor: exclude some documentation paths
2019-08-15 Christoph M... Empty merge
2019-08-15 Christoph M... Empty merge
2019-08-15 Christoph M... Update NEWS
2019-08-15 Victor Gazotticreating stubs for echant ext
2019-08-15 Christoph M... Unify ZPP handling in ext/sqlite3
2019-08-15 Christoph M... Don't repeat yourself
2019-08-15 Craig DuncanConvert sqlite3 functions arginfo to php stubs
2019-08-15 Nikita PopovNormalize SimpleXML::asXML() argument handling
2019-08-15 Nikita PopovMerge branch 'PHP-7.4'
2019-08-15 Nikita PopovFixed bug #78409
2019-08-15 zhdanielFix typo
2019-08-14 Christoph M... Empty merge
2019-08-14 Christoph M... Empty merge
2019-08-14 Christoph M... Update credits_ext.h
2019-08-14 Nikita PopovMerge branch 'PHP-7.4'
2019-08-14 Nikita PopovMerge branch 'PHP-7.3' into PHP-7.4
2019-08-14 Nikita PopovFix reference printing in GC tracing
2019-08-14 Nikita PopovMerge branch 'PHP-7.2' into PHP-7.3
2019-08-14 Nikita PopovFixed bug #78412
2019-08-14 Theodore BrownAdd hrtime arginfo stubs
2019-08-14 Victor GazottiAdd some stubs at ctype ext
2019-08-14 jason-liewadd some stubs for array func in basic_functions
2019-08-14 Stephen ReayAdded arginfo stub for posix extension
2019-08-13 Sara GolemonMerge branch 'PHP-7.4'
2019-08-13 Sara GolemonMerge branch 'PHP-7.3' into PHP-7.4
2019-08-13 Sara GolemonMerge branch 'PHP-7.2' into PHP-7.3
2019-08-13 Sara GolemonBump for 7.2.23