]> granicus.if.org Git - php/shortlog
2005-05-06 Ilia AlshanetskyAdded missing bit of the previous patch.
2005-05-06 Ilia AlshanetskyMFH: Fixed bug #32936 (http redirects URLs are not...
2005-05-06 foobartypo
2005-05-06 foobarreorder
2005-05-05 Dmitry StogovFixed bug #31525 (object reference being dropped. ...
2005-05-05 Georg RichterMFH: fix for bug #32956
2005-05-05 Georg RichterMFH: fix for bug #32947
2005-05-04 Stanislav Malyshevclarify some magic
2005-05-04 Anantha Kesari H YNetWare LibC dlsym works perfectly only thing that...
2005-05-04 Dmitry StogovFixed bug #30707 (Segmentation fault on exception in...
2005-05-04 Dmitry Stogovws
2005-05-04 Dmitry StogovFixed bug #30162 (Catching exception in constructor...
2005-05-03 Rob RichardsBFN
2005-05-03 Rob RichardsMFH: Fix bug #32930 (class extending DOMDocument doesn...
2005-05-03 Marcus Boerger- Add test
2005-05-03 Marcus Boerger- Update tests affexted by fix
2005-05-03 Dmitry StogovFixed bug #32296 (get_class_methods output has changed...
2005-05-02 Marcus Boerger- BFN
2005-05-02 Marcus Boerger- MFH Bugfix #30126
2005-05-01 Ilia AlshanetskyMFH: Fixed bug #32608 (html_entity_decode() converts...
2005-05-01 Pierre Joye - MFB: #32891, init old y positions to non possible...
2005-04-30 foobarMFH: - Fix problems with phpized ext/imap
2005-04-30 foobarMFH: - Added man pages for "phpize" and "php-config...
2005-04-30 foobarMFH
2005-04-30 foobarMFH: Moved phpextdist to dev/
2005-04-29 foobarMFH
2005-04-29 Andrey Hristovmissed to remove that. multi_query is no more a global.
2005-04-29 foobarMFH: Make sure E_STRICT is set always
2005-04-29 Dmitry StogovFixed bug #30332 (zend.ze1_compatibility_mode isnt...
2005-04-29 Dmitry StogovFixed bug #32852 (Crash with singleton and __destruct...
2005-04-29 Dmitry StogovFixed WSDL cache bug
2005-04-29 foobarMFH: Add auto_globals_jit entry to php.ini-* (bug ...
2005-04-28 Dmitry StogovFixed bug #29015 (Incorrect behavior of member vars...
2005-04-28 Antony DovgalMFH: add test for bug #32828
2005-04-28 foobarMFH
2005-04-28 Antony DovgalMFH: fix #32828 (Throwing exception in output_callback...
2005-04-28 Antony DovgalMFH: handle unsupported datatypes and prevent segfault
2005-04-28 foobarMFH
2005-04-28 Rob RichardsBFN
2005-04-28 Rob RichardsMFH: Fix bug #32245 (xml_parser_free() in function...
2005-04-27 foobarMFH
2005-04-27 foobarreword
2005-04-27 Andrey Hristovupdate NEWS
2005-04-27 Andrey Hristovchange names
2005-04-27 Andrey HristovBFN
2005-04-27 Andrey HristovMFH (fix bug #31023)
2005-04-27 Dmitry StogovFixed bug #29210 (Function: is_callable - no support...
2005-04-27 Dmitry StogovFixed bug #29104 (Function declaration in method doesn...
2005-04-27 foobarMFH
2005-04-27 Anantha Kesari H Ycheck should be on host_alias rather than on target_ali...
2005-04-27 Andrey HristovBFN
2005-04-27 Andrey Hristov- Fix bug 31668 (multi query fails every other time...
2005-04-27 Dmitry StogovFixed bug #32674 (exception in iterator causes crash)
2005-04-26 Dmitry StogovFixed bug #30889 (Conflict between __get/__set and...
2005-04-26 Dmitry StogovFixed bug #30702 (cannot initialize class variable...
2005-04-26 foobarNetware stuff
2005-04-25 Ilia AlshanetskyMFH: Fixed bug #32813 (parse_url() does not handle...
2005-04-25 foobarrbfn
2005-04-25 foobarMFH: revertos
2005-04-25 foobarreorder + shorten..
2005-04-25 Stanislav Malyshevfix
2005-04-25 Stanislav Malyshev@- Fix #32773 and make right fix for GMP FPEs (Stas)
2005-04-25 Dmitry StogovFixed bug #29944 (Function defined in switch, crashes).
2005-04-25 Edin KadribasicBFN
2005-04-25 Edin KadribasicMFH: Added T1LIB support on Windows (#32809)
2005-04-25 Dmitry StogovFixed call to estrndup() with invalid lengt
2005-04-25 Sebastian BergmannMFH: Correct grammar.
2005-04-24 Ilia Alshanetskyzval** not zval*.
2005-04-24 Ilia AlshanetskyMFH: Fixed bug #32802 (General cookie overrides more...
2005-04-24 foobarMFH: - Execute destructors earlier
2005-04-23 foobartypo
2005-04-23 foobarMFH: fix memleak
2005-04-23 foobarMFH: - Fixed bug #32111 (Cookies can also be separated...
2005-04-22 Joe OrtonMFH: Fixed bug #32797 (invalid C code in xmlrpc extension).
2005-04-22 Antony Dovgalfix C++ comments
2005-04-22 Masaki Fujimoto- MFH: Fix mbfl_encoding_detector_feed() and mbfl_mbfl_...
2005-04-21 foobarMFH
2005-04-21 foobarMFH: expose EXEEXT and use with CLI/CGI
2005-04-21 foobarBFN
2005-04-21 foobarMFH: - Fixed bug #32647 (Using register_shutdown_functi...
2005-04-21 foobarMFH: Added test for bug #32647
2005-04-21 Dmitry StogovFixed wrong SoapFault codes. The codes MUST be namespac...
2005-04-21 foobarMFH: - Possible fix for bug #32778
2005-04-21 Antony Dovgaladd *.php to cvsignore
2005-04-20 Brian FranceMFH: Added support for .cc files in extensions.
2005-04-20 Dmitry StogovFixed bug #32776 (SOAP doesn't support one-way operations)
2005-04-20 Dmitry Stogovspace -> tab
2005-04-20 Dmitry StogovSupport for element's form and schema's elementFormDefa...
2005-04-20 Dmitry StogovSome tests where fixed
2005-04-19 foobarreorder
2005-04-19 foobarMFH
2005-04-19 Andrey HristovFN
2005-04-19 Andrey HristovMFH
2005-04-19 Andrey Hristovfix test to be able to run not only over Unix socket...
2005-04-19 Andrey HristovBFN
2005-04-19 Andrey HristovMFH
2005-04-19 Wez FurlongBFN
2005-04-19 Wez Furlong- Fix #32758 Cannot access safearray properties
2005-04-19 Ilia AlshanetskyMFH: Fixed bug #32753 (Undefined constant SQLITE_NOTADB).
2005-04-18 Rob RichardsBFN