2009-06-21 Scott MacVicarFix bug #48276 - year is a long long so we need %lld...
2009-06-21 Hannes MagnussonMFB: Fix proto and arginfo
2009-06-21 andy wharmbyNew lang tests.
2009-06-21 Johannes SchlüterIt's 2009
2009-06-21 Ilia AlshanetskyMFB: Fixed bug #48620 (X-PHP-Originating-Script assumes...
2009-06-21 Takeshi Abefixed bug #48555 (ImageFTBBox() differs from previous...
2009-06-21 <changelog... ChangeLog update
2009-06-20 Kalle Sommer... Fixed arginfo for array_map, patch by Matthew Fonda...
2009-06-20 <changelog... ChangeLog update
2009-06-19 Kalle Sommer... Fix memleak
2009-06-19 <changelog... ChangeLog update
2009-06-18 andy wharmbyFix test; remove spurious code
2009-06-18 andy wharmbyBasic tests for strftime(). Tested on Windows (all...
2009-06-18 Greg Beaverfix EXPECT section of test
2009-06-18 Derick Rethans- Updated to version 2009.10 (2009j)
2009-06-18 Zoe SlatteryTests from Berlin test fest
2009-06-18 Rasmus LerdorfFix bug #48592
2009-06-18 <changelog... ChangeLog update
2009-06-17 Pierre Joye- MF53: #47318, UMR when trying to activate user config
2009-06-17 andy wharmbyNew test for standard object compare handler. Tested...
2009-06-17 andy wharmbyNew foreach tests. Tested on Windows, Linux and Linux...
2009-06-17 Andrey HristovFix two problems:
2009-06-17 Felipe Pena- Fixed bug #48578 (Can't build 5.3 on FBSD 4.11) ...
2009-06-17 Scott MacVicarUpdate test to test a few more cases and another for...
2009-06-17 Scott MacVicarAdd SplDoublyLinkedList::prev(), no point in having...
2009-06-17 Robin FernandesAdditional class related tests.
2009-06-17 Hannes Magnussonfix skipf
2009-06-17 Rasmus LerdorfNeed the gcc version check here too
2009-06-17 <changelog... ChangeLog update
2009-06-16 Felipe Pena- Fixed tests
2009-06-16 andy wharmbyNew strcoll error test. Tested on Windows, Linux and...
2009-06-16 Andrey HristovC-comments should be used
2009-06-16 Pierre Joye- MF53: fix readlink in TS SAPI
2009-06-16 Rasmus LerdorfTweak to make this compile with gcc2
2009-06-16 Felipe Pena- Fixed build (removed trailing comma) patch by Seiji...
2009-06-16 Andrey HristovMemory usage optimisation. mysqlnd is not libmysql...
2009-06-16 andy wharmbyFix typo in test
2009-06-16 Andrey HristovHardwire function call instead of using callbacks....
2009-06-16 andy wharmbyNew class related tests. Tested on Windows, Linux and...
2009-06-16 Andrey HristovUse Zend's allocator instead of libc's and also don...
2009-06-16 Felipe Pena- Fixed bug #48562 (Reference recursion causes segfault...
2009-06-16 <changelog... ChangeLog update
2009-06-15 Felipe Pena- Drop unused code
2009-06-15 andy wharmbyNew test for bitwise operators. Tested on Linux 64 bit
2009-06-15 Felipe Pena- Fixed bug #48557 (Numeric string keys in Apache Hashm...
2009-06-15 Patrick AllaertFixing #48441 (ldap_search() with sizelimit/timelimit...
2009-06-15 Pierre Joye- add TODO about int definition cleanup
2009-06-15 Patrick AllaertRefactoring that will help fixing #48441
2009-06-15 Pierre Joye- simplify, use correct type and silent warnings
2009-06-15 Pierre Joye- silent compilation warnings (no MFH yet)
2009-06-15 Scott MacVicarsync SQLite 3.6.15
2009-06-15 Ilia AlshanetskyMFB: 48518
2009-06-15 andy wharmbyNew POSIX extension tests from Berlin UG TestFest 2009.
2009-06-15 Pierre Joye- silent warning
2009-06-15 <changelog... ChangeLog update
2009-06-14 andy wharmbyNew foreach tests. Tested on Windows, Linux and Linux...
2009-06-14 andy wharmbyBasic tests for function_exists() and get_defined_funct...
2009-06-14 andy wharmbyNew json extension tests. Tested on Windows, Linux...
2009-06-14 Pierre Joye- MF53: fix build (void alarm)
2009-06-14 <changelog... ChangeLog update
2009-06-13 Greg Beaverfix Bug #48541: spl_autoload_register only registers...
2009-06-13 andy wharmbyNew iconv extension tests. Tested on Windows, Linux...
2009-06-13 <changelog... ChangeLog update
2009-06-12 Felipe Pena- Constified method_name arg. in zend_get_user_call_fun...
2009-06-12 Felipe Pena- Refix the fix :| (missing skipif)
2009-06-12 Felipe Pena- Fix test
2009-06-12 Felipe Pena- Fixed bug #48514 (cURL extension uses same resource...
2009-06-12 andy wharmbyNew iconv extension tests. Tested on Windows, Linux...
2009-06-12 andy wharmbyNew iconv extension tests. Tested on Windows, Linux...
2009-06-12 Felipe Pena- Sync with 5_3
2009-06-12 Felipe Pena- Dropped unused var (HEAD only)
2009-06-12 Andrey HristovFix crash when tracing is enabled. Position after buffe...
2009-06-12 <changelog... ChangeLog update
2009-06-12 Felipe Pena- Fixed bug #48533 (__callStatic is not invoked for...
2009-06-11 Kalle Sommer... Fixed static build of mbstring on Windows (makes static...
2009-06-11 andy wharmbyDelete duplicate test
2009-06-11 andy wharmbyNew intval() tests. Tested on Windows, Linux and linux 64
2009-06-11 andy wharmbyNew 64 bit math tests. Tested on Windows, Linux and...
2009-06-11 andy wharmbyAdd/Fix SKIPIF sections of cURL tests
2009-06-11 Andrey HristovRevert by adding an ifdef
2009-06-11 Pierre Joye- nuke unused var
2009-06-11 Pierre Joye- MF53: silent warning and make it less ambiguous
2009-06-11 Greg BeaverMFB: add phar.phar generation to windows
2009-06-11 andy wharmbyNew POISX tests. Tested on Windows (all test SKIP)...
2009-06-11 Johannes SchlüterUse a better extension version
2009-06-11 Antony Dovgalfix bug #48518 (curl crashes when writing into invalid...
2009-06-11 Andrey HristovProtect the code when variable is NULL, which should...
2009-06-11 Andrey HristovCheck the pointer before calling a function on it,...
2009-06-11 Andrey HristovMFB: Reference decrement in own function. Make a functi...
2009-06-11 <changelog... ChangeLog update
2009-06-10 Felipe Pena- Fix the fix (Bug #46973 - IPv6 address filter rejects...
2009-06-10 Johannes SchlüterHannes said this shall not be run for RCs
2009-06-10 Pierre Joye- look for static lib too
2009-06-10 Hannes MagnussonFix extension loading order
2009-06-10 Hannes MagnussonFix exception message
2009-06-10 Ilia AlshanetskyFixed bug #48512 (DOMDocument::validate() fails with...
2009-06-10 Antony Dovgalfix arginfo for curl_multi_info_read()
2009-06-10 Pierre Joye- MFB: put mpir headers in their own directory
2009-06-10 <changelog... ChangeLog update
2009-06-09 andy wharmbyFix test - remove bogus variation