]> granicus.if.org Git - nethack/shortlog
2019-07-11 PatRpoly'd hero theft fix
2019-07-11 PatRmake #panic honor paranoid_confirmatin:quit
2019-07-11 PatRcurses: #extended command vs erase/kill chars
2019-07-11 Bart HouseImproved readability of topline state management.
2019-07-11 PatRhero-as-nymph: steal items vs steal gold
2019-07-10 PatRfix github issue #204 - theft while in nymph form
2019-07-10 Bart HouseAdded experimental feature NEW_KEYBOARD_HIT.
2019-07-10 PatRcurses: ncurses vs Ctrl+Click
2019-07-10 PatRfix github issue #200 - docs for 'strange object'
2019-07-09 PatRlooking at a trapped monster
2019-07-08 PatRfinding hidden monsters
2019-07-07 PatR^X/disclosure of night, moon, Friday 13th
2019-07-07 PatRfix #H8164 - kicking altar: injury vs wrath
2019-07-06 PatRcurses moving left with ^H
2019-07-06 PatRXstairs_room followup
2019-07-06 Bart Housemklev() set xxstairs_room pointers back to NULL upon...
2019-07-05 Bart HouseWhen fuzzing, use the number of moves as a proxy for...
2019-07-04 PatRcurses prompting tweak
2019-07-04 PatRfix github issue #202 - worn items inside engulfer
2019-07-03 PatRshk doname for containers
2019-07-03 PatRmakedefs dat/options TERMINFO
2019-07-03 Bart HouseFix crash that can occur in decode_mixed.
2019-07-03 PatRstatus_hilite for Xp and Exp by percent rules
2019-07-02 nhmalla bit that crept in from elsewhere
2019-07-02 nhmalltest and adjust for curses with msdos
2019-07-02 PatRtty status highlighting via attributes
2019-07-01 nhmallfix up Windows gcc Makefile
2019-06-30 Bart HouseWhen restoring game we should not need to invoke rnd...
2019-06-30 Bart HouseNeed to check ball and chain after we have procesed...
2019-06-30 nhmalllast NetHack-3.6 travis build passed so re-enable notif...
2019-06-30 PatRwishing vs EDIT_GETLIN
2019-06-30 PatRcurses message history vs dumplog message history
2019-06-30 nhmallMerge branch 'NetHack-3.6' of https://rodney.nethack...
2019-06-30 nhmalladd --depth 1 to git clone for travis windows test
2019-06-30 PatRattributes disclosure: experience points
2019-06-30 nhmalladd pdcurses support to travis ci windows test builds
2019-06-30 nhmallremove "bogus" bit :)
2019-06-30 nhmalllower case windows in .travis.yml
2019-06-30 nhmallTRAVIS CI updated to include Windows and osx testing
2019-06-30 nhmallNo PDCurses right out-of-the-box; requires an edit
2019-06-30 nhmallupdate Windows Makefiles to support TRAVIS CI builds
2019-06-29 PatRcurses+EDIT_GETLIN again
2019-06-28 nhmallbuild fix for Windows if pdcurses is included after...
2019-06-28 PatR^I vs perm_invent again
2019-06-28 PatRcurses popup single char input
2019-06-28 PatRcurses menu and text window size
2019-06-28 PatRcurses mouse_support bit for fixes36.3
2019-06-28 PatRMerge 'curses-mouse_support' into NetHack-3.6
2019-06-28 nhmallPDCurses behaves the same as ncurses
2019-06-28 nhmallPDCurses requires PDC_NCMOUSE for compatibility with...
2019-06-28 PatRUNIX|VMS compile warning
2019-06-28 PatRcurses erase char and kill char
2019-06-27 PatRcurses mouse right-click
2019-06-26 PatRmouse_support for win/curses using ncurses
2019-06-26 PatRcoalescing partly eaten globs
2019-06-26 PatRmpickobj sanity, ball&chain theft feedback
2019-06-25 PatRball&chain bit
2019-06-25 PatRkeyhelp typo
2019-06-25 PatRcurses clipped map 'scrollbars'
2019-06-25 PatRcurses cursor
2019-06-25 PatRfix #H7840 - curses ':' menu search+toggle
2019-06-25 PatR'sortpack' vs 'perm_invent'
2019-06-25 PatRcurses 'perm_invent' fixes
2019-06-24 PatRfix "Bad fruit #N" warnings when saving bones
2019-06-24 Bart HouseFix dangling chain bug.
2019-06-24 PatRworm segment placement
2019-06-24 PatRlevel overcrowding tweaks
2019-06-23 PatR\#wizidentify bug - 'Not carrying anything.'
2019-06-22 PatRmakemon() and clone_mon()
2019-06-22 PatRfix #H8922 - no "you finish eating" message
2019-06-22 nhmallcode in parse_conf_file() to trim trailing blanks/cr...
2019-06-21 PatRfix #H8833 - wishing for "<foo> amulet"
2019-06-20 PatRfix #8924 - demonic bribery while hero is deaf
2019-06-20 PatRcomment typo for "transient"
2019-06-20 PatRmuse wand/horn feedback for monst zapping at self
2019-06-20 PatRRe-do the formatting for help on menu control keys
2019-06-20 PatRupdate contact URL
2019-06-20 PatRcurses text windows
2019-06-20 PatRfuzzer tweak tweak
2019-06-18 PatRcurses map window
2019-06-18 PatRmkroom.h update
2019-06-18 PatRcuring green slime bit
2019-06-17 PatRmonster overflow on Plane of Air
2019-06-17 PatRfuzzer tweaks
2019-06-15 PatREDIT_GETLIN when naming monsters and objects
2019-06-15 PatRtake two: tty bug with long 'autodescribe' text
2019-06-15 PatRtty bug with multi-line prompts
2019-06-15 PatREDIT_GETLIN vs monpolycontrol
2019-06-13 PatRdo_mname bit
2019-06-13 PatRtty bug with displaying long 'autodescribe' text
2019-06-12 PatRmklev.c formatting and comments
2019-06-10 PatRwizweight vs globs
2019-06-10 PatRmuse wand/horn feedback
2019-06-09 PatRcurses EDIT_GETLIN - discarding preloaded answer
2019-06-09 PatRmore ^G of "hidden <monster>"
2019-06-09 nhmalldisplay effect bits
2019-06-09 nhmallextend wizard-mode display effect to unseen invisible...
2019-06-09 nhmalloverlooked rn2_on_display_rng bit
2019-06-09 nhmallmake display effect code reusable and move it to display.c
2019-06-09 nhmallfixes entry and a display effect related to is_hider...