]> granicus.if.org Git - graphviz/shortlog
2022-10-12 Mark HansenMerge branch 'getopt' into 'main'
2022-10-12 Mark HansenAvoid uninitialized CMake GETOPT variable warnings
2022-10-12 Mark HansenMerge branch 'devil' into 'main'
2022-10-12 Mark HansenDevIL plugin: use IL_ CMake variables
2022-10-12 Matthew FernandezMerge branch 'smattr/c0acb230-1b61-4e7b-9922-aab37aeda9...
2022-10-12 Matthew Fernandezbump required CMake version to 3.10.2
2022-10-12 Matthew FernandezCI: when using CMake, echo its version into the log
2022-10-12 Matthew FernandezMerge branch 'smattr/d4a525e3-e3d6-489c-b64d-a901f96bdf...
2022-10-12 Matthew Fernandezneatogen: remove now unused 'delete_digcola_levels'
2022-10-12 Matthew Fernandezneatogen: remove now unused 'print_digcola_levels'
2022-10-12 Matthew Fernandezremove 'MOSEK'-guarded code
2022-10-11 Mark HansenMerge branch 'link-libraries' into 'main'
2022-10-11 Mark HansenUse full paths to pangocairo libraries, not names
2022-10-11 Magnus JacobssonMerge branch 'fix-issue-372-for-polygon-shaped-nodes...
2022-10-11 Magnus Jacobssonshapes: point_init/point_inside: fix clipping of edge...
2022-10-11 Magnus Jacobssonshapes: poly_init: fix clipping of edge at node outline...
2022-10-11 Magnus Jacobssonarrows: arrow_type_normal0: fix positioning of normal...
2022-10-11 Magnus Jacobssonarrows: miter_point: add fallback to bevel
2022-10-11 Magnus Jacobssonarrows: arrow_length_normal: take edge penwidth into...
2022-10-11 Magnus Jacobssonarrows: factor out arrow_type_normal0 function
2022-10-11 Magnus Jacobssonarrows: refactor arrow length calculation to allow...
2022-10-11 Magnus Jacobssonsplines: bezier_clip: change to clip just inside instea...
2022-10-11 Magnus Jacobssonshapes: star_inside: fix clipping of edge at node outline
2022-10-11 Magnus Jacobssonshapes: poly_init/poly_inside: fix clipping of edge...
2022-10-11 Magnus JacobssonAPI BREAK: types: add outline_width & outline_height...
2022-10-11 Magnus Jacobssonarrows: arrow_type_normal: fix positioning of normal...
2022-10-11 Magnus Jacobssonarrows: refactor arrow generating functions to return...
2022-10-11 Magnus Jacobssontests: remove test_regression_subset_differences test
2022-10-11 Magnus Jacobssontests: SVGAnalyzer: correct fallback to bevel in SVGEle...
2022-10-11 Magnus Jacobssontests: test_max_edge_stem_arrow_overlap_simple: correct...
2022-10-11 Magnus Jacobssontests: test_min_edge_stem_arrow_overlap_simple: correct...
2022-10-11 Magnus JacobssonMerge branch 'start-6.0.3-dev' into 'main'
2022-10-11 Magnus JacobssonStart 6.0.3 development
2022-10-11 Magnus JacobssonMerge branch 'stable-release-6.0.2' into 'main' 6.0.2
2022-10-11 Magnus JacobssonStable release 6.0.2
2022-10-11 Mark HansenMerge branch 'cairo-svg' into 'main'
2022-10-11 Mark HansenDraft: import cairo-svg without cairo/ prefix cairo-svg
2022-10-11 Mark HansenMerge branch 'gdk' into 'main'
2022-10-11 Mark HansenUse _LINK_LIBRARIES to build gdk plugin
2022-10-11 Matthew FernandezMerge branch 'smattr/031b9571-2190-4d4c-b5e3-fa0403e651...
2022-10-11 Matthew Fernandezcommon: remove some unnecessary parens
2022-10-11 Matthew Fernandezcommon: replace some 'MIN' usage with 'fmax'
2022-10-11 Matthew Fernandezcommon: replace some 'MAX' usage with 'fmax'
2022-10-11 Matthew Fernandezcommon: remove unused 'PI' constant
2022-10-11 Matthew FernandezMerge branch 'smattr/8908405f-7c1a-4657-8118-0c64f585ee...
2022-10-11 Matthew Fernandezsfio _Sftable: use C99 designated field initializers
2022-10-11 Matthew Fernandezsfio sfcvinit: use more appropriate types, squashing...
2022-10-11 Matthew Fernandezsfio sfsync: realign 'mode' type with its use
2022-10-11 Matthew Fernandezsfio sfsync: realign 'pool' type with its use
2022-10-11 Matthew Fernandezsfio sfswap: realign 'f1mode' type with its use
2022-10-11 Matthew FernandezMerge branch 'smattr/2fd13139-2ce0-4774-bd07-42eaf60610...
2022-10-11 Matthew Fernandezglcomp: remove 'glCompButton.glyphPos' and associated...
2022-10-11 Matthew Fernandezglcomp: remove unused 'glCompLabel.autosize'
2022-10-11 Matthew Fernandezglcomp: remove unnecessary casts of 'compset' member
2022-10-11 Matthew Fernandezglcomp: remove unused 'C_DPI', 'R_DPI'
2022-10-11 Matthew Fernandezglcomp: remove unused 'FONT_MAX_LEN'
2022-10-11 Matthew Fernandezglcomp: remove unused 'FONT_TAB_SPACE'
2022-10-11 Matthew Fernandezglcomp: remove unused 'GLCOMPSET_DEFAULT_PAD'
2022-10-11 Matthew Fernandezglcomp: remove unused 'glCompTrackBar'
2022-10-11 Matthew FernandezMerge branch 'smattr/e78584c4-bddc-43a8-8d67-715eb74454...
2022-10-11 Matthew Fernandezneatogen print_bounding_box: use cgraph wrappers for...
2022-10-11 Matthew Fernandezneatogen OverlapSmoother_new: use cgraph wrappers for...
2022-10-11 Matthew Fernandezneatogen relative_position_constraints_new: use cgraph...
2022-10-11 Matthew Fernandezneatogen get_overlap_graph: use cgraph wrappers for...
2022-10-10 Matthew FernandezMerge branch 'smattr/80a44ae4-4b4f-4df6-9e97-b9eea6f522...
2022-10-10 Matthew Fernandeztclpkg graphcmd: shrink a buffer
2022-10-10 Matthew Fernandeztclpkg graphcmd: remove some uses of bare 'sprintf'
2022-10-10 Matthew Fernandeztclpkg: remove 'Tcl_Alloc' failure handling code
2022-10-10 Matthew Fernandeztclpkg GdPtrTypeUpdate: remove a use of bare 'sprintf'
2022-10-10 Magnus JacobssonMerge branch 'automatic-artifact-filename-base-in-overl...
2022-10-07 Magnus Jacobssontests: use the AUTO_NAME macro in all tests
2022-10-07 Matthew FernandezMerge branch 'lib-dox' into 'main'
2022-10-07 Costa Shulyupinxdot: doxygen comment
2022-10-07 Costa Shulyupinvpsc: doxygen comment
2022-10-07 Costa Shulyupinortho: fix doxygen reference
2022-10-07 Costa Shulyupinglcomp: doxygen comment
2022-10-07 Costa Shulyupinexpr: doxygen comment
2022-10-07 Costa Shulyupinlib/common: : doxygen comment
2022-10-06 Matthew FernandezMerge branch 'cgraph-module' into 'main'
2022-10-06 Costa Shulyupindoxygen module cgraph_api
2022-10-06 Magnus JacobssonMerge branch 'include-rankdir-in-artifact-filenames...
2022-10-06 Magnus Jacobssontest_edge_node_overlap_polygon_node_shapes: include...
2022-10-06 Magnus Jacobssontest_edge_node_overlap_point_node_shape: include rankdi...
2022-10-06 Magnus Jacobssontest_edge_node_overlap_ellipse_node_shapes_except_point...
2022-10-06 Magnus Jacobssontest_edge_node_overlap_cylinder_node_shape: include...
2022-10-05 Matthew FernandezMerge branch 'common-doxygen' into 'main'
2022-10-05 Costa Shulyupintextspan: doxygen comments
2022-10-05 Costa Shulyupinxml: doxygen comment
2022-10-05 Costa Shulyupinns: doxygen comment
2022-10-05 Costa Shulyupingeomprocs: doxygen comment
2022-10-05 Costa Shulyupingeom: doxygen comment
2022-10-05 Costa Shulyupinemit: doxygen comment
2022-10-05 Matthew FernandezMerge branch 'smattr/cb76abb9-9046-4de3-a70f-289acba7b5...
2022-10-05 Matthew Fernandezremove SWIG setup steps in Windows build preparation...
2022-10-05 Matthew FernandezMerge branch 'smattr/711fa74b-6b92-4189-8033-1a63473153...
2022-10-05 Matthew Fernandezsccmap: re-enable non-silent output when '-v' is passed
2022-10-05 Matthew Fernandezsccmap: fix missing '-S' in usage summary
2022-10-03 Matthew FernandezMerge branch 'smattr/dcfd6cd8-86b5-45bc-9037-39c47f7c00...
2022-10-03 Matthew Fernandezremove unnecessary 'usershape_t.data' casts
2022-10-03 Matthew Fernandezgvpack: use cgraph wrappers for allocation