]> granicus.if.org Git - postgis/shortlog
2017-08-06 Sandro SantilliFormatting
2017-08-05 Regina Obeflip version number back to 2.4.0dev
2017-08-05 Regina Obeupdate ChangeLog once again set dronie to check 2.4...
2017-08-05 Regina Obeswitch travis back not using sudo (root doesn't exist).
2017-08-05 Regina Obetry to fix travis check failures by sudoing more stuff.
2017-08-05 Regina ObeChange warning from GEOS 3.5.0 (that was too low alread...
2017-08-05 Regina ObeFix dump/restore test (arguments out of order)
2017-08-05 Regina ObePrepping for releast of PostGIS 2.4.0alpha
2017-08-05 Regina ObeST_Centroid for geography fix uninitialized points...
2017-08-05 Regina ObeClarify description of ST_Snap that it is the newly...
2017-08-04 Regina ObeFix email addresses and credit stuff. shp2pgsql-gui...
2017-08-04 Regina ObeMissed test commit for ST_Centroid geography support
2017-08-04 Regina Obemissed file commit for ST_Centroid Geography support
2017-08-04 Regina ObeST_Centroid for geography (Danny Götte)
2017-08-03 Regina Obemake image a little smaller
2017-08-02 Regina ObeAdd a graphical example for ST_ClusterDBScan
2017-07-29 Regina ObeOSS FUZZ Items must be surrounded by double quote....
2017-07-28 Regina ObeMark 3D functions and some other missed functions as...
2017-07-28 Regina ObeUpdate normalize output to reflect new fields.
2017-07-27 Regina ObeSolaris build issues due to missing isfinite define
2017-07-27 Regina Obeadd missing file missed in last commit
2017-07-27 Regina ObeGeocoder enhancements, add zip4 and address_alphanumeri...
2017-07-27 Sandro SantilliDrop bugfix NEWS entry from 2.4.0 section (it's already...
2017-07-26 Regina ObeAdd enhanced section for 2.4 and backport 2.3.1-2.3...
2017-07-24 Regina Obeupdate es po files from transifex
2017-07-23 Regina Obeupdate fr po files from transifex
2017-07-23 Regina Obeput in safeguard for PostGIS windows functions. Italian...
2017-07-23 Regina ObePut in safeguards around availability, changes, enhance...
2017-07-23 Regina Obespecify absolute path to texstyle.sty
2017-07-23 Regina Obeget rid of utf8 see if resolves pdf compile error
2017-07-23 Regina Oberemove other packages just added, but keep utf8 one.
2017-07-23 Regina Obeupdate po files from transifex and fix po typos causing...
2017-07-23 Regina ObeSchema qualify function calls in postgis_full_version
2017-07-23 Regina Obetry adding utf8 package (take out CJKutf8 for now)...
2017-07-23 Regina ObeFix errors in po for ko_KR so html can build.
2017-07-23 Regina Obetry to fix Japanese, Korean, Chinese PDF generation...
2017-07-23 Regina Obeupdate po files from transifex plus patches to fix...
2017-07-17 Sandro SantilliAllow postgis_restore.pl to work on directory-style...
2017-07-17 Regina ObeCredit to OSS-Fuzz
2017-07-17 Regina Obemark sh scripts as executable
2017-07-14 Regina Obeminor edit add a depth=1
2017-07-10 Regina ObeCommit Fuzzers for liblwgeom wkb OSS FUZZ testing
2017-07-10 Sandro SantilliInitialize another variable
2017-07-10 Sandro SantilliCheck return from an sprintf
2017-07-10 Sandro SantilliFix buffer overflow and use of uninitialized value
2017-07-09 Regina ObeMemory leak in lwline_from_wkb_state
2017-07-06 Regina Obemissing copying libintl-8.dll needed for the VC++ 32...
2017-07-05 Regina Obeturn off interrupt tests on winnie. Causing 32-bit...
2017-07-01 Regina ObeUpdate news to include 2.3 and add missing upgrade...
2017-06-30 Regina ObeBring performance tips section up to newer versions
2017-06-28 Sandro SantilliFixed some typos in docs (give -> given)
2017-06-28 Sandro Santillilwarc_linearize: fix total angle computation for ccw...
2017-06-27 Sandro SantilliFix angle reminder computation
2017-06-26 Sandro SantilliFix debug build
2017-06-24 Regina ObeChange ST_Clip from Error to Notice when ST_Clip can...
2017-06-24 Regina ObeUpdate 3D example and put a note about function may...
2017-06-24 Regina ObeIncrease LIMIT clause on tests so can more readily...
2017-06-23 Sandro SantilliFix lwgeom_cmp return code
2017-06-23 Sandro SantilliFix handling of EMPTY geometries in btree operator
2017-06-23 Sandro SantilliFix markdown of build badges
2017-06-23 Regina ObeST_AsX3D handle empty geometries
2017-06-23 Regina ObeEscape double quotes issue in pgsql2shp
2017-06-21 Regina Obesimplification per strk's request. I undersimplified...
2017-06-20 Regina ObeClean up of formatting of r15406.
2017-06-20 Regina Oberefix for PostgreSQL 10 changed CASE WHEN set returning...
2017-06-19 Sandro SantilliAvoid ever-growing postgis extension upgrade scripts
2017-06-19 Sandro SantilliStyle only change: remove trailing spaces
2017-06-19 Sandro SantilliIt's multi-arc, not multi-arch (typo)
2017-06-19 Sandro SantilliAdd NEWS items about new ST_CurveToLine signature
2017-06-19 Sandro SantilliAdd test for multi-arch curve
2017-06-19 Sandro SantilliImplement extended ST_CurveToLine signature
2017-06-13 Sandro SantilliStyle only change: remove trailing blanks
2017-06-13 Sandro SantilliStyle-only change: remove trailing blanks
2017-06-12 Sandro Santilligeomentry -> geometry
2017-06-12 Sandro SantilliRemove confusing statement
2017-06-09 Regina Obeexample for ST_CreateOverview
2017-06-07 Regina ObeMark functions that are currently stable or volatile...
2017-06-07 Regina Obehave formatting conform to editorconfig. Fix clean...
2017-06-06 Sandro SantilliSpeep up -> Speed up
2017-06-06 Sandro Santillishp2pgsql locale fixes are #3084, not #3048
2017-05-31 Sandro SantilliUse SVG format for Travis badge
2017-05-29 Sandro SantilliIt looks like .h.in files use spaces indent
2017-05-29 Sandro SantilliRequest tab indentation by default for SQL files
2017-05-29 Regina ObeMark all raster aggregate functions as parallel safe.
2017-05-28 Sandro SantilliIgnore generated geobuffer sources
2017-05-28 Sandro SantilliTopology SQL files want space indent
2017-05-27 Regina ObeList parent partition tables and have geography_view...
2017-05-27 Regina Obereplace tabs with spaces from last commit
2017-05-27 Regina ObeChange log table name
2017-05-26 Regina ObeFix topology PostgreSQL 10 regress errors
2017-05-26 Regina ObeRevise rt_union test so passes equally on PostgreSQL...
2017-05-26 Regina ObeRevise to use substring function instead of regexp_matches.
2017-05-26 Regina Oberevert previous change to this file accidentally commit...
2017-05-26 Regina ObeGet rid of all if def needed for versions of PostgreSQL...
2017-05-24 Paul Ramsey#3758, regression failure on stats. Add test data as...
2017-05-23 Regina ObeNew function ST_FrechetDistance (patch from Shinichi...
2017-05-22 Sandro SantilliAdd comment to topology schema
2017-05-21 Regina ObePostgreSQL 10 beta1 fails compile in gserialized_estimate
2017-05-20 Regina ObeRevise the PGVERSION numbering scheme so also works...
2017-05-19 Regina ObeFix mismatch between actual and documented output