]> granicus.if.org Git - openjpeg/shortlog
2011-08-09 Antonin Descamperemoved xcode project files (cmake and autotools are...
2011-07-23 Vincent TorriFixed issue #74.
2011-07-23 Vincent TorriAdded libpng 1.5 detection. Dropped libpng 1.0.* explic...
2011-07-13 Vincent Torriput comments after the creation of the branch
2011-07-13 Vincent Torri * added 'libopenjpeg-jpwl.pc.in'
2011-07-13 Antonin Descampe[openjpeg-1.5] JPIP : updated opj_viewer* jar files
2011-07-11 Antonin Descampeupdated CHNAGES files after branch renaming
2011-07-11 Antonin Descampebranch opj-v1-branch renamed to openjpeg-1.5
2011-07-10 Antonin Descampeopj-v1-branch created opj-v1-branch
2011-07-06 Kaori Hagiharabug fixed for error concerning parameter name modificat...
2011-07-06 Antonin DescampeJPIP : fixed autotools to work with recent name changes
2011-07-05 Kaori Hagiharaadditional changes of parameter names and message names...
2011-07-05 Kaori Hagiharaadd documentations
2011-07-05 Kaori Hagiharachanged program and parameter names from jpt to jpip
2011-07-05 Kaori Hagiharachanged func name parse_stream to parse_JPIPstream
2011-07-04 Kaori Hagiharachanged parameter and file names regarding JPT-stream...
2011-07-03 Antonin Descampefixed bmptoimage (see http://groups.google.com/group...
2011-07-03 Antonin Descampefixed handling of "jp2->meth" value (Restricted ICC...
2011-06-30 Antonin Descampefixed CTest configuration files
2011-06-27 Kaori Hagiharatypo miss corrections for fx,fy
2011-06-03 Mathieu MalaterreFix some error with cmake
2011-06-03 Mathieu Malaterreadding partno and numpart info as part of the warning...
2011-05-26 Antonin Descampefixed paths in makefile.am
2011-05-26 Antonin Descampechanged Makefile to Makefile.nix to avoid having autoto...
2011-05-25 Kaori Hagiharaadded system architecture description on the documentation
2011-05-24 Antonin Descampefixed a bug in autotools that prevented "make distcheck...
2011-05-23 Antonin Descampeforgot to add new Makefile.am in previous commit
2011-05-23 Antonin Descampefixed autotools (broken since the new directory structu...
2011-05-18 Antonin Descampedefined new type "opj_bool", and new constants OPJ_FALS...
2011-05-16 Antonin Descampefixed another bug related to the number of packets...
2011-05-16 Antonin Descampefixed part of issue 69, when tile-part index is inconsi...
2011-05-12 Antonin Descampexcode project file updated (now integrates openjpip)
2011-05-12 Antonin Descampesubsequent jpip-related commits to be logged in "applic...
2011-05-10 Kaori Hagiharaopj_viewer removed the xml functions (for users without...
2011-05-10 Kaori Hagiharatemporal commit to resort the opj_viewer
2011-05-10 Kaori HagiharaModification of opj_dec_server to be portable to windows
2011-05-09 Kaori HagiharaRemoval of c99 from the compile option (to be compatibl...
2011-05-09 Antonin DescampeOpenJPIP: small bug fixes to compile on win platform
2011-05-08 Antonin DescampeOpenJPIP: fixed several bugs in opj_server (removal...
2011-04-16 Antonin Descampefixed a bug in mqc.c (see https://groups.google.com...
2011-04-16 Antonin Descampefixed wrong path in Doxyfile.dox
2011-04-14 Antonin Descampeinitial commit of OpenJPIP 1.0, a JPIP client-server...
2011-04-14 Antonin Descampefixed applications/codec/CMakeLists.txt that prevented...
2011-04-13 Antonin Descampechanged the directory hierarchy of the whole project...
2011-04-13 Antonin Descampere-organization of openjpeg directories hierarchy ...
2011-04-13 Antonin Descampemoved "openjpeg3d" directory from the trunk to the...
2011-04-13 Antonin Descamperenamed and reorganized "jp3d" directory to "openjpeg3d...
2011-04-12 Antonin DescampeFixed internal function names conflict with Jasper...
2011-04-12 Antonin Descampeconvert.c: ENDIAN condition removed, tiftoimage and...
2011-04-12 Antonin Descampesmall fix in configure.ac (credit to Vincent Torri)
2011-03-30 Rex Dieteropenjpeg.pc.cmake rewrites wrong variables (issue 67)
2011-03-24 Antonin Descampename fixing in variables related to liblcms
2011-03-21 Antonin Descampeadded two files FindLCMS.cmake and FindLCMS2.cmake...
2011-03-21 Antonin Descampefixed a bug that created a conflict between liblcms...
2011-03-20 Antonin DescampeRemoved the libs directory containing win32 compiled...
2011-03-10 Antonin Descampefixed lt_version in configure.ac
2011-03-05 Antonin Descampecosmetic change for status report of ./configure
2011-03-04 Antonin Descampenow assume MinGW does not have dirent.h (actually have...
2011-03-04 Antonin Descampesmall fix related to the formatting of the install...
2011-03-04 Antonin Descampeupdated autotools files to improve build and install...
2011-02-17 Antonin Descampereplaced "long" by "size_t" in dwt.c to be sure to...
2011-02-17 Antonin Descampenow allows 16-bit precision for mj2 encoding and decodi...
2011-02-16 Mathieu MalaterreExplicitly link to the math lib on UNIX as we use floor...
2011-02-16 Mathieu MalaterreMake sure to be able to compile index_create on UNIX...
2011-02-09 Antonin Descamperemoved opj_config.h.in from svn, as it is automaticaly...
2011-02-09 Antonin Descamperenamed "java sources" to "java-sources" to avoid blank...
2011-02-06 Antonin Descampecmake : fixed installed links to openjpeg.h and openjpe...
2011-01-30 Antonin Descampefixed warnings in jp2.c (signed compared to unsigned...
2011-01-30 Antonin Descampereplaced en-dash with standard dash in jp2.c
2011-01-29 Antonin Descampelicense header: replaced Hervcalloc by Herve, I should...
2011-01-29 Antonin Descamperemoved é in license header to prevent warning C4819...
2011-01-27 Antonin Descamperemoved other VS files
2011-01-24 Antonin Descamperemove more obsolete VS files. Left only mj2_to_metadat...
2011-01-23 Antonin Descamperemoved obsolete VS files
2011-01-23 Antonin DescampeMJ2 module: Add two components to mj2.h: meth, enumcs...
2011-01-23 Antonin Descampemove KK definition from rs.h to rs.c to prevent duplica...
2011-01-18 Rex Dietercmake: SOVERSION change to 1 (from 1.4) to match auto...
2011-01-17 Rex Dieterremove (autotools) generated files
2011-01-16 Antonin Descampeconvert.c: inclusion of endian.h has to be different...
2011-01-13 Rex Dieterfollowup autotools fixes, adding DESTDIR support
2011-01-13 Rex Dieters/libopenjpeg.pc/libopenjpeg1.pc/
2011-01-13 Rex Dieterfix symlink creation (cmake)
2011-01-13 Rex Dieteradjust autotools pkg-config support to match
2011-01-13 Rex Dieteradd pkg-config support to cmake
2011-01-11 Antonin Descamperemoved forgotten debug info in imagetopnm()
2011-01-09 Antonin Descampeimagetopnm() has been rewritten to allow 16-bits precis...
2011-01-07 Winfriedchanged report code in Makefile.am
2011-01-03 Antonin Descamperemoved badly written tests from CTest in codec/CMakeLi...
2011-01-02 Antonin Descampebug fixes to enable cmake compilation on WIN32 platform...
2011-01-02 Antonin Descampesmall update to xcode project
2010-12-14 WinfriedAdapted Makefile.am/Makefile.nix to build choice: share...
2010-12-11 Antonin Descampefixed flags when building jp3d with MinGW
2010-12-10 WinfriedChanged build choice in configure.ac/Makefile.am/Makefi...
2010-12-09 Antonin Descamperemoved LCMS dependency in jp3d/libjp3dvm/CMakeLists.txt
2010-12-09 Antonin Descampeupdated xcode project
2010-12-09 Antonin Descamperenamed jp3d/libjp3dvm/openjpeg.h => jp3d/libjp3dvm...
2010-12-09 Antonin Descamperemoved "codec/compat/" directory
2010-12-09 WinfriedUpdated Makefile.in
2010-12-09 WinfriedRemoved LCMS dependencies from Makefile.am/Makefile.nix
2010-12-08 Antonin Descampe (thanks to Winfried for his help)