2014-09-19 Daniel Stenberglibcurl docs: improvements all over
2014-09-19 Steve Holmebuild: Added WinIDN build configuration options
2014-09-19 Daniel Stenbergtutorial: signals aren't used for the threaded resolver
2014-09-19 Daniel StenbergFAQ: update the pronunciation section
2014-09-18 Daniel StenbergCURLOPT_COOKIE*: added more cross-references
2014-09-18 Daniel StenbergBINDINGS: add node-libcurl
2014-09-15 Daniel StenbergREADME.http2: updated to reflect current status
2014-09-13 Daniel Stenbergformdata: removed unnecessary USE_SSLEAY use
2014-09-13 Daniel Stenbergcurlssl: make tls backend symbols use curlssl in the...
2014-09-13 Daniel Stenbergurl: let the backend decide CURLOPT_SSL_CTX_ support
2014-09-13 Daniel Stenbergvtls: have the backend tell if it supports CERTINFO
2014-09-13 Catalin Patuleaconfigure: allow --with-ca-path with PolarSSL too
2014-09-13 Daniel StenbergCURLOPT_CAPATH: return failure if set without backend...
2014-09-13 Tatsuhiro Tsujikawahttp2: Fix busy loop when EOF is encountered
2014-09-13 Steve Holmebuild: Added batch wrapper to
2014-09-13 Steve HolmeRELEASE-NOTES: Synced with bd3df5ec6d
2014-09-13 Marcel Raadsasl_sspi: Fixed Unicode build
2014-09-12 Daniel Stenberglibcurl-tutorial.3: fix GnuTLS link to thread-safety...
2014-09-12 Daniel split list of names at comma
2014-09-12 Ulrich Tellentlm: Fixed HTTP proxy authentication when using Window...
2014-09-12 Ray Satironewlines: fix mixed newlines to LF-only
2014-09-11 Viktor Szaká converted tabs to spaces, deleted...
2014-09-11 Daniel StenbergROADMAP: markdown eats underscores
2014-09-10 Daniel StenbergROADMAP: tiny formatting edit for nicer web output
2014-09-10 Steve Updated GSSAPI authentication following...
2014-09-10 Steve HolmeINTERNALS: Added email and updated Kerberos details
2014-09-10 Steve HolmeFEATURES: Updated Kerberos details
2014-09-10 Paul Howarthopenssl: build fix for versions < 0.9.8e
2014-09-10 Daniel first, try downloading HTTPS with...
2014-09-10 Daniel StenbergLICENSE-MIXING: removed krb4 info
2014-09-10 Daniel Stenbergbump: on the 7.38.1-DEV train now!
2014-09-10 Daniel StenbergSSLCERTS: minor updates
2014-09-10 Daniel Stenbergdist: two cmake files are no more curl-7_38_0
2014-09-10 Daniel StenbergRELEASE-NOTES: final update for 7.38.0
2014-09-10 Daniel Stenbergcookies: reject incoming cookies set for TLDs
2014-09-10 Tim Ruehsencookies: only use full host matches for hosts used...
2014-09-09 Daniel StenbergHISTORY: fix the 1998 title position
2014-09-09 Daniel StenbergHISTORY: extended and now markdown
2014-09-09 Daniel StenbergSSLCERTS: converted to markdown
2014-09-09 Daniel Stenbergftp-wildcard.c: spell fix
2014-09-08 Daniel StenbergRELEASE-NOTES: synced with 921a0c22a6f
2014-09-08 Daniel StenbergTHANKS: synced with RELEASE-NOTES for 921a0c22a6f
2014-09-08 Daniel Stenbergpolarassl: avoid memset() when clearing the first byte...
2014-09-08 Catalin Patuleapolarssl: support CURLOPT_CAPATH / --capath
2014-09-08 Daniel StenbergSECURITY: eh, make more sense!
2014-09-08 Daniel StenbergSECURITY: how to join the curl-security list
2014-09-07 Daniel StenbergRELEASE-NOTES: fix the required nghttp2 version typo
2014-09-07 Brandon CaseyEnsure progress.size_dl/progress.size_ul are always...
2014-09-07 Steve Holmetests: Added test1420 to the makefile
2014-09-07 Steve Holmetest1420: Removed unnecessary CURLOPT setting
2014-09-07 Steve Holmetests: Added more "Clear Text" authentication keywords
2014-09-07 Steve Holmetests: Updated "based on" text due to email test renumb...
2014-09-07 Steve Holmetests: For consistency added --libcurl to test name
2014-09-07 Steve Holmetests: Added --libcurl for IMAP test case
2014-09-07 Steve Holmemulti.c: Avoid invalid memory read after free() from...
2014-09-06 Steve Holmemulti.c: Fixed compilation warning from commit 3c8c873252
2014-09-06 Steve Holmeurl.c: Use CURLAUTH_NONE constant rather than 0
2014-09-06 Steve HolmeRELEASE-NOTES: Synced with fd1ce3856a
2014-09-05 Vilmos Nebehajdarwinssl: Use CopyCertSubject() to check CA cert.
2014-09-04 Steve HolmeRELEASE-NOTES: Clarify email Kerberos support is curren...
2014-09-04 Daniel StenbergMAIL-ETIQUETTE: "1.8 I posted, now what?"
2014-09-03 Daniel StenbergCURLOPT_CA*: better refering between *CAINFO and *CAPATH
2014-09-03 Daniel StenbergTHANKS: added Dennis Clarke
2014-09-02 Daniel Stenbergcurl_multi_cleanup: remove superfluous NULL assigns
2014-09-02 Daniel Stenbergmulti: convert CURLM_STATE_CONNECT_PEND handling to...
2014-09-01 Daniel StenbergRELEASE-NOTES: synced with e608324f9f9
2014-09-01 Andre Heineckepolarssl: implement CURLOPT_SSLVERSION
2014-09-01 nickzmanMerge pull request #115 from ldx/darwinsslfixpr
2014-08-31 Vilmos NebehajCheck CA certificate in curl_darwinssl.c.
2014-08-31 Daniel Stenberglow-speed-limit: avoid timeout flood
2014-08-31 Michael Wallnerresolve: cache lookup for async resolvers
2014-08-30 Vilmos NebehajFix CA certificate bundle handling in darwinssl.
2014-08-29 Askar Safingetinfo-times: Typo fixed
2014-08-29 Askar Safinlibcurl.3: Typo fixed
2014-08-29 Daniel Stenbergcurl_formadd.3: setting CURLFORM_CONTENTSLENGTH 0 zero...
2014-08-29 Daniel Stenbergcurl.1: add an example for -H
2014-08-28 Daniel StenbergFAQ: mention -w in the 4.20 answer as well
2014-08-28 Daniel StenbergFAQ: 4.20 curl doesn't return error for HTTP non-200...
2014-08-27 Daniel StenbergCURLOPT_NOBODY.3: clarify this option is for downloads
2014-08-26 Daniel StenbergINTERNALS: nghttp2 must be 0.6.0 or later
2014-08-26 Tatsuhiro TsujikawaCompile with latest nghttp2
2014-08-25 Dan FandrichTHANKS: removed a few more duplicates
2014-08-25 Daniel StenbergRELEASE-NOTES: synced with 007242257683a
2014-08-25 Daniel StenbergTHANKS: added 52 missing contributors
2014-08-25 Daniel Stenbergcontributors: grep and sort case insensitively
2014-08-25 Michael Add support for recent GSS-API implementa...
2014-08-25 Daniel StenbergCONNECT: close proxy connections that fail to CONNECT
2014-08-25 Daniel StenbergRELEASE-NOTES: added two missing HTTP/2 bug fixes
2014-08-25 Daniel StenbergRELEASE-NOTES: synced with f646e9075f47
2014-08-25 Jakub ZakrzewskiCmake: Possibility to use OpenLDAP, OpenSSL, LibSSH2...
2014-08-25 Jakub ZakrzewskiCmake: Removed repeated content from ending blocks
2014-08-25 Jakub ZakrzewskiCmake: Removed some useless empty SET statements.
2014-08-25 Jakub ZakrzewskiCmake: Removed useless comments from CMakeLists.txt
2014-08-25 Jakub ZakrzewskiCmake: Don't check for all headers each time
2014-08-25 Jakub ZakrzewskiCmake: Append OpenSSL include directory to search path
2014-08-25 Jakub ZakrzewskiCmake: Search for liblber, LDAP SSL headers, swith...
2014-08-25 Jakub ZakrzewskiCmake: LibSSH2 detection and use.
2014-08-25 Jakub ZakrzewskiCmake: Moved macros out of the main CMakeLists.txt
2014-08-25 Jakub ZakrzewskiCmake: Added missing protocol-disable switches
2014-08-25 Jakub ZakrzewskiCmake: Made boolean defines be defined to "1" instead...