2022-04-17 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.4772: old Coverity warning for not checking... v8.2.4772
2022-04-17 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.4771: Coverity warns for not checking return... v8.2.4771
2022-04-17 Yegappan Lakshmananpatch 8.2.4770: cannot easily mix expression and heredoc v8.2.4770
2022-04-17 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.4769: build warning with UCRT v8.2.4769
2022-04-16 Philip Hpatch 8.2.4768: CI: codecov upload sometimes does not... v8.2.4768
2022-04-16 salkin-madapatch 8.2.4767: openscad files are not recognized v8.2.4767
2022-04-16 KnoP-01patch 8.2.4766: KRL files using "deffct" not recognized v8.2.4766
2022-04-16 Yegappan Lakshmananpatch 8.2.4765: function matchfuzzy() sorts too many... v8.2.4765
2022-04-16 Philip Hpatch 8.2.4764: CI uses an older gcc version v8.2.4764
2022-04-16 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.4763: using invalid pointer with "V:" in... v8.2.4763
2022-04-16 zeertzjqpatch 8.2.4762: using freed memory using synstack(... v8.2.4762
2022-04-16 Yegappan Lakshmananpatch 8.2.4761: documentation for using LSP messages... v8.2.4761
2022-04-16 Yasuhiro Matsumotopatch 8.2.4760: using matchfuzzy() on a long list can... v8.2.4760
2022-04-16 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.4759: CurSearch highlight does not work for... v8.2.4759
2022-04-16 Yegappan Lakshmananpatch 8.2.4758: when using an LSP channel want to get... v8.2.4758
2022-04-16 Philip Hpatch 8.2.4757: list of libraries to suppress lsan... v8.2.4757
2022-04-15 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.4756: build error without the +eval feature v8.2.4756
2022-04-15 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.4755: cannot use <SID>FuncRef in completion... v8.2.4755
2022-04-15 LemonBoypatch 8.2.4754: using cached values after unsetting... v8.2.4754
2022-04-15 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.4753: error from setting an option is silentl... v8.2.4753
2022-04-15 zeertzjqpatch 8.2.4752: wrong 'statusline' value can cause... v8.2.4752
2022-04-14 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.4751: mapping <SID>name.Func does not work... v8.2.4751
2022-04-14 =?UTF-8?q?Dundar... patch 8.2.4750: small pieces of dead code v8.2.4750
2022-04-14 LemonBoypatch 8.2.4749: <script> is not expanded in autocmd... v8.2.4749
2022-04-14 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.4748: cannot use an imported function in... v8.2.4748
2022-04-13 KnoP-01patch 8.2.4747: no filetype override for .sys files v8.2.4747
2022-04-13 ranjithshegdepatch 8.2.4746: supercollider filetype not recognized v8.2.4746
2022-04-13 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.4745: using wrong flag for using bell in... v8.2.4745
2022-04-13 LemonBoypatch 8.2.4744: a terminal window can't use the bell v8.2.4744
2022-04-12 Philip Hpatch 8.2.4743: clang 14 is available on CI v8.2.4743
2022-04-12 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.4742: there is no way to start logging very... v8.2.4742
2022-04-12 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.4741: startup test fails v8.2.4741
2022-04-12 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.4740: when expand() fails there is no error... v8.2.4740
2022-04-12 zeertzjqpatch 8.2.4739: accessing freed memory after WinScrolle... v8.2.4739
2022-04-11 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.4738: Esc on commandline executes command... v8.2.4738
2022-04-11 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.4737: // in JavaScript string recognized... v8.2.4737
2022-04-11 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.4736: build problem for Cygwin with Motif v8.2.4736
2022-04-11 Yegappan Lakshmananpatch 8.2.4735: quickfix tests can be a bit hard to... v8.2.4735
2022-04-11 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.4734: getcharpos() may change a mark position v8.2.4734
2022-04-11 Aaron Tiniopatch 8.2.4733: HEEx and Surface do need a separate... v8.2.4733
2022-04-10 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.4732: duplicate code to free fuzzy matches v8.2.4732
2022-04-10 LemonBoypatch 8.2.4731: the changelist index is not remembered... v8.2.4731
2022-04-10 Yasuhiro Matsumotopatch 8.2.4730: MS-Windows GUI: cannot use CTRL-/ v8.2.4730
2022-04-10 Aaron Tiniopatch 8.2.4729: HEEx and Surface templates do not need... v8.2.4729
2022-04-10 zeertzjqpatch 8.2.4728: no test that v:event cannot be modified v8.2.4728
2022-04-10 Dominique Pellepatch 8.2.4727: unused code v8.2.4727
2022-04-09 LemonBoypatch 8.2.4726: cannot use expand() to get the script... v8.2.4726
2022-04-09 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.4725: unused variable in tiny build v8.2.4725
2022-04-09 LemonBoypatch 8.2.4724: current instance of last search pattern... v8.2.4724
2022-04-09 LemonBoypatch 8.2.4723: the ModeChanged autocmd event is ineffi... v8.2.4723
2022-04-09 zeertzjqpatch 8.2.4722: ending recording with mapping records... v8.2.4722
2022-04-09 =?UTF-8?q?Dundar... patch 8.2.4721: cooklang files are not recognized v8.2.4721
2022-04-09 KnoP-01patch 8.2.4720: ABB Rapid files are not recognized...
2022-04-09 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.0003: Build file dependencies are incomplete v8.2.4720
2022-04-09 Christian Brabandtpatch 8.2.4719: ">" marker sometimes not displayed... v8.2.4719
2022-04-09 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.4718: @@@ in the last line sometimes drawn... v8.2.4718
2022-04-09 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.4717: for TextYankPost v:event does not conta... v8.2.4717
2022-04-09 Yegappan Lakshmananpatch 8.2.4716: memory allocation failure not tested... v8.2.4716
2022-04-08 Julien Voisinpatch 8.2.4715: Vagrantfile not recognized v8.2.4715
2022-04-08 Bram MoolenaarUpdate runtime files
2022-04-08 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.4714: using g:filetype_dat and g:filetype_src... v8.2.4714
2022-04-08 LemonBoypatch 8.2.4713: plugins cannot track text scrolling v8.2.4713
2022-04-08 Yegappan Lakshmananpatch 8.2.4712: only get profiling information after... v8.2.4712
2022-04-08 zeertzjqpatch 8.2.4711: when 'insermode' is set :edit from... v8.2.4711
2022-04-07 Christian Brabandtpatch 8.2.4710: smart indenting does not work after... v8.2.4710
2022-04-07 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.4709: after :redraw the statusline highlight... v8.2.4709
2022-04-07 Julien Voisinpatch 8.2.4708: PHP test files are not recognized v8.2.4708
2022-04-07 zeertzjqpatch 8.2.4707: redrawing could be a bit more efficient v8.2.4707
2022-04-07 zeertzjqpatch 8.2.4706: buffer remains active with WinClosed... v8.2.4706
2022-04-07 zeertzjqpatch 8.2.4705: jump list marker disappears v8.2.4705
2022-04-07 =?UTF-8?q?Dundar... patch 8.2.4704: using "else" after return or break... v8.2.4704
2022-04-07 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.4703: memory leak in handling 'cinscopedecls' v8.2.4703
2022-04-07 Tom Praschanpatch 8.2.4702: C++ scope labels are hard-coded v8.2.4702
2022-04-06 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.4701: Kuka Robot Language files not recognized v8.2.4701
2022-04-06 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.4700: buffer remains active if WinClosed... v8.2.4700
2022-04-05 LemonBoypatch 8.2.4699: hard to reproduce hang when reading... v8.2.4699
2022-04-05 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.4698: Vim9: script variable has no flag that... v8.2.4698
2022-04-05 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.4697: Vim9: crash when adding a duplicate... v8.2.4697
2022-04-05 zeertzjqpatch 8.2.4696: delete() with "rf" argument does not... v8.2.4696
2022-04-05 LemonBoypatch 8.2.4695: JSON encoding could be faster v8.2.4695
2022-04-05 ichizokpatch 8.2.4694: avoidance of #elif causes more preproc... v8.2.4694
2022-04-05 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.4693: new regexp does not accept pattern... v8.2.4693
2022-04-05 zeertzjqpatch 8.2.4692: no test for what 8.2.4691 fixes v8.2.4692
2022-04-04 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.4691: solution for <Cmd> in a mapping causes... v8.2.4691
2022-04-04 LemonBoypatch 8.2.4690: channel tests fail on MS-Windows v8.2.4690
2022-04-04 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.4689: using <Cmd> in a mapping does not work... v8.2.4689
2022-04-04 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.4688: new regexp engine does not give an... v8.2.4688
2022-04-04 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.4687: "vimgrep /\%v/ *" may cause a crash v8.2.4687
2022-04-04 Kelvin Leepatch 8.2.4686: configure doesn't find the Motif librar... v8.2.4686
2022-04-04 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.4685: when a swap file is found for a popup... v8.2.4685
2022-04-04 LemonBoypatch 8.2.4684: cannot open a channel on a Unix domain... v8.2.4684
2022-04-04 Yegappan Lakshmananpatch 8.2.4683: verbose check with dict_find() to see... v8.2.4683
2022-04-04 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.4682: Vim9: can use :unlockvar for const... v8.2.4682
2022-04-03 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.4681: build fails with a combination of features v8.2.4681
2022-04-03 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.4680: build failure without +postscript v8.2.4680
2022-04-03 Yegappan Lakshmananpatch 8.2.4679: cannot have expandcmd() give an error... v8.2.4679
2022-04-03 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.4678: Vim9: not all code is tested v8.2.4678
2022-04-03 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.4677: the Athena GUI support is outdated v8.2.4677
2022-04-03 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.4676: test fails with different error v8.2.4676
2022-04-03 Bram Moolenaarpatch 8.2.4675: no error for missing expression after... v8.2.4675