]> granicus.if.org Git - handbrake/shortlog
2014-02-01 randomengyInterop: Various fixes/features
2014-01-31 jstebbinslibhb: fix crashes with some BDs
2014-01-29 jstebbinscontrib: update dependency list of libbluray to include...
2014-01-28 jstebbinsFix the order of libraries when linking HandBrakeCLI
2014-01-28 RodeoBump libbluray to version 0.5.0.
2014-01-27 jstebbinsbuild: add parsing of version info from version.txt...
2014-01-27 RodeoBump libdvdread and libdvdnav to the current git master...
2014-01-27 jstebbinsLinGui: UI layout changes
2014-01-27 RodeoSwitch to VideoLAN's repositories for libdvdread and...
2014-01-26 jstebbinsReplace invaled timestamp flag "-1" with AV_NOPTS
2014-01-26 Rodeolibhb: support AV_FRAME_DATA_MATRIXENCODING side data.
2014-01-26 jstebbinslibhb: fix compiler warning
2014-01-26 jstebbinslibhb: fix missing format specifier in printf
2014-01-26 Rodeodecavcodec: DRC support, forgotten file.
2014-01-25 Rodeolibhb: set audio description in LookForAudio (scan.c).
2014-01-25 Rodeodecavcodec: DRC support.
2014-01-25 Rodeodecavcodec: prefer AVFrame fields over their AVCodecCon...
2014-01-25 RodeoBump libav to v10_alpha2.
2014-01-25 jstebbinsdocumentation: fix compatibility with makeinfo 5.1
2014-01-25 sr55WinGui: Tidy up a few cosmetic issues and enable the...
2014-01-24 jstebbinsCLI: fix compiler warning
2014-01-24 jstebbinslibhb: fix double free in decavcodec during scan
2014-01-21 sr55WinGui: Make the Preset Plist importer a bit more robus...
2014-01-20 jstebbinsLinGui: fix some trailing white space
2014-01-20 jstebbinsLinGui: fix more damage caused by glade
2014-01-19 RodeoMacGui: fixy a crash when opening an external SRT file.
2014-01-19 sr55WinGui: Few minor UI tweaks.
2014-01-18 jstebbinsLinGui: fix problem with un-editable GtkEntry fields
2014-01-17 RodeoQSV: update libmfx to v2014.
2014-01-16 jstebbinsLinGui: fix deprecated GtkTable, GtkHBox, GtkVBox,...
2014-01-16 jstebbinsLinGui: update ubuntu 12.04 build to gtk-3
2014-01-16 jstebbinsLinGui: update linux build instructions
2014-01-16 jstebbinsLinGui: fix formatting of icon lists in UI xml
2014-01-15 jstebbinsLinGui: fix incompatibility with older versions of gtk
2014-01-15 RodeoRemove some leftovers from the mpeg2dec contrib removal.
2014-01-15 Rodeostream: fix a crash caused by assigning an audio work...
2014-01-15 jstebbinsLinGui: fix deprecation of GtkAction and GtkUIManager
2014-01-15 Rodeodecavcodec: only allow in-decoder downmix if it matches...
2014-01-14 jstebbinsLinGui: fix deprecated g_type_init()
2014-01-14 jstebbinsLinGui: fix deprecated gtk_widget_get_style()
2014-01-14 jstebbinsLinGui: Fix deprecated GtkHScale
2014-01-14 jstebbinsLinGui: fix deprecated gtk_widget_modify_font
2014-01-14 jstebbinsLinGui: fix deprecated GTK_STOCK_*
2014-01-14 jstebbinsLinGui: fix some deprications in gtk 3.10
2014-01-13 jstebbinsremove contrib mpeg2dec
2014-01-12 RodeoRevert previous commit, sorry.
2014-01-12 RodeoQSV: add an option to select the preferred implementati...
2014-01-12 RodeoQSV: base the B-pyramid check on the presence of B...
2014-01-12 jstebbinsbump libav, libav-v10_alpha1-90-g63debaa
2014-01-08 Rodeomuxavformat: don't overwrite the last track's parameter...
2014-01-07 RodeoCLI: use proper system headers.
2014-01-07 Rodeoparsecsv: always check result of malloc()
2014-01-07 RodeoRevert previous borked commit. Sorry!
2014-01-07 Rodeoparsecsv: always check result of malloc()
2014-01-07 Rodeoencoders: save chapter markers in a list.
2014-01-07 Rodeolibhb: don't forget to delete chapter markers after...
2014-01-06 jstebbinslibhb: use av_pix_fmt_desc_get
2014-01-02 sr55WinGui: Fix a number of styles that were not obeying...
2014-01-02 sr55WinGui: cleanup some warnings.
2014-01-02 Rodeoqsv: log occurrences of invalid DTS (i.e. DTS > PTS...
2014-01-02 Rodeoqsv: add some frame type helper functions.
2014-01-02 Rodeomuxavformat: print the actual error name, rather than...
2014-01-02 sr55WinGui: Fix a crash when updating the status display.
2013-12-29 jstebbinslibhb: fix green line in deinterlace preview and fast...
2013-12-29 sr55WinGui: Move a bunch of strings out to the resources...
2013-12-29 sr55WinGui: Improved an Add All Error message in relation...
2013-12-29 sr55WinGui: Fix a few bugs:
2013-12-29 sr55Print the av_interleaved_write_frame error code in...
2013-12-27 Rodeoports: detect more Intel microarchitecture families.
2013-12-26 sr55WinGui: Some more minor tweaks to the new source menu...
2013-12-22 sr55WinGui: Tags/Spaces tidyup
2013-12-22 sr55WinGui: Add support for passing through chapter names.
2013-12-21 sr55WinGui: Attempt to make the new source selection window...
2013-12-21 sr55Turn of Anamorphic on the Windows Phone 8 preset for...
2013-12-21 sr55Tidyup / Updates to Doc files
2013-12-21 sr55Remove Anamorphic from Windows Phone preset since these...
2013-12-21 sr55Remove libfaac from the credits file as it is no longer...
2013-12-16 jstebbinsLinGui: add Czech translation
2013-12-15 RodeoQSV: avoid a hang when GopRefDist 0 is requested by...
2013-12-15 RodeoQSV: check whether b_pyramid is respected in the non...
2013-12-15 RodeoQSV: don't print BPyramid value when it's not supported...
2013-12-14 RodeoCLI: sanity-check muxer compatibility for video and...
2013-12-12 sr55Fix a Segfault (attempt 2) where the job struct is...
2013-12-11 sr55Fix a Segfault where the job struct is used after it...
2013-12-11 RodeoOpenCL: disable on Ivy Bridge integrated GPUs.
2013-12-10 Rodeobuild: fix building with MinGW.
2013-12-07 sr55WinGui: Remove needless QSV checkbox to enable QSV...
2013-12-07 sr55WinGui: Remove support for Growl. This library has...
2013-12-06 sr55WinGui: Some further work in the background on the...
2013-12-05 Rodeostream: don't treat attached artwork as valid video...
2013-12-05 Rodeosync: fix previous commit.
2013-12-05 Rodeosync: find the AAC encoder by name.
2013-12-05 Rodeosync: use "drop video to sync" fallback also when audio...
2013-12-05 Rodeocontrib: fix deprecated GCC compiler options.
2013-12-05 Rodeolibbluray: fix forgotten patch after last commit.
2013-12-05 RodeoBuild: use GNU99 mode.
2013-12-05 Rodeocontrib/mpeg2dec: fix line breaks in gwluserdata patch.
2013-12-05 RodeoQSV: update libhb presets to match a more recent recomm...
2013-12-03 ritsukaMacGUI: Release the cached images when the preview...
2013-12-02 jstebbinslibhb: remove use of avpicture_deinterlace