]> granicus.if.org Git - php/shortlog
2001-04-04 Frank M. KromannAdding empty RSHUTDOWN function.
2001-04-04 foobarKilled 2 compile warnings.
2001-04-04 Andi Gutmans- Fix race condition in ts_free_thread().
2001-04-04 Andi Gutmans- Use tabs and not spaces !!!
2001-04-04 Andi Gutmans- This can explain lots of instability on multi-threade...
2001-04-04 Jason GreeneThis is a temporary fix to the previous patch that...
2001-04-04 <changelog... ChangeLog update
2001-04-04 foobarCookies use ; as argument separator.
2001-04-04 foobarCleaned up a bit. Removed some checks for header files...
2001-04-03 Wilfredo SanchezSeparate CPPFLAGS from CFLAGS.
2001-04-03 Wilfredo SanchezNote INSTALL_ROOT change
2001-04-03 Daniel Beulshausenuse V_STAT
2001-04-03 Daniel Beulshausenresolve realpath if in v-dir mode
2001-04-03 Wilfredo SanchezUndo oopsie
2001-04-03 Wilfredo SanchezAdd INSTALL_ROOT variable to specify install location.
2001-04-03 Wilfredo SanchezFind libtool if it's called glibtool.
2001-04-03 Frank M. KromannFixing crash when listing databsaes
2001-04-03 foobarSCO (and maybe others) do not have this defined.
2001-04-03 Jon PariseCleaner (and probably safer) condition handling.
2001-04-03 <changelog... ChangeLog update
2001-04-02 Wez Furlongchanged the flags parameters to be a bitfield + constan...
2001-04-02 Anil MadhavapeddyFree the correct output buffer, to avoid a segfault...
2001-04-02 James Mooreremove rogue ZEND_GET_MODULE()
2001-04-02 Nick GorhamAdded small change to php_odbc module, to check for...
2001-04-02 Andrei ZmievskiUse correct string length.
2001-04-02 foobarFixed a typo. Bug: #10103
2001-04-02 Marc BoerenInserted a few extra initialisations, just in case...
2001-04-02 Wez Furlongadded some more error reporting and did a little tidying.
2001-04-02 <changelog... ChangeLog update
2001-04-01 Wez FurlongAdded whole bunch of PKCS7 (S/MIME) functions and made...
2001-04-01 Sebastian BergmannFixed some glitches in NEWS. (Yes, you may call me...
2001-04-01 foobarAccording to GD documentation the macros should be...
2001-04-01 foobarFixed bug #10095.
2001-04-01 foobarFixed bug #8137 and killed some compile warnings.
2001-04-01 <changelog... ChangeLog update
2001-03-31 Zeev SuraskiFix headers handling with output buffering
2001-03-31 <changelog... ChangeLog update
2001-03-30 Fredrik ÖhrnImplemented cpdf_set_viewer_preferences (previously...
2001-03-30 Anil MadhavapeddySend the correct Vary headers, if we negotiate a gzip...
2001-03-30 Sascha SchumannReplace the incomprehensible newline escaping with...
2001-03-30 Ulf Wendel- Renamed the file following Thies suggestion
2001-03-30 <changelog... ChangeLog update
2001-03-29 Ulf Wendel- uuups, modified the package.dtd, undo
2001-03-29 Ulf Wendel- Added a package xml file for IT[X] templates
2001-03-29 Chuck HagenbuchFix a couple of warnings when calling PEAR::raiseError...
2001-03-29 Ulf Wendel- package XML for the Cache
2001-03-29 James MooreOutput php version at end of tests.
2001-03-29 Wez FurlongFixed leak in php_iconv_string. Also returns FAILURE...
2001-03-29 <changelog... ChangeLog update
2001-03-29 foobarFixed bug: #10040.
2001-03-28 Tomas V.V.Coxpgsql.php
2001-03-28 foobarMake file() work again.
2001-03-28 André Langhorstfix typo
2001-03-28 André Langhorstfix proto
2001-03-28 Ulf WendelAdded a simple usage example
2001-03-28 Zeev SuraskiFix warning
2001-03-28 Zeev SuraskiMake Windows happy
2001-03-28 Zeev SuraskiGet rid of more redundant code
2001-03-28 Zeev SuraskiCleaner way of making sure resources start at 1 and...
2001-03-28 Zeev SuraskiRemove redundant code
2001-03-28 <changelog... ChangeLog update
2001-03-27 foobarRenamed the AC_ prefixed macros defined in acinclude...
2001-03-27 Derick Rethans- 'Fix' for bug 10002
2001-03-27 Zeev SuraskiGod knows what this code was doing...
2001-03-27 Dan KalowskyThe last fix was missing a &, Marc Boeren either made...
2001-03-27 Ben MansellChanged header handling; before, we were somehow losing
2001-03-27 Thies C. Arntzenfixed newly introduced crash in ora_bind
2001-03-27 Dan KalowskyFix for Bug #9272, as submitted by marc boeren (m.boere...
2001-03-27 foobarFix the arg_separator behaviour. Only & or ; is allowed...
2001-03-27 <changelog... ChangeLog update
2001-03-26 Tomas V.V.Coxpgsql.php
2001-03-26 foobarFixed a typo.
2001-03-26 foobarFixed the problem with libbind (again).
2001-03-26 Andrei ZmievskiUpdated get_class_methods() to take class instance...
2001-03-26 Andrei ZmievskiMore news.
2001-03-26 Sebastian BergmannNitpicking.
2001-03-26 Andrei ZmievskiMaking it possible to pass a class name to get_parent_c...
2001-03-26 Andrei ZmievskiZend related news update.
2001-03-26 Sterling HughesRemove FUNCTION_LIST.txt, the file is sadly out of...
2001-03-26 foobarSupport Solaris 8 ldap.
2001-03-26 Marc BoerenRemoved #include php_config.h, since it was not necessa...
2001-03-26 Romolo Manfredinipg_close was undefining default_conn even if a ref...
2001-03-26 <changelog... ChangeLog update
2001-03-25 <changelog... ChangeLog update
2001-03-24 Jon PariseInstall the Informix database implementation.
2001-03-24 Sebastian BergmannAdded missing files.
2001-03-24 Sebastian BergmannAdded php_dbx.dll.
2001-03-24 Romolo ManfrediniSolved bugs #9746 and #9937, pg_close was closing twice...
2001-03-24 Stig Bakken* added Christian Stocker's tableInfo() implementation
2001-03-24 <changelog... ChangeLog update
2001-03-24 Sascha SchumannFix ZTS build
2001-03-23 Marc BoerenFixed compile errors for PostgreSQL support (Mc)
2001-03-23 Andrei ZmievskiFixing function name length.
2001-03-23 Andrei ZmievskiWrap lines.
2001-03-23 Rui Hirokawachanged license of PostgreSQL module in ext/dbx.
2001-03-23 Rui Hirokawaadded initial support for PostgreSQL to ext/dbx.
2001-03-23 Marc BoerenChanged header for source files, now point to PHP licen...
2001-03-23 Romolo ManfrediniAdded target ownership check in function copy for safe_...
2001-03-23 Daniel Beulshausenupdate news
2001-03-23 Daniel Beulshausensupport unc style paths