]> granicus.if.org Git - php/shortlog
2002-06-28 foobar- Fix annoying redefine warning..
2002-06-28 foobar- Fix bug: #17671
2002-06-28 Derick Rethans- Fix for bug #18039
2002-06-28 Derick RethansUnify error messages
2002-06-28 foobar- Fixed bug: #17977, session build as shared works...
2002-06-28 <changelog... ChangeLog update
2002-06-27 foobarFix bug: #18008
2002-06-27 foobarConsistency fix.
2002-06-27 foobar- Fixed bug: #15595 (and possibly others too)
2002-06-27 Sander RoobolUpdate configure line in phpinfo() after re-running...
2002-06-27 Derick RethansUnify error messages
2002-06-27 Derick RethansUnify error messages
2002-06-27 Derick Rethans- Remove \n
2002-06-27 foobar- Cleaning up the mess..these are NOT zvals.
2002-06-27 <changelog... ChangeLog update
2002-06-26 foobar- Fixed bug: #17999
2002-06-26 Anil Madhavapeddyuse LIBNAME consistently. Useful on systems like OpenB...
2002-06-26 Anil Madhavapeddythe ncurses_getch() is in the wrong place and never...
2002-06-26 foobarBetter not pollute the EXTRA_LIBS with libpaths.
2002-06-26 Marcus Boerger-xbuf_resize does not need to have return value
2002-06-26 Derick Rethans- Implement Andrei's request for disabling memory leak...
2002-06-26 Derick Rethans- And the SAPI too
2002-06-26 Derick Rethans- Update credits
2002-06-26 Derick Rethans- Update TODO
2002-06-26 Derick Rethans- Nuke some TSRMLS_FETCHes
2002-06-26 foobarsilence the warning when glibtool is not found..
2002-06-26 Derick Rethans- Fix build
2002-06-26 Derick Rethans- Let make clean follow symlinks (tested on Linux,...
2002-06-26 Andi Gutmans- Autoloading support based on patch from Ivan Ristic.
2002-06-26 Andi Gutmans- Centralize global class fetch
2002-06-26 Derick Rethans- Fix typo
2002-06-26 Andi Gutmans- Fix problem with scope's not changing correctly durin...
2002-06-26 Derick Rethans- Unify error messages
2002-06-26 Derick RethansUnify error messages
2002-06-26 Derick RethansUnify error messages
2002-06-26 Sascha SchumannPrefer glibtool over libtool for Mac OS X compatibility
2002-06-26 Derick RethansUnify error messages
2002-06-26 Derick RethansUnify error messages
2002-06-26 Derick RethansUnify error messages
2002-06-26 Sascha SchumannFix code which makes wrong assumptions about the return...
2002-06-26 Derick RethansUnify error messages
2002-06-26 Andi Gutmans- No idea why this wasn't crashing before.
2002-06-26 Derick RethansUnify error messages
2002-06-26 Derick Rethans- Unify error messages
2002-06-26 <changelog... ChangeLog update
2002-06-25 Marcus Boergermap imageellipse to imagearc if missing
2002-06-25 Marcus Boergerbits/channels for gif
2002-06-25 Tomas V.V.Coxchange the include_path setting to be in the php space...
2002-06-25 Christian Stockershould compile on windows again
2002-06-25 Christian Stockerinclude libxml/parserInternals.h
2002-06-25 Marcus Boergerimageellipse is removed in 2.01
2002-06-25 Derick Rethans- Update NEWS
2002-06-25 Markus Fischer- Fix proto.
2002-06-25 <changelog... NEWS update
2002-06-25 <changelog... ChangeLog update
2002-06-24 foobarMinor cleanup.
2002-06-24 Marcus Boergermodified test3 (old one had a warning)
2002-06-24 Marcus Boergermissing return value
2002-06-24 Marcus Boergercleanup
2002-06-24 Andi Gutmans- MFZE1 (Turn off fast cache until we make sure it...
2002-06-24 Marcus Boergerregister IMAGETYPE_<xxx> constants in image.c as they...
2002-06-24 Derick Rethans- Make functions not exist when they are not available...
2002-06-24 Marko KarppinenRevert to php_4_2_1 to get sablotron working again.
2002-06-24 Marcus Boerger@GetImageSize now allways set fields unknown to 0 and...
2002-06-24 Andi Gutmans- More fixes (warnings, bug fixes etc.)
2002-06-24 Christian Stockeradded some points to the todo list
2002-06-24 Andi Gutmans- Revert patch which checks at run-time if you're allow...
2002-06-24 Andi Gutmans- Fix crash bug and clean up a bit.
2002-06-24 Sebastian BergmannIMHO, ZTS should no longer be labeled experimental.
2002-06-24 Rasmus Lerdorf@ Add runtime Apache2 thread check to ensure we don...
2002-06-24 Martin Jansen* Rephrase help text.
2002-06-24 Rasmus Lerdorf@ Turn off ZTS if Apache2 is using the prefork MPM...
2002-06-24 foobar- gethostname() is found in glibc (at least on Linux...
2002-06-24 Andi Gutmans- MFZE1
2002-06-24 Andi Gutmans- Don't use cache if we're using ZEND_MM
2002-06-24 Andi Gutmans- Hardcode alignment to 8. We might need a configure...
2002-06-24 Andi Gutmans- Improve memory manager to allocate small blocks quickly.
2002-06-24 foobarFixed PHP_ADD_LIBRARY_DEFER_WITH_PATH to work with...
2002-06-24 foobarNo need to have multiple AC_CHECK_FUNCS calls
2002-06-24 Andi Gutmans- Don't keep allocated blocks in a linked list if we...
2002-06-24 Andi Gutmans- MFZE1
2002-06-24 Sascha Schumanniterate through passed arguments
2002-06-24 <changelog... ChangeLog update
2002-06-23 Edin KadribasicAllow dynamically compiled extensions to use gettimeofd...
2002-06-23 Sterling Hughesstandardize a bit (we know its enabled :)
2002-06-23 Marcus Boergerexplain difference between sprintf, snprintf and spprintf
2002-06-23 Marcus Boerger#some sentences about the functions
2002-06-23 Marcus Boerger-freeing memory for pbuf=NULL
2002-06-23 Marcus Boerger-allow pbuf = NULL in case of NO MEMORY, too
2002-06-23 Marcus Boerger-allways terminate buffer
2002-06-23 James Coxsome people would prefer to be able to specify. So...
2002-06-23 James Coxchanging this to mv ZendEngine2 Zend instead of shell...
2002-06-23 Andi Gutmans- Fix problem with constructor not being inherited...
2002-06-23 Andi Gutmans- Fix small bug
2002-06-23 Andi Gutmans- Almost completely implement realloc(). It now resizes...
2002-06-23 Marcus Boerger-unlimited php_printf
2002-06-23 Marcus Boerger-imagetype2mimetype renamed to image_type_to_mime_type
2002-06-23 Marcus Boerger-new test for WinXP tags
2002-06-23 Marcus Boerger-fix test results
2002-06-23 Marcus Boerger-make it run again