2011-02-18 Mitchell Livingstonadd µTP to the Prefs window
2011-02-18 Mitchell Livingstonenable the utp flag when compiling on Mac in Release
2011-02-18 Mitchell Livingstonenable the utp flag when compiling on Mac
2011-02-18 Mitchell LivingstonMac build compiles again
2011-02-18 Jordan Lee(trunk libT) explicitly use the libevent2 header files...
2011-02-18 Jordan Lee(trunk libT) add stubs for UTP_Drained() and UTP_Write...
2011-02-18 Jordan Lee(trunk libT) add a stub for UTP_Close() s.t. peer-mgr...
2011-02-18 Jordan Leeadd configure script switch to enable/disable utp
2011-02-18 Juliusz ChroboczekResynchronise with libutp 2011-02-09 15:29:29.
2011-02-18 Juliusz ChroboczekReinstate a variable removed by r11810.
2011-02-18 Juliusz ChroboczekDon't attempt uTP connexions to peers learned from...
2011-02-18 Juliusz ChroboczekUse large kernel buffers for the UDP socket when uTP...
2011-02-18 Juliusz ChroboczekDon't call tr_utpClose in toggle_utp.
2011-02-18 Juliusz ChroboczekDon't mark atoms as non-uTP unless we failed to connect.
2011-02-18 Juliusz ChroboczekClear utp_failed flag upon seeing an announcement for...
2011-02-18 Juliusz ChroboczekTry uTP connections by default.
2011-02-18 Juliusz ChroboczekWhen failing to connect over uTP, fall back to TCP.
2011-02-18 Juliusz ChroboczekImplement atom->utp_failed and peerMgrSetUpFailed.
2011-02-18 Juliusz ChroboczekWhen uTP is disabled, don't call UTP_CheckTimeouts...
2011-02-18 Juliusz ChroboczekWhen uTP is enabled, open uTP connections to some peers.
2011-02-18 Juliusz ChroboczekFix typo.
2011-02-18 Jordan Leewhen sending PEX messages, unset the holepunch flag...
2011-02-18 Jordan Leeif we successfully finish a handshake using uTP, mark...
2011-02-18 Jordan Leesilence compiler warning
2011-02-18 Jordan Leecall UTP_RBDrained when our read buffer is empty
2011-02-18 Jordan Leeadd dbgmsg statements to peer-io's uTP code
2011-02-18 Jordan LeeuTP peers need tr_peerIoFlush() to work during the...
2011-02-18 Jordan Leeimplement bandwidth limiting for uploads to uTP peers
2011-02-18 Juliusz ChroboczekRemove more debugging messages.
2011-02-18 Juliusz ChroboczekCall didWriteWrapper in utp_on_write.
2011-02-18 Juliusz ChroboczekDon't propagate information about ut_holepunch over...
2011-02-18 Juliusz ChroboczekDon't use read_enabled in get_rb_size.
2011-02-18 Juliusz ChroboczekRevert "Maintain information about enabled/disabled...
2011-02-18 Juliusz ChroboczekRemove debugging messages.
2011-02-18 Juliusz ChroboczekImplement outgoing uTP connections.
2011-02-18 Juliusz ChroboczekExport uTP send_to callback.
2011-02-18 Juliusz ChroboczekFix peerIoReconnect for uTP sockets.
2011-02-18 Juliusz ChroboczekImplement pacing of reads.
2011-02-18 Juliusz ChroboczekMaintain information about enabled/disabled I/O.
2011-02-18 Juliusz ChroboczekSet the read buffer of UTP sockets to a well-defined...
2011-02-18 Juliusz ChroboczekCompute accurate overhead for uTP packets.
2011-02-18 Juliusz ChroboczekPush testig for UTP enabled further down.
2011-02-18 Juliusz ChroboczekFix typo.
2011-02-18 Jordan Leemake a note that we need to implement UTP_GetGlobalUTPB...
2011-02-18 Jordan Lee(trunk T) add preliminary enable/disable toggles in...
2011-02-18 Jordan Lee(trunk libT) add C and RPC API for getting/setting...
2011-02-18 Jordan Lee(trunk libT) silence compiler warnings
2011-02-18 Jordan Leeautomake/autoconf; #includes in libtransmission
2011-02-18 Jordan Leeimport libutp into third-party/ and plug it in to autoc...
2011-02-18 Juliusz ChroboczekPropagate uTP and ut_holepunch information over PEX.
2011-02-18 Juliusz ChroboczekUse dummy callbacks in peerIoReconnect.
2011-02-18 Juliusz ChroboczekTweak dummy callbacks.
2011-02-18 Juliusz ChroboczekDon't call UTP_Close multiple times.
2011-02-18 Juliusz Chroboczek(gtk) Add tooltip for uTP peers.
2011-02-18 Juliusz ChroboczekShutdown UTP socket on short write.
2011-02-18 Juliusz ChroboczekSchedule a uTP write in peerIoWriteBuf.
2011-02-18 Juliusz ChroboczekComplete the uTP callbacks.
2011-02-18 Juliusz ChroboczekAdd dummy UTP callbacks.
2011-02-18 Juliusz ChroboczekAdd assertions to libevent callbacks.
2011-02-18 Juliusz ChroboczekFirst pass at uTP callbacks.
2011-02-18 Juliusz ChroboczekUpdate tr-utp.c to be compatible with libevent2.
2011-02-18 Juliusz ChroboczekFix io_dtor for uTP sockets.
2011-02-18 Juliusz ChroboczekCheck for UTP timeouts every 50ms or so.
2011-02-18 Juliusz ChroboczekAccept UTP connexions.
2011-02-18 Juliusz ChroboczekModify peer-io to work with UTP sockets.
2011-02-18 Juliusz ChroboczekFix incorrect use of tr_timerAdd.
2011-02-18 Juliusz ChroboczekParticipate in UTP.
2011-02-17 Jordan Lee(trunk libT) #3767 "rarest first policy" -- disable...
2011-02-17 Jordan Lee(trunk libT) #3767 "rarest first policy" -- possible...
2011-02-17 Jordan Lee(trunk libT) #3767 "rarest first policy" -- remove...
2011-02-17 Jordan Lee(trunk libT) #3767 "rarest first policy" -- fixed.
2011-02-17 Jordan Lee(trunk) #4032 "Better error detection / reporting in...
2011-02-15 Jordan Leerevert r11894
2011-02-15 Jordan Lee(trunk dht) apply patch from jch to increase the number...
2011-02-15 Juliusz ChroboczekMake the initial DHT bootstrap more persistent.
2011-02-15 Jordan Lee(trunk libT) #3656 "endgame could be faster" -- fixed...
2011-02-15 Jordan Lee(trunk gtk) #3866 "popup menu for file list manipulatio...
2011-02-15 Jordan Lee(trunk) make tr_torrentName() a public function.
2011-02-13 Mitchell Livingstonadjust the spacing between the "Add" and "Cancel" butto...
2011-02-13 Jordan Lee(trunk libT) #4016 "blocklists don't handle overlapping...
2011-02-13 Jordan Lee(trunk) #4022 "please update .gitignore" -- done.
2011-02-13 Mitchell Livingstonrename "Clear Completed" to "Cleanup Completed"
2011-02-13 Mitchell Livingstonremove selected transfers when removing completed trans...
2011-02-13 Mitchell LivingstonAdd option to remove completed transfers
2011-02-12 Jordan Lee(trunk gtk) #4012 "Cannot set individual seeding time...
2011-02-12 Jordan Lee(trunk libT) rename "tr_ip_range" as "tr_ipv4_range...
2011-02-12 Jordan Lee(trunk) #4019 "Minor patch, kill useless casts in trans...
2011-02-12 Mitchell Livingstonpixel adjustment to the tracker add/remove button
2011-02-12 Mitchell Livingstonchange the add/remove tracker buttons in the inspector...
2011-02-12 Mitchell Livingstonadjust the pop up button style in the the inspector...
2011-02-12 Mitchell Livingstonincrease the width of the bandwidth limit fields in...
2011-02-12 Mitchell Livingstoncenter the "No Torrents Selected" in the inspector
2011-02-12 Mitchell Livingstoninspector: update the displayed global seeding settings...
2011-02-12 Mitchell Livingston#4017 display the global seeding settings in the inspector
2011-02-12 Mitchell Livingstonfix a warning
2011-02-11 Mitchell Livingstonfix a crash with the URL window, and memory leak with...
2011-02-11 Mitchell Livingstonmake the buttons in the URL window localizable
2011-02-10 Mitchell Livingstonremember the URL sheet window size
2011-02-10 Mitchell Livingstonenable the URL sheet's add button when shown if text...
2011-02-10 Mitchell Livingstonremember the text in the URL sheet